
Revision as of 12:40, 15 July 2012 by H92o (talk | contribs) (piqui's volunteering ..)


xoeten is the morphed version of xoet 12 and xoet 13


He is the xoet between galaxies that is communicating with other galaxies via mind-wave alterations and influences there of. He and yes he is Him on of male gender, makes the xoet 12 thing look tame, docile and blandly blank.

Xoeten has developed various systems of change that alter a hologram into a human at any age. That he can cause the rapid and cataclysmic unraveling of the universe in a moment of cascading unfolding of every system of planets and galaxy complexes,.. are inherent in his kind.

Xoeten's intent is to project a "scout" ship into and beyond the intergalactic barriers where the definitive limit of space-time occurs. The concept being employed is to use the galactic hub at a convergence between three galaxies at trifocal point of departure into and beyond the now tri'unitary edge of reality.

the volunteer for this solo flight is Bowrapiquis Jetseen a strange new human grown out of the hologram mobile emitter.


H92o 12:35, 15 July 2012 (UTC)