The male Denobulan science officer aboard the USS Columbia.
The male Denobulan science officer aboard the USS Columbia.
The male human repair crewman aboard the USS Columbia.
The male human repair crewman aboard the USS Columbia.

Hiya! My name is Quinten, a Dutchman born and raised in the Hague. In my free time I like to do creative things in Photoshop, sail with friends in the summer, play some guitar, and I love to sit down and watch Netflix at the end of the day. At the age of eight (otherwise known as long ago) my parents started (re)watching Star Trek: Voyager. This got me into Star Trek immediately, and I have been watching and reading it ever since. In 2018, however, watching and reading still wasn't enough, I needed to be in the universe myself. Therefore, I joined the fleet on stardate 239509.12 and have been loving every minute of it so far. Currently, I play Pholin Duyzer, a male Denobulan science officer aboard the Columbia, as my primary character. In 2396, I also began playing for my first PNPC, Nelis Duyzer, a male Human (Dutchman!) repair technician aboard the Columbia. I'm also a member of the ASDB, the Image Collective and most recently the Community History Team. I also run the fleet's Instagram page, which makes me a part of the Publicity Team. You can find me on the discord, forums or email (my PC’s full name + if you want to get in touch! ❤

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