Staff award
A staff award is an OOC award reserved for officers ranked commander and above. Only one of each award is given per ceremony.
Staff Member of the Year Award: For staff members who have contributed tirelessly to the organization through any number of OOC channels, while maintaining excellence in simming on their vessel. |
Chief's Citation Award: Starfleet history is much more liable to recognize the triumphs of its notable officers, and while non commissioned and enlisted personnel occasionally receive recognition, the NCO backbone of a starship is likely to go unremarked upon. So that our integral support staff don't similarly slip through the cracks, the Chief's Citation recognizes those essential staff members whose determined work has benefited the group, IC and/or OOC, even while their primary service was not as the commanding officer of a starship or other simming installation. |
James T. Kirk Cross: Given to new Commanding Officers who show outstanding potential in the field of commanding. |
Sarek Star: Given to a command officer who shows great diplomatic ability in working with members and staff. |
Christopher Pike Pendant: Awarded to commanding officers who command their ship with honor and dedication, and help to provide an creative atmosphere which fosters outstanding simming. |
Shuvalis Diamond of Recognition: For long-term achievement in leading the Training or Publicity Teams as a way of advancing peaceful relations with "newly discovered life forms." |
Kathryn Janeway Award: For retired Commanding Officers who have made a great impact on their crew and left an indelible legacy on our community history. |
Picard Award: The highest honor given to those officers of Admiral rank. Recipients of the Picard Award must show an unfailing devotion to the club, as well as work continually on ways to better the atmosphere of simming in our community. |