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Hi there! You may know me as the CO of the USS Garuda, Aron Kells or as (mostly for OOC communications) Fleet Captain Cassandra Egan Manno. If you've been around for a while, you may remember my previous PC, Lily Ventu. I've been with the group since 2005, not including a brief hiatus about halfway between now and then. I'm also involved in many activities around the fleet, including:


Most-Used Characters
Cassandra Egan Manno
Astrofori One, Starfleet mission director
Aron Kells
Garuda, commanding officer
Nic del Vedova
Garuda, chief of emergency medical services
Lily Ventu
Federation ambassador, current presidential candidate
Occasional PNPCs
Nick Parks
Garuda, astrophysicist
Domane Mint
Garuda, biomechanical engineer
Lucy Ramadevi
Garuda, communications specialist
Joe Flood
Garuda, test pilot
Mitchell Kavalier
Garuda, security
Ari Capronne
Astrofori One, administration
Harku Kvitova
Astrofori One, regional historian
Astrofori One, neurology & telepathic medicine
Astrofori One, Egan Manno's aide-de-camp
Hayden Reynolds
Aquitania, commanding officer
Situational Characters (Some General Use)
Cardassian Union, Detapa Council member
Zon Shalaax
Maquis Reborn, member
Kodash, trade partnership
Kodash, trade partnership