Dallas Zea

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Lieutenant Dallas Zea is a human officer of the Federation Starfleet specialized in personal and shipboard security operations. He currently serves as the dedicated security officer assigned to the USS Veritas's diplomatic officer, Niccolò del Vedova.

USS Veritas
STO Lieutenant Yellow.jpg
STO Blank Yellow.jpg
Dallas Zea
Position Diplomatic Security Officer
Rank Lieutenant
Species Human
Gender Male
DOB 235910.16
Age 42
Birthplace Tycho City, Luna


  • Height: 1.8 m (5'11")
  • Weight: 91 kg (200 lbs).
  • Hair Color: Gold
  • Length of Hair: Medium-short
  • Eye Colour: Blue
  • Skin Tone: Pale tan
  • Distinctive Markings: Facial scar


Zea trained in both security and tactical when he was at Starfleet Academy, with a minor in counseling. Upon graduating, he discovered that he preferred serving as a security officer because he enjoyed the greater depth of field experience. He still enjoys tactical operations, and his penchant for tactical thinking has given him an edge in the security ranks and led directly to his current assignment.

Recent Assignment History
Starfleet Academy
Academy.jpg Academy Student: 2382 - 2386
Major: Security
Minor: Tactical
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
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Ensign 238604-238802 Excelsior-icon2.gif
USS Soval
Security Officer
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Ensign 238802-238804 Miranda-icon1.gif
USS Anacaona
Security Officer
STO Lieutenant-JG Yellow.jpg
Lieutenant JG 238804-238912 Miranda-icon1.gif
USS Anacaona
Security Officer
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Lieutenant JG 238912-239205 Miranda-icon1.gif
USS Anacaona
Assistant Chief Security Officer
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Lieutenant 239205 - 239510 USS Yousafzai
USS Yousafzai
Chief of Security
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Lieutenant 239510 - present USS Veritas
USS Veritas
Diplomatic Security Officer