Origin of the Name
On the planet Turthis III, a synthetic composite material was created that is incredibly strong and when fashioned into a knife they are razor sharp. This material is darkest black in color with a dull, flat look and able to maintain their sharpness with very little maintenance. It is made from a single solid piece of metal and most members of the Black Talons organization own at least one of them. Most importantly the material does not register as any form of metallic substance making them very hard to detect on planets with lower technology.
The Kirata are the largest remaining criminal organization that has not been either absorbed into or destroyed by the Black Talons, a splinter organization of the Orion Syndicate that operates within the Shoals.
Current Status
At this time they operate in the Alpha Quadrant with the center of their operations being the Shoals. Their network extends across almost every settled world within this region and even technically into areas claimed by the Klingon Empire. In fact Federation Intelligence knows that they now have the strongest criminal presence within this region. Unfortunately they also believe that their is a very strong possibility of a mob war developing as various factions within the organization move to take control.
While considered to be completely independent most experts believe that this organization is basically a sub-division of the Orion Syndicate, operating with their full knowledge, co-operation and recognition.
Known Members
- Suravh Casee founded and created the organization but has vanished from sight.
- Orion Syndicate
- Black Daggers are a splinter group of the Orion Syndicate that operates independently of the parent organization. They normally can be found in and near the Trinity Sector of the Federation and Starbase 118.