Varaan/Starfleet Records
< Varaan
- 237409.01 - Varaan entered Starfleet Academy
- 237806.24 - Varaan graduated Starfleet Academy; commissioned rank of Ensign
- 237807.02 - assigned to Starbase 118
- 237810.28 - assigned to the USS Entira
- 237811.06 - USS Entira destroyed in combat with the Romulans; field transfer to the USS Valkyrie
- 237901.01 - USS Valkyrie destroyed in combat with the Romulans; field transfer to the USS Freedom-A; promotion to Chief Engineer
- 237902.19 - transfer to USS Paladin as Chief Engineer
- 237906.27 - rank promotion to Lieutenant (junior grade)
- 237912.31 - rank promotion to Lieutenant
- 238009.10 - rank promotion to Lieutenant Commander; departmental transfer to Executive Officer
- 238107.04 - temporarily reassigned as CO, VINDERA (Romulan scoutship, Iconian sector)
- 238110.01 - rank promotion to full Commander
- 238111.07 - temporarily reassigned as CO, USS Atlantis, NCC-74682 (Intrepid-class)
- 238204.09 - assigned as CO, USS Atlantis, NCC-74682 (Intrepid-class)
- 238209.27 - assigned as Starfleet attache to Federation Council Delegation to Vulcan, on Vulcan
- 238304.25 - transfer to USS Steadfast-A as
Previous Tours Served
- USS Entira (237810.28-237811.06)
- USS Valkyrie (237811.06-237901.01)
- USS Freedom-A (237901.01-237902.19)
- USS Paladin (237902.19-238204.09)
- USS Atlantis (238204.09-238209.27)
Rank Promotions
- Ensign: 237806.24
- Lieutenant JG: 237906.27
- Lieutenant: 237912.31
- Lt. Commander: 238009.10
- Commander: 238110.01
Medical History
- 237811.06 - USS Valkyrie - treated for plasma burns and radiation poisoning.
- 237906.28 - USS Paladin - admitted to sickbay for neural-synaptic overload treatment and observation.
- 237910.16 - USS Paladin - admitted to sickbay for quantum level radiation poisoning and cellular degeneration, vertigo, severe hearing loss
- 238002.14 - USS Paladin - surgically implanted E.A.R.S. (External Auditory Receptor System - biosynthetic, cybernetic units) to repair hearing loss (visible on lateral surfaces of cranium)
- 238109.20 - USS Paladin - Almost lost left leg due to massive damage sustained from disruptor wound, while on Shardeen II
Psychological Profile
- Varaan is typical for a Vulcan. His mind is highly ordered and logical. He possesses a great degree of control over his emotions. Varaan, like most Vulcans, prefers solitude to socializing, meditation and mental discipline to relaxation. When given a task to accomplish, he is able to focus and complete the objective in a very logical and competent manner. However, Varaan does possess a certain degree of imagination, which is especially evident in his sometimes-unique approaches to engineering problems.
- Varaan also prefers the company of other Vulcans; the illogical nature of many other alien races (including humans) deters him from getting too close to others.
Telepathic Status
- Varaan has the telepathic ability of an average Vulcan his age. (rating T3)