Brian Keostler is a young quietly passionate human who hopes to begin his adventure. He was raised by parents who are farmers living on Vulcan. A challenging life raising food on a desert world. Brian knows their profession is considered a noble one by the Vulcans, but being youngster he wants to have adventures before settling down.
Full Name: Brian Jarrod "Jay" Keostler
Race: Human
Date of Birth: 236610.28(Earth equivalent )
Place of Birth: Vulcan
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Telepathic status: N/A
Height: 2 meters (6'6")
Weight: 200 pounds ( 90.718 Kg. )
Hair Color: Dark Browncurly.
Length of Hair: Used to be waist length in a braid tied with a dark blue cord,now is a typical Starfleet regulation hair cut. Very short.
Eye Color: Blue /gray
Skin Tone: Light brown
Birthmarks, Scars: Aquired a long narrow scar on the front right leg to knee as a child from a nar sehlat. (Wild desert sehlat. )
Build: Tall,rock climber's build.
Face: Kindly, smiling. Thinks he has big ears.
Eyes: Mischievous glint.
. Mouth: Has a slightly crooked, quirky smile.
Arms: Well formed,toned musculature.
Legs: Same.
Carriage: Has slight limp from sehlat injury.
Poses (Hands/Gestures, Feet/Legs, Torso/Head): Has very Vulcan like mannerisms but not as stiff.
Taste in Clothing (when off duty): Vulcan styled clothing.
Shoes: Birkenstock sandals.
Voice: Deep.
Handedness: Left but can use right.
Quarters: Starfleet neat for inspection, otherwise total wreck.
Favorite Room: Outside.
Habits: Meditates and prays each morning. Works out before dawn. Eats big breakfast, skips lunch.
Mannerisms: Graceful, moves like a martial artist. Tugs on ear lobe while thinking.
Religion/Spiritual Devotion: Christian -Family tradition )
Hobbies and Pastimes: Practices Vulcan martial art of (need name )and Terran martial arts Yin Fu Bagua Zhan since age ten. Isn't a Master yet.
Likes: Ice cream.
Dislikes: Nosey or inconsiderate people. San Francisco because it is too cold and wet.
Ambitions and Goals: Wants to Captain his own vessel one day.
Achievements in Life: Getting awards for martial arts competitions. Being accepted to Starfleet Academy.
Disappointments in Life: Having to cut off his waist length hair just to get into Starfleet. The long braid was a badge of his rank in Vulcan martial arts.
Temperment: Calm.
Mental problems (complexes and phobias): Spiders, tight spaces.
Physical Limitations:Has slight limp from sehlat injury.
* Marital Status: Single
Spouse: N/A
Place of Marriage: N/A
Children: N/A
Father: Lorien Koestler
Mother: Maritat (Mari ) Koestler
Siblings: 2
Personal History
232001.01: Event.
232001.02: Event, etc.
Professional History
Date Graduated from Academy: Currently on Cadet Cruise