Jen Malcolm

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USS Gemini


Dr Jen Malcolm


Personnel File

Medical Records
Personal Logs

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Lieutenant Commander Jen Malcolm, is currently serving as a Medical Officer on Starbase 118 Ops


  • Age: 35
  • Species: Terran
  • Gender: Female
  • Hair color: blond
  • Eye color: Gray
  • Height: 5'5


Spouse: Johnathan Fairman Bockhorst, 32. Deceased.

Children: Ashley Malcolm-Bockhorst, 5.

Father: Victor William Malcolm, 68. He lives and works on a farm in Iowa, growing and supplying organic vegetables to high-end restaurants and health-food stores

Mother: Vivian Bjorlin Malcolm, deceased


Justin Malcolm, 37. Married to Mary. Father to Michael, 10 and Maggie, 7. Lives and works on family farm.

James Malcolm, 33. Married to Allison. Restaurant owner.

Christian Malcolm, 30. Single. Veterinarian.


Jen grew up in LeClaire, Iowa on her family's farm, where her father grows organic vegetables for high-end restaurants. She entered college intending to become a large animal vet, but after receiving her bachelor's degree rather impulsively decided to apply to Starfleet Academy. She served as CMO of the USS Indria-A and CMO of the USS Wallace. She met her future husband, Jonathan "Jonno" Bockhorst while serving on the USS Wallace, where he was stationed as a nurse.

Personal information

Appearance: Jen is of average height and build. Her hair is shoulder length and is almost exclusively worn back in a pony-tail. She is light in skin-tone, often looking as if she is in want of a tan. She is a casual person. She walks slowly and enjoys leisurely activities like reading or taking a walk when she is off-duty.

Recreational activities: Reading, gardening, visiting the beach when she can, playing with her daughter.

Habits: Grabbing a nap whenever and where-ever she can. Enjoys friendly teasing and practical jokes. When she has to do "paperwork" that does not require her to be in her office, she prefers to sit atop an empty biobed, and keep an eye on Sickbay.

Dislikes: Jen has a rather irrational fear of being in a shuttle when she is the only passenger. An absolutely terrible pilot, she has a phobia that the pilot will become incapacitated and she would be made responsible for flying. She also suffers from motion sickness.

She doesn't like eating meals alone.

Medcial history

-Fractured ulna in an explosion aboard the USS Wallace. Treated by Dr. Tamara Brown.

-Dislocated nose during an altercation with a patient. Treated by Dr. Sariel Locke.

-Exposed to unknown biological/electronic hybrid virus. Treated by Dr. Christopher Davies.


Graduated Hawkeye County High School, LeClair Iowa

B.S. in Biology, University of Iowa

M.D., Starfleet Medical School.

NPC Listing   ·   USS Gemini Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Liam Frost
First Officer
Alex Blair
Science Officer
Alana Larson
Science Officer
Alexander Richards
Lan Riel
Medical Officer
Kali Nicholotti
Intel Officer
Oliver Weston
Mission Spec.
Helm Officer
Randal Shayne
Engineering Officer
Chief of Security
Nemitor Atimen
Security Officer
Jonhar Mayne
Tactical Officer
Gina EsAleh
Tactical Officer
Stephanie Moore
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