Lydor V

Revision as of 18:46, 5 May 2018 by Sotak (talk | contribs) (Classification in Richter scale)

Lydor is a Class O planet that hosts a population of sentient semi-amphibious humanoids in a bronze age level of development (classification B, Richter scale) called the Lydonians.



The Lydonians possess a variety of skin coloration with small eyes.


There are about ten populated island chains, with the largest boasting a city that numbers just over 1200 people. The total population is 100 000, though with many living on seafaring ships it is difficult for the Freeworlds to get accurate numbers. The Freeworlds also has difficulties keeping them from being culturally contaminated, even going as far to hide their existence from the Valcarians who would only exploit them.