Samuel Braddock

USS Darwin-A
Samuel Braddock

STO Ensign Yellow.jpg

  • Gender: Male
  • Position: Tactical Officer
  • Rank: Ensign
  • Race: Terran

Awards & Service Ribbons
Awards General GenesisAward 2011.jpg

Genesis Award

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Ensign Samuel Braddock is currently serving as a Tactical Officer aboard the USS Gemini


  • Full name: Samuel Leonardo Braddock
  • Age: 26 (2364)
  • Species: Terran
  • Gender: Male
  • Hair color: Light Brown
  • Eye color: Blue
  • Height: 1.80 Meters
  • telepathy Empathy 4. Telepathy has not been tested.


  • reading classic earth literature
  • practicing martial arts on the holodeck
  • Studying important historical battles.


  • Parents: John (deceased) and Haley Braddock
  • Siblings: Jacob Braddock (17)
  • Spouse: Engaged to Leah Jackson
  • Children: Michael Braddock (6 years old)


Born and raised on Earth in California. When he was 19 his father passed away from natural causes. His grandfather was a freighter pilot and used to tell Sam stories about his travels. During his senior year of high school he decided he wanted to see the galaxy as well. As soon as he graduated high school he applied for the academy but failed the entrance exam the first time, but a year later he retook the exam and passed. He attended the academy for the command track. He also took the infamous kobayashi maru test. His hope for his career is to make at least first officer. While he was in his final year at the academy he reunited with a girl he had a relationship with while he was in his second year and was intimate with. Much to his surprise she was holding the hand of a little boy, he didn't think 5 words could change his life like the words This is Michael, your son. Since then he has been trying to be involved in his life. Michael was a little upset that he couldn't join Sam on the tiger-A, but Sam wants to focus on moving up the ranks, so when Michael does come onboard he has nice quarters. Sam has also been trying to rekindle his relationship with Michael's mother, Leah.

NPC Listing   ·   USS Gemini Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Liam Frost
First Officer
Alex Blair
Science Officer
Alana Larson
Science Officer
Alexander Richards
Lan Riel
Medical Officer
Kali Nicholotti
Intel Officer
Oliver Weston
Mission Spec.
Helm Officer
Randal Shayne
Engineering Officer
Chief of Security
Nemitor Atimen
Security Officer
Jonhar Mayne
Tactical Officer
Gina EsAleh
Tactical Officer
Stephanie Moore
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