Eileen McCleran/Medical Record

< Eileen McCleran
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Linked Data Files
MainAcademy TranscriptMedical Record
Starfleet Medical.png

McCleran, Eileen Lindsey

  • Height: 173 cm (5'7")
  • Weight: 66.5 kilos (146 lbs)
  • Blood Type: B+ (B Positive)
  • T/E Rating: 0


  • Chronic Illnesses: None
  • Medications: None
  • Allergies and Reactions: Terran pollens/Mold
  • Sexual/Reproductive History: None


  • SD 236707.13: St. Anthony's Medical Center; patient was hospitalized for exposure to prototype subspace warp field. No lasting effect.
  • SD 239006.02: Bethesda Starfleet Hospital; patient transported by USS Hippocrates for severe injuries received after an explosion at the Clarke Quantum Research Facility on stardate 239006.1. Patient suffered fragmentation lacerations to the face and throat, blunt trauma across the front torso, severe lacerations to the right arm, blunt trauma to the occipital region of the head, severe concussion and 3rd degree plasma burns across 30 percent of patient's body. Patient did and continues to show signs of neurogenic disruption. Prognosis is stable but uncertain, beyond that.
  • SD 239104.10: USS Carpathia; patient presented with upper torso bunt-force trauma to the left shoulder, upper arm and base of the neck. Shoulder was displaced, shattered and fragments penetrated into the surrounding tissue. Upper left arm was broken cleanly, serious fragmentation. Left collar bone was broken, with partial penetration into left lung resulting in hemorrhaging into said lung.


  • SD 239006.02: Patient underwent tissue regeneration, removal of necrotic tissue from plasma burn sights and draining/repair of various hematomas throughout the torso and against the occipital region of the skull. Lacerations on the patient's right arm penetrated completely through the muscle and tendon tissue, requiring surgical reattachment and regeneration.
  • SD 239104.10: Patient underwent tissue regeneration and restructuring of left shoulder joint, removal of bone splinters throughout the surrounding tissue and retraction of left collarbone from lung. Lung tissue regenerated, muscular regeneration and reset/regeneration of left humerus.


  • SD 236907.05 Patient presents with light case of claustrophobia, understandable relative to her recent accident. It will likely lessen or pass completely with time.
  • SD 239012.21 Patient shows evidence of psychogenic amnesia with regards to, approximately, the past seven years of her life. Intensive treatment has been assigned. Diagnosed with severe depression and bipolar disorder w/ mixed affective episodes and brief psychotic disorder with marked stressors. Treatment for all has been successful and the patient wishes to seek re-evaluation for re-entry into StarFleet with the approval of this institution.


  • Alcohol: Socially to not at all.
  • Recreation Drugs: None
  • Other: None


  • Mother: None.
  • Father: Lower body trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder.
  • Siblings: N/A


  • Marital status: Single
  • Children: None
  • Occupation/Assignment: StarFleet Corps of Engineers. USS Constitution-B.
  • Diet: Average - Omnivore w/ heavy meat intake.
  • Exercise: Meditative study, jogging (light), martial arts


  • Medical Officer: ---CLASSIFIED: SIGMA 9---
  • Medical Assessment: Prognosis is stable with little to no residual detriment to patient's physical ability.


  • Counselor: ---CLASSIFIED: SIGMA 9---
  • Psychological Assessment: Stable with psychogenic amnesia.