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Overview & Comparison
Starfleet Rank Insignia Comparison
Starfleet Rank
Marine Rank
Fleet Admiral
Field Marshall
Vice Admiral
Lieutenant General
Rear Admiral
Major General
Brigadier General
Fleet Captain
Lieutenant Colonel
Lieutenant Commander
Lieutenant Junior Grade
1st Lieutenant
2nd Lieutenant
Chief Warrant Officer, 4th Grade
Chief Warrant Officer, 1st Class
Chief Warrant Officer, 3rd Grade
Chief Warrant Officer, 2nd Class
Chief Warrant Officer, 2nd Grade
Chief Warrant Officer, 3rd Class
Warrant Officer
Warrant Officer
Master Chief Petty Officer
Sergeant Major
Senior Chief Petty Officer
Master Gunnery Sergeant
Chief Petty Officer
Gunnery Sergeant
Petty Officer, 1st Class
Staff Sergeant
Petty Officer, 2nd Class
Marine Sergeant
Petty Officer, 3rd Class
Crewman, 1st Class
Lance Corporal
Crewman, 2nd Class
Private First Class
Crewman, 3rd Class
Marshal & General Ranks
Field Marshal
The higest attainable rank in the Starfleet Marine Corps, Field Marshal is roughly equivalent to the rank of Fleet Admiral.
General is roughly equivalent to Starfleet's rank of Admiral.
Lieutenant General
Lieutenant General is roughly equivalent to Starfleet's rank of Vice Admiral.
Major General
Major General is akin to Rear Admiral in Starfleet.
Brigadier General
Brigadier General is roughly equivalent to the rank of Commodore.
Commissioned Marine Ranks
A Brigadier is roughly equivalent to the rank of Fleet Captain.
A Colonel is equal to a Starfleet Captain in rank.
Lieutenant Colonel
A Lieutenant Colonel is comparable to a Commander in Starfleet.
A Marine Major is equal to a Starfleet Lieutenant Commander.
A Marine Captain is equal in rank to a Starfleet Lieutenant.
First Lieutenant
First Lieutenant is roughly equivalent to the rank of Lieutenant Junior Grade in Starfleet's naval rank system.
Second Lieutenant
Second Lieutenant is SFMC's equivalent of the rank of Ensign.
Warrant Officer Marine Ranks
With regards to equivalent Starfleet Naval ranks, Warrant Officers are among the most self-explanatory. The only difference is the use of classes instead of grades when one reaches the rank of Chief Warrant Officer (CWO).
Chief Warrant Officer, First Class
Chief Warrant Officer, Second Class
Chief Warrant Officer, Third Class
Warrant Officer
Enlisted Marine Ranks
Sergeant Major
The highest of the enlisted ranks, Sergeant Major is equal to Master Chief Petty Officer.
Master Sergeant
Master Sergeant is roughly equivalent to Senior Chief Petty Officer in Starfleet's Navy.
Gunnery Sergeant
Gunnery Sergeant is the same rank as Chief Petty Officer on a starship.
Staff Sergeant
Staff Sergeant is equal to Petty Officer 1st Class.
Marine Sergeant is approximately the same rank as Petty Officer 2nd Class.
Corporal is equal to Petty Officer 3rd Class in Starfleet's Naval ranks.
Lance Corporal
A Lance Corporal is approximately equal in rank to a Crewman 1st Class in Starfleet.
Private, First Class
Private 1st Class is roughly equivalent to Crewman 2nd Class in Starfleet.
Private is the lowest enlisted rank in the SFMC. It's equal to Crewman 3rd Class.
For rank pip images, please see: Pips