H92o and his companion and friend the holographic cloths that he wears contains the fluidity at the super string level. H92o or Ice Nine is a trans-reality creature that is just becoming aware there are explores that ...
Ice nine comes from a planet completely covered in a liquid gel like ice similar to the founders ocean of links but frozen resembling a diamond dew-ish like sparkle in the sun or at night.
Ice nine consistency is like the rubber but a superconductor of EM emissions still sensing things that are inside newer realities that create effects inside the
A Q once spoke to Ice nine due to its needs and wanted to know what would help h92o become real again. "nothing" was the reply that included the idea that it had already happened.
Ice nine is a cadet in Star Fleet at starbase 118 under close observation by the sensors of the holographic clothing being worn.
Ice nine is the source of images for the holograms to duplicate.
Going into the abyss of lives rivers of peace ... holograms are the only ones that can get close enough to Ice to observe the breaded super strings as they ripple forth from the thoughts and ideas he has...
Traveling into the future with "nothing" but a few pieces of the peace on the river of life and finding everything as it would of been... becoming even more then it was ever before ...