
Joined 17 February 2013
Revision as of 00:54, 8 August 2014 by Zephyr (talk | contribs) (took out CDSNnav, added break after the user nav)

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Hello, my name's Kat. I'm currently the writer behind Chythar Skyfire of the USS Garuda. Originally from California, resident of Washington since April 2009. Playing Starbase 118 since 238902.17.

So, Kat: what do you do when you aren't stalking the wiki changes or playing Starbase 118?
Good question. I'm a LARPer. I play in Shadow Accord which is a 13th century live action World of Darkness multi-factional game. I'm also an amateur chain mail artist, web designer, and code monkey in PHP, JavaScript and JQuery.


USS Garuda
Chythar Skyfire

Medical Officer
Carter Greyson
Tactical Officer