Shedet/Psych Profile

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Psychological Report
Stardate: 238806.24
Given by: Commander Byrce Cole
Subject: Cadet Shedet
Cadet Ident: 382-734-829-273

This is the official psychological evaluation of Cadet Shedet of Capital.

There are many things that I have found surprising and disturbing about this cadet. It is not strange for Star Fleet Academy to receive Orions trying to find a place to better themselves, but Shedet is much different. One of the first things that I have noticed by reading her entry profile is that she is well over the average age that one applies to Star Fleet. At the age of 23, she was one year away from not being able to apply.

More than just her age, Cadet Shedet has many years of travel, jobs, and interesting adventures that make her security disclosure form read like an adventure story. Though vague on why she has joined Star Fleet, I cannot deny her aptitude in the major that she has chosen.

What concerns me is her psychological state. The woman is scarred though she does not see it as such. As she had given her full name as from the Capital, her blond hair and blues eyes would lead me to believe she was not treated well as a child. The darker the eyes and hair are the sign of perfection among the Orion people and Shedet is the polar opposite.

She is very outgoing when she becomes comfortable in her surroundings, but very defensive when certain, almost random subjects, are brought up.

Shedet outwardly portrays herself as not caring about her people or their ways, but carefully phrased questions toward the negative of Orion elicited a definite defensive tone.

The Orion also tells me that she has no care for her culture or ways, but I find by her conversation and from certain memos on her academy record that she has taken on many of her people's way. The most humorous is a few senior cadet reports of inability to stay within the academy off duty dress code leaning toward the more provocative by Star Fleet standards. Saying this, she is very conservative compared to her people.

This leads in to the subject of her subtle defiance to authority and spitefulness. With the previous incident, after a teacher spoke with her about her dress style, the next day she was wearing the baggiest clothes.

In the end, she will be a loyal and decent officer, but I fear if she feels overtly challenged, she will not defer to commonsense or command and do what she feel's is right.

I recommend the cadet for passing, but with this message attached to her dossier for her captain.
