User:Chen/Temp Work Page


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Chen/Temp Work Page
Four Letter Code AENR
Federation Status Member
Planet of Origin Andoria
Encountered ENT: "The Aenar"
T/E Rating T0/E0
Current Tech Level N
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  • Proper Name: Aenar
  • Pronunciation: Ee-nar

Home System

The Aenar are a subspecies of the Andorians, and share there homeworld of Andoria.

Home World

  • Proper Name: Andoria/Andor
  • Pronunciation: An-dore-ee-ah/An-dore
  • Diameter: 10,084km
  • Gravity: 1G
  • Rotational Period: 32 hours
  • Classification: M
  • Surface Water: 85%
  • Climate: Frigid. Average temperature during the summer months in an Aenar settlement averages around -28˚C
  • Population: Less than 5,000 Aenar, although the Andorians share this homeworld.
Jonathan Archer and Shran travel the Aenar tunnels in search of the Aenar city.


Since their discovery by the Andorian government in 2104, the Aenar have preferred to remain in seclusion. They have kept contact with the Andorians, but aside from playing a role in a Romulan attempt to destabilize politics in the Alpha Quadrant in 2154 they have played only a minor part in galactic history. A few Andorians who have served in Starfleet have been recorded as having some Aenar ancestry.

Gareb was abducted from the Aenar city in 2153, and brainwashed by Romulans.
Jhamel, sister of the abductee Ghareb, aided the allied forces against the Romulans in 2154.


Date Event
2104 A settlement of Aenar, long since assumed to be a myth by the Andorians, is discovered beneath a dampening field in Andor’s Northern Wastes.
2153 The Aenar known as Gareb is abducted by Romulan operatives. He is brainwashed into believing that he is the last surviving Aenar, and coerced into assisting the Romulan Drone-Ship project. His telepathy is to be used to pilot the ship via telepresence.
2154 The drone-ship piloted by Gareb is the instrument used to manifest a Romulan plot to cause a war between the Tellarites and the Andorians. It also makes an attempt to cause a strain in relations between Humans and Rigellians. Jonathan Archer theorizes that the Romulans are trying to destabilise a large area of space in preparation for an invasion.
2154 Captain Jonathan Archer and Andorian Commander Shran contact the Aenar for assitance in foiling the Romulan plot. The Aenar are unwilling to help but for one zhen, Jhamel. With her assistance, and co-operation from the Vulcans, Tellarites, Andorians, and Starfleet, the Romulan drone-ship is destroyed. However Gareb is killed as a result by his Romulan captors.
2154 Orion slavers raid the Aenar settlement in the Northern Wastes. Jhamel is captured, and later rescued by the crew of Enterprise. Romulan involvement is uncovered after Commander Shran attempts to kill one of the Orions captors on Adigeon Prime. Jhamel is returned home, but one of the members of her breeding group is killed in the process. Shran accepts the request to take his place.
2156 Talla, a ¾ Aenar, ¼ Andorian is born. She retains some telepathic ability and has fully working eyesight. Her skin has a green tint. Jonathan Archer’s effort to rescue her from being kidnapped was a contributing factor in the formation of the Coalition of Planets, which later became the United Federation of Planets.
In 2154, Lissan was chosen to act as speaker for the Aenar. This position was temporary, until the visitors to the Aenar city departed.


The Aenar have no system of leadership, implying an egalitarian regime. Whenever it is necessary, the Aenar select one of their number as a speaker to represent their collective wishes. Using telepathy to communicate with others of their species, the speaker is quickly able to canvas the opinion of many Aenar in order to arrive at an acceptable course of action when required. In 2154 an Aenar named Lissan acted as speaker for her people in response to a communiqué from the Andorian Chancellor.


The Aenar are an Andorian sub-species (specifically a strain of the Bish’ee species) native to the Northern Wastes of the moon Andor. Similar in appearence to Andorians, they lack skin pigment giving them a paler appearence than thier Andorian cousins. They are also completely blind, but highly telepathic. Their population, during the mid-22nd century, consisted of only a few thousand.

Commander Shran and Jhamel, who would eventually become a part of the same breeding group.
Talla, an Andorian/Aenar hybrid, with her father, Shran.


The Aenar are physiologically very similar to the Andorians, with two antennae sprouting from their heads, although the antennae of the Aenar have small indentations in the funnel shaped tips. The Aenar are completely blind and have no skin or hair pigment, resulting in a pale white appearance (similar to human albinos). On average they stand between 1.7 and 2.2 metres tall, and are roughly of the same build as the average human. Their metabolism is high, a trait that has been evolved to aid their survival in the sub-freezing temperatures of the planet’s polar ice-cap. Their blood is cobalt-based.

The most distinctive trait of the Aenar, however, are their highly evolved telepathic abilities. An Aenar is capable of reading minds and of telepathically projecting itself to other humanoids. They use telepathy to communicate amongst themselves. Being that they are a subspecies of Andorian, therefore actually a member of the same species, they are completely genetically compatible with Andorians, allowing for the birth of hybrid offspring. Such hybrids often retain the strongest abilities of their genetic donors, as the offspring of the breeding group that contained Jhamel, Shran, Shenar, and Vishri produced Talla, who retained both telepathy and the ability to see.


The Aenar are a private and pacifistic people. Their telepathic abilities are considerable, but they have a strict tenet that forbids them from reading the thoughts and minds of others without express permission. On meeting Commander Shran in 2154, Jhamel immediately apologized for having sensed the loss of his partner, Talas, despite having done so unintentionally due to Shran’s tumultuous emotional state. The Aenar are strong-willed, and will often adhere to their ideals of pacifism in the face of danger, despite the potential harm it may cause to them. They deplore violence, and it was this sentiment that caused Lissan to question the actions of Jhamel when she decided to become involved with the allied forces led by Jonathan Archer to save her brother from the Romulans in 2154. Aside from being telepathically contacted by his sister, it was the realization of the number of people for whose deaths he was responsible that gave Gareb the strength to resist his conditioning and command the drone-ships he was controlling to destroy each other. He did so even knowing that it would lead to his execution. In contrast to the Andorians’ somewhat passionate mentality, the Aenar enjoy more subtle forms of music, and are more receptive to emotions and sentiments that may be considered weak by outsiders.


The Aenar themselves form a part of Andorian mythology, as they were believed not to exist until their discovery beneath the Northern Wastes of the Issa ice cap.


The Aenar city, built below ground in the Andorian Northern Wastes.

The Aenar civilization is built in an expansive system of caverns beneath the Issan ice cap. Circular pod-like modules are attached to rock supports to provide dwellings for the Aenar people, along with facilities such as hospitals, libraries and other public services. Access to the service is gained through a system of tunnels that have deliberately been made confusing to navigate. This is to prevent unwanted discovery by outsiders. The Aenar have been known to deliberately mask the senses of those who are trying to find them, or trying to leave the compound against the will of the Aenar. This is achieved by using telepathic projections.

An example of the traditional Aenar braid.
Jhamel wearing the traditional Aenar veil.

Culture & Customs

Due to their reclusive behaviour very little is known of Aenar culture. However, from what outsiders have managed to learn it has been proven that the Aenar are a benevolent species. While they prefer not to be disturbed by people from outside their settlement they will offer help to those who need it. Their ideals of non-violence and pacifism are very rarely broken. Reading an individual’s thoughts without permission is considered a violation. Accidental occurences are often resolved with an apology, but a prolonged or regular series of incidents (while very rare) incurs expulsion from the Aenar settlement – the only solution that removes the problem without resorting to violence.

While the Aenar do not follow the Andorian clan system, many of them choose to devote their life to the study of science or medicine.

Aenar zhen and shen often wear a white translucent veil that covers the lower half of their faces. Their hair is often worn long, and tied in braids behind their heads. White is the favoured colour of Aenar garments, despite their inability to see the colours of the fabrics they produce.

Ice Bore worms commonly reside in the icy expanses of the Issa cap. As such, they often travel through the Aenar settlement. While such creatures are dangerous due to their need to generate heat through and internal chemical reaction, they pose no threat to the Aenar who are able to sense their presence telepathically. Children are often known to pursue swarms of Ice Bores, tracking them with their telepathic senses and attempting to track them through the labyrinthine tunnels around the city.

Ice Bores are harvested by the Aenar due to their ability to produce heat through an internal chemical reaction.


Ice Bores are often harvested from around the Aenar city, as they are useful for a number of scientific and engineering-related purposes. Aside from this, the Aenar tend not to trade with the outside world. Their egalitarian culture leaves them with no need for currency or trade, as they are able to exist in a self-supportive state.


The Aenar share the same level of technological capability as the Andorians, as they have access to advances made by the Andorian government. In the past, the Aenar developed technology independently from their blue-skinned cousins, and were able to use a large dampening field to shield their city from detection. They were also recorded as having developed dermal regeneration technology.

Federation Intelligence Files

The Aenar are not widely known across the galaxy. They are somewhat of an Andorian internal affair. As the Andorian species is reportedly in decline, it is reasonable to assume that this is also true of the Aenar, whose numbers were already limited on their discovery. Should the Andorians find a way to solve this crisis, it would most likely come into Aenar possession as well.


  • Star Trek:Enterprise (United, The Aenar, These Are the Voyages)
  • Memory Alpha (various pages)
  • Memory Beta (various pages)
  • Star Trek Customizable Card Game (Decipher Inc., 1994-2007)
  • Star Trek RPG: Aliens (Decipher Inc., 2003)
  • Star Trek RPG: Worlds (Decipher Inc., 2003)
  • The Good That Men Do (Andy Mangels & Michael A. Martin, Pocket Books)


Andoria is a frigid moon in orbit of the gas giant Andor V.

Andoria is a frigid M-Class moon that orbits the fifth planet (a ringed gas giant) in the Andorian system. Approximately 85% of the moon's surface is covered in water, and the moon is characterized by two large ice caps at its poles. These are much bigger than those found on Earth.

Andoria is one of the five founding worlds of the United Federation of Planets. It is in close proximity to Vulcan, with whose people the Andorians endured great conflict for many years. Andoria forms the capital of the Andorian Empire, and is home to the Andorians and their offshoot species, the Aenar. Andoria is relatively close to the Sol system.

Andoria is also referred to as Andor, both by Andorians and off-worlders.


Andorian history is characterised by periods of extreme turbulence, which reflects the people's tendencies towards violence. Records from before 1692 (Earth-Gregorian) may be of limited value, as nearly all of Andoria's historical documents were destroyed during periods of global civil war.



Date Event
Pre-1284 Andoria is torn by planetary civil war. Clans form alliances, attack other clans, then break allegiance and fight each other. Chaos ensues.
1284 A clan lord, Krotus, succeeds in conquering Andoria by defeating the most powerful opposing clans before turning them against the weaker remnants. This act unites Andoria and puts an end to the hundreds of years of bitter fighting. Krotus ushers in an industrial age. Andoria begins to prosper.
1332 Krotus is assassinated by his daughter. She seizes control of his clan, but is by no means as successful at maintaining control of the planet. While technological advances continue to be made, the planet's political situation begins to rapidly destabilise.
1597 Disputes over the Tharan Mountains trade route ignite hostilities between warlords, resulting in 100 years of bitter warfare that destroys nearly everything the Andorians had built. This came to be known as the Time of Lament.
1692 Lor’Vela, a 14 year-old girl, slays her mother and takes control of her keth in response to a fever-induced dream. She calls together the leaders of the clans to the Council of Tarsk, and persuades them to forego attacks on each other in an attempt to restore Andor to its former glory. The government she set up during this time remains in effect even to this day.
c.1910 The Vulcans make first contact with the Andorians, whom they believe show promise despite their tendency towards strong emotion. The Andorians quickly reject their offers of aid and collaboration due to what they perceived as overly meddlesome behaviour.
c.1950 The Andorians and Vulcans begin a border dispute that will last for the next 200 years. The Vulcans are unsettled by neighbours that they consider to be barbaric and casually violent. The Andorians believe that the an invasion may be imminent, and rely on their ability to stage a massive counterattack as a deterrant.
c.2050 Andorians terraform Weytahn, a class-D planetoid, that lies in a strategic location close to the Vulcan homeworld. When the Vulcan demand to inspect the colony to ensure there are no military installations on the surface is denied, the Vulcans decide to forcibly evacuate the planet. The dispute rages on for many years.
2097 A treaty is signed in which the Vulcans claim Weytahn, and rename it Paan Mokar. A surveillance sattelite is placed in orbit to monitor the planet's surface.
2104 Andorians discover a hidden settlement of Aenar located below the Issan ice cap, also referred to as the Northern Wastes. Until this time, the existence of the telepathic Aenar, a subspecies of Andorians was thought to have been a myth.
2118 Andorians Develop warp travel.


An interior view of the covert Vulcan monitoring station at P'Jem.
The Vulcan fleet engages the Andorians at the Battle of Andoria.
Jonathan Archer forms an alliance between the Andorians and three other races. This foreshadows the Coalition of Planets.
The signing ceremony for the Coalition of Planets.
The founding ceremony for the United Federation of Planets.
Date Event
2151 Andorians make first contact with Humans at the Vulcan sanctuary of P'Jem. While hostilities arise in the first instance, Captain Jonathan Archer's involvement in exposing a secret Vulcan listening post ingratiates him with Andorian Commander Shran.
2151 Commander Shran saves the human Captain Jonathan Archer from rebel forces on the planet Coridan, despite Vulcan interference almost compromising the operation.
2152 Starfleet Captain Jonathan Archer mediates negotiations that lead to a ceasefire between Vulcan and Andorian forces on the colony world of Weytahn, despite resistance from both sides.
2153 An Andorian vessel under the command of Shran, the Kumari, enters the Delphic Expanse in search of the starfleet ship, Enterprise. On learning that the Xindi are developing a super-weapon that is intended to destroy Earth, the Andorians attempt to harness the weapon to use in their own defense force.
2153 The Vulcan High Command begins plans to invade Andoria.
2154 The Vulcan High Command authorizes a fleet of Vulcan ships amassed near the Regulus system to open fire on an Andorian Task Force. The attack, which had been engineered through Romulan interference, became known as the Battle of Andoria.
2154 After the Vulcan High Command is dissolved and replaced by a new regime, the Vulcans enter into a more peaceful stance with the Andorians. The Cold War is finally over.
2154 The Andorian Empire is among the galactic powers involved in preventing the destabilization of their region of space by a Romulan drone-ship. The Romulans had been using an Aenar to pilot their vessel by telepresence to prevent the Vulcans from being able to make visual contact.
2155 Formation of the Coalition of Planets, an agreement of mutual defense and co-operation between the Andorians, Tellarites, Vulcans and Humans.
2156 Andoria becomes involved in the Romulan-Earth war as a member of the Coalition of Planets.
2160 The Romulans are routed at the Battle of Cheron. This leads to the establishment of the Romulan Neutral Zone, an area of space into which neither side may cross lest it be considered an act of war.
2161 The Coalition of Planets is consolidated to become the United Federation of Planets.
2164 Captain Jonathan Archer is inducted as an honorary member of the Andorian Imperial Guard by Shran
2169 Jonathan Archer becomes the Federation Ambassador to Andoria.
2230 The Atlin Zoological park is founded. The zoo is said to contain more than 500 different animal species from many different Federation worlds.
2247 Andorian Captain Igrilan Kor begins service on the U.S.S. Eagle, an all Andorian-crewed starship. The crew receives more decorations and awards than any other in the fleet.
2268 Andorian Ambassador Shras attends the Babel Conference, and supports Coridan's entry into the United Federation of Planets.
2286 Andorians now hold two seats on the Federation Council, more than ever before.

Physical map of Andoria.


Many Andorian cities are subterranean, using geothermal energy to warm them in order to make habitation more comfortable. They connected by thousands of kilometers of ice tunnels. The surface is referred to as bracingly cold, even by the Andorians themselves, as the temperature only ever rises above zero degrees centigrade during rare heatwaves. Scientists theorise that it was in volcanic rifts, and in underground pockets near the planet's core that temperatures were high enough to sustain the origins of life.

There are 4 continents on Andoria, Issa (Northern Ice-Cap), Ka’thela, Tlanek (Southern Ice-Cap) and Voral. Ka’thela and Voral are connected by the Tharan Mountains.

Lor'Tan is the largest city on Andoria, although its administrative capital is Laibok. Borders between countries do not exist, instead various areas are controlled by different keth, similar to a tribal territorial system.

Andorian Landmarks

  • The Andorian Academy is considered one of the foremost educational institutions for artists within the entire Federation.
  • The Wall of Heroes is a place on Andoria where fallen members of the Imperial Guard can be honoured by depositing a vial of their blood.
  • The Andorian Mountains are considered to be a place of outstanding natural beauty within the galaxy, and many newlywed couples visit them as a honeymoon location.


  • The Andorian Amoeba holds particular scientific interest due to its somewhat unique reproduction system. Through fusing with another single cell organism, the amoeba produces a completely new species.
  • Andorian Bulls are known for their extremely aggressive dispositions.
  • Andorian Redbats are considered by some to be a great delicacy.
  • Andorian tuber roots are extremely high in calorific content. As such they make ideal additions to emergency provisions.
  • In the polar regions of Andoria, Ice Bore swarms often congregate. These worms are able to produce heat internally through a chemical reaction, and are harvested by the Aenar for worldwide distribution.
  • Sharing a similarity with horses on Earth, Zabathu are often used as mounts by Andorian riders.


All Andorians are members of clans, or keth, which specialise in different professional skills. These keth all have different views, which need to be represented in some way in the global government. As such, the Kethni council, made up of a number of members from different keth is the global government of Andoria, and it comprises around 300 members. Legislation, as well as the election of a Chancellor, is decided democratically. The Council is directly responsible for the Andorian Defence Force, which does not fall under the jurisdiction of Starfleet Command.

An example of Andorian military-issue boots.


The most important overland trade route on the planet is through the Tharan Mountains. This trade route was the source of a great deal of dispute during the Time of Lament. Its importance has dwindled since the introduction of atmosphere-capable shuttlecraft and transporter technology.

The Federation underwent an Andorian fad in the early 23rd Century, as Andorian clothing and cuisine became fashionable on Earth. Many humans purchased Andorian Hrisal (ceremonial blades) as well as fake antennae. Andorian silk is prized for its softness, and Andorian jewellery is highly collectable. Andorian Ale remains a well-loved beverage throughout the Federation to this day.

Andorian tiles are exported to many different worlds as they are regarded as being extremely well crafted. Their high quality lends itself well to hand painting.

Federation Intelligence File

It is rumoured that an extremely top secret group, known as the Am Tal, operate for the Andorian government as an intelligence agency. This organisation is not widely known of within the Federation.

The Andorians are a passionate people who are well known for their military prowess. The Andorian Imperial Guard continues to act as a defense for Andoria, and operates outside of Starfleet's command structure. Although relations with the Vulcan people were once strained, they have now settled onto more friendly terms.


  • Star Trek:Enterprise ("The Andorian Incident", "Shadows of P'Jem", "Cease Fire", "Twilight", "Proving Ground", "Countdown", "Zero Hour", "Kir'Shara", "Babel One", "United", "The Aenar", "In a Mirror, Darkly", "In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II", "Demons", "Terra Prime", "These Are the Voyages...")
  • Star Trek:Deep Space Nine ("Prodigal Daughter")
  • Memory Alpha (various pages)
  • Memory Beta (various pages)
  • Star Trek RPG: Aliens (Decipher Inc., 2003)
  • Star Trek RPG: Worlds (Decipher Inc., 2003)
  • The Good That Men Do (Andy Mangels & Michael A. Martin, Pocket Books)