Name: Nicole

Age: 33 (as of July 7th, 2013)

Hobbies: writing, reading and playing games.

Lives with: Husband of 14 years, a daughter and son, and 3 furry felines (2 of which are kittens).

My Characters

Awards and Service Ribbons

  2n place winner of Halloween Avatar Competition 2391. (2014)

Player Awards
Award Image Award Name Rank Year Ship 'Reason
  B-Plot Lt. Cmdr. 2390 Apollo Quote from award presenter: Nicole puts a massive amount of time and energy into developing her character. I know for a fact she keeps notes on her character and how she wants to develop her. And that effort was noticed by some of her fellow fleet-mates, as she was nominated for this award. Simming a species like Antosian is not easy. There is no template available and a lot of the data on them has to be made up as she goes along. Not only has she worked to develop her character, but the species as a whole. The B-Plot Award is given to those that show a good portion of their character's life, despite the demands of the main plot, and Nicole does a great job with this.
  The Neelix Award Lt. Cmdr. 2390 Apollo Quote from award presenter: The Neelix Award is given for extra out of character devotion. This includes helping fellow officers who are in need of simming aid, upkeep of the wiki, and spearheading other OOC ventures. We all know that Nicole has taken upon herself this year to get ship chats rolling. Not only that, but she has served as mentor to a few new officers as well as worked with senior officers as XO. She can always be found simming PNPCs to tag others and find them something to do. This conduct was recognized by some of her ship-mates.