Nelis Duyzer

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“Engineering is magic, or at least the closest thing to magic that exists in the real world.”

Elon Musk
Nelis Duyzer

Petty Officer 2nd Class Nelis Duyzer (/'ni.lɪs 'daʊ.zɜɹ/; Dutch: /'ne.lɪs 'dœy.zəɹ/) is a Human currently serving on the USS Columbia as repair technician, and PNPC of Pholin. He was born on Tycho City, Luna in 2353. He grew up in the city, and would visit Earth to see some of his family occasionally. He enlisted in Starfleet at age 26 after several apprenticeships as an engineer on Earth and Luna. Before his posting on the Columbia he was posted on Denobula, where he met Pholin Duyzer, a scientist working for the DSA. Nelis had only recently discovered that he liked men, and found comfort in talking to Pholin. This eventually led to a relationship between the two, and marriage in 2385. On stardate 239512.27 he stepped on the shuttle for a long ride to the Sagittarius Reach for his new posting with his husband. He arrived on New Year's Day 2396, a somewhat crazy day.



Full Name Nelis Duyzer
Gender Male
Age 49 years old
Handedness Right-handed
Languages Dutch, Federation Standard, Denobulan
Nelis in his childhood home on Luna.


Species ¾ Terran, ¼ Tellarite (no visual resemblances)
Date of Birth 235301.19
Place of Birth Tycho City, Luna
Current Residence USS Columbia
Father Adriaan Duyzer, Terran, engineer (74)
Mother Nienke Lerggach-Duyzer, ½ Terran ½ Tellarite, writer (77)
Husband Pholin Duyzer, Starfleet officer (58)


Height 1.76 meters
Weight 75 kilograms
Build Normal
Hair Style Wild and short.



Positive Handy, good listener, loves debates, good humor.
Negative Introverted, quickly nervous, can complain about everything.


Likes Fixing things, taking walks, pets, holodecks, sailing.
Dislikes Shuttles, chocolate, being called a Terran, anything when he is in a bad mood.

Starfleet Career

Professional History

Academy-icon1.gif Starfleet Academy
Basic Engineering Recruit237902.11 - 237910.03
Miranda-icon1.gif USS Drake
Gamma Shift Conduit Technician Crewman, 3rd237910.03 - 238402.14
Conduit Technician Crewman, 2nd238402.14 - 238503.10
Ops-icon.gif Denobulan Science Base
Gamma Shift Technician Crewman, 2nd238503.10 - 238611.13
Beta Shift Technician Crewman, 2nd238611.13 - 238804.23
Technician Petty Officer, 3rd238804.23 - 239109.02
Blank-icon.gif CLASSIFIED
Damage Control Petty Officer, 2nd239109.02 - 239512.27
Nebula-icon1.gif USS Columbia (Under Theo Whittaker.)
Repair Technician Petty Officer, 2nd239601.01 - 240203.14

REV SD 239606.16
N. Duyzer
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Starfleet Career
About the Writer