Cadet Orientation

Revision as of 19:53, 5 February 2016 by Rich (talk | contribs) (making images links)
Cadet Orientation


Congratulations on your acceptance to Starfleet Academy!

Before your Academy training begins, you will need to prepare yourself. The resources available here will get you started.


Start here for directions
This tutorial will explain the various parts of our website.

Introduce yourself to the community

We're a friendly and open community of members from across the globe. You are welcome here!

Register for our forums

If you have not already done so, register for our forums — they’re a very important part of our community, and a hub for communication outside of the ship or base you will be assigned to.

Once you’ve submitted your registration, you’ll receive an automated email asking you to verify your email address. Then, one of our staff will approve your account within a few hours. But even before your account is approved, you'll be able to view cadet-friendly areas of the forums and say hello to others.

Introduce yourself

Tell us about yourself! We look forward to learning more about you, and welcoming you to our community. To begin, simply click here, read the first post, and click the black “reply to this topic” button to reply with your own introduction.

Ask a question

Our staff and other members are both quick, and happy, to assist with questions about how our site works and what's next in your journey toward Ensign. The Admissions forum is where you can start new threads and ask any questions you have.


Prepare your character

Once your training program begins, you'll receive all the instruction you'll need to get started simming with us. But for now, let's dive in and start roleplaying to introduce your character and flex your writing muscles!

Introduce your character

Follow this link to our “Arrival at StarBase 118” thread, and read the instructions. Then, click the black “reply to this topic” button and post your response. Don’t worry about the format — just write however it’s comfortable for you. Be creative!

Learn more about characterization

There's a lot to learn about how you portray an engaging, multifaceted member of Starfleet. But don't worry – we have plenty of easy to follow and fun to read instruction that will get you started. Our Your Character tutorial is the best introduction, with more to come later.


Get to know Star Trek


01 The future
02 Starfleet
03 Viewer Guide
04 Learn more


See who's in the chat room

Our chatroom is always open, and it's easy to connect! Use the "Chat" link on our website, or click here. Simply enter a display name and join the channel.

Starfleet Academy