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Memory 118
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Intelligent Lifeform Index

Four Letter Code VLCR
Federation Status Noncommunicative
Planet of Origin Valcaria, Par'tha Expanse region, Alpha Quadrant
Encountered Vessels of this species were encountered by the USS Atlantis durring a mission in the Aelann system on 238207.26
T/E Rating T0/E0
Current Tech Level N+
List of Named Valcarians

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  • Political Affiliation: Valcarian Imperial Republic

The Par'tha Expanse occupies a great many sectors of space, reaching almost all the way out to the rim of the galaxy. The eastern end of this vast area of space is under the control of the Valcarian Imperial Republic.

The Valcarian are a humanoid race, very similar in feature to Humans. Their gray skin, black eyes and blue hair do differentiate them, however. They come from the second planet in the Valcarian star system, virtually at the heart of their empire. They have expanded to inhabit and control every planet in their system, and have hundreds of colonies in outlying systems. A little over a thousand years ago, the Valcarian burst forth from their homeworld on a mission of exploration within their own star system. Two hundred years later, they finally left their overpopulated system in search of suitable systems to settle and provide much needed resources. For the next hundred years the Valcarian easily conquered their neighbors. A third of them were totally wiped out while the rest became subject worlds, providing annual tithes to the Valcarian. Once those planets had been stripped bare, the inhabitants were shipped off to work as slaves on new planets the Valcarian had conquered in the mean time. The republic kept on growing until the Valcarian had conquered or colonized over 500 worlds. Template:Par'tha Races At this point, two hundred years ago, the republic was spreading faster than it should have. The Valcarian had moved coreward and encountered the Esidran Empire. At the same time, several enslaved races, independent of one another, attempted to fight back and regain their freedom. After 50 years the Valcarian were forced to sign a ceasefire with the Esidran, in order to better focus on their internal struggles. After twenty years of rebellions, the empire was once again at peace. It did not last for long.

Less than a year later, an aggressor race from the Gamma Quadrant tried to invade the Valcarian Republic. Calling themselves the Vodran, they battled the Valcarian for the next 30 years until they were pushed back. Political infighting within the Vodran government simply cancelled the war one day. And though the Valcarian would normally have taken the opportunity invade their enemy and crush them to dust, cooler heads in the Valcarian government prevailed and brought to light their desperate situation. Their military was almost gone; their resources were virtually depleted. It was time to fall back and regroup. Within three years the empire had rebuilt its forces enough to invade the Vodran and wipe them out.

The Valcarians then turned their attention towards their neighbors, the Par'tha Expanse. The Caraadians had just rid themselves of the Romulan Empire, and the Valcarians used their superior technology and unified government to fill the void seamlessly and instantly. The Valcarians are currently content to have the Expanse Sector rule themselves, as long as they remember that the Valcarians are truly the ones in charge. Their dominating military vessels can often be found patroling the Expanse, reminding the inhabitants of this fact.

Interstellar Politics

The dominant power in the Par'tha Expanse is the Valcarian Republic, an expanding empire. The Valcarian do not have Houses, or geographically defined political areas. Instead, they still use a tribal family structure to represent the people within the government. Planets and colonies send representatives to the government, who are grouped into their tribal families in order to vote in blocks. There is very little infighting between tribal groups, and there has never been a civil war in the recorded history of the planet. Only Valcarian have a voice in the government. Non-Valcarian are either subjugated, enslaved or destroyed in the empire.

Since the rise of Altharra, their Grand Emperor, the Valcarian Imperial Republic has become even more militaristic and territorial, with their empire in a constant state of expansion. The Valcarian people are technically adept and believe themselves to be an ancient and noble race. The Valcarian Republic suffers from the belief in their manifest destiny; they were meant to rule the galaxy and no one can stand in their way.