Hi, my name is Erin and I currently play Ensign Azin on the USS Excalibur-A.
About Me
Where to begin? Well first off I am living proof that redheads are naturally evil creatures. I was a catty and mean teenager before mid sophmore year of High School when I was kicked off my Queen Bee throne. Then after finding out that my best friend Evan was gay I began my 11 year (And still going) crusade for gay-rights and equality in my homeland of the United States. I did however live in Canada from the time I graduated High School at age 18 til about a year and a half ago when I moved back to New England after deciding not to immigrate just yet and not renewing my visa. I hold a degree in Political Science with a minor in Philosophy from the University of British Columbia and an advanced degree in poli-sci from the Unversity of Toronto which I currently put to use as a PR witch trying to get officials (re)elected.
Oh right Star Trek...
I've always been a Trekkie despite hiding it for most of my early life since I (kinda sorta) grew up on the later seasons of DS9 and Voyager. In my later days I immersed myself in Star Trek, books, the DVDs, everything. I am an ardent believer in the bright future Star Trek envisioned for humanity despite some bumps in the road along the way and that both the United Federation of Planets and Starfleet could exist as the symbol for freedom, democracy, and humanitarianism.
I also don't mind the reboot of Star Trek with J.J. Abrams that much since I believe that Star Trek needs to be relatable in order to be an effective message for spreading Gene Roddenberry's ideals, though this points have been a little muddled. Even still I hope for the future...