Ranks, Pips, & Rosters

Cheers for updating the roster, been so busy recently that I forgot about that. - Lt.JG Salak  Talk 04:43, 21 March 2007 (CDT)

BTW, not that I mind that you're replacing the rank insignia that I created, but unless you created the new ones, you need to have the creator's permission to use the new ones, AND you need to credit him/her. (They DO look nicer than mine, but I gave permission for us to use mine, so I knew there wasn't a problem.) -Varaan 14:41, 12 April 2007 (CDT)

Umm... where are those pips from? I'm gonna revert the Ronin roster for now (I personally like Dress uniform pips but still, the ones on the roster were closest to canon that I know) and correct the date at the bottom, but if you can dig up a credit like Varaan said... ;) - Lt.JG Salak  Talk 11:12, 13 April 2007 (CDT)

Well I'd try and link to the site on the pic description if poss, or on the bottom of any page the pips are used on. - JayTalk 14:39, 16 April 2007 (CDT)

Ronny crew hist

Ta for catching the rank mistakes. Is Parkers CMO status official? If so, the Roster needs updating. If not, crew hist should be reverted back to show her only as a Medical officer. It's a technicality I know, but Salak was the only engineer on Wallace for several months before he bacame CEO so it's not a given that the status is correct. Consistancy between the pages would be nice. Ta again - JayTalk 22:06, 19 April 2007 (CDT)

Oh, and whilst I'm at it, you thought of using the sandbox (linked from main page) to play with table codes, get them looking how you like before implementing? You seem to be changing them on an almost daily basis... - JayTalk 22:09, 19 April 2007 (CDT)
118Wiki:Sand_Box, if you put the table there, play with the coding on there then copy the new table code across to the relevent page when you're happy with it, saves the actual page being the testing ground... As for Parker, just checked again and can't see the discrepancy I referred to the other day. Apologies about that, probably misreading on my part. - JayTalk 12:02, 21 April 2007 (CDT)


Well as long as the site is mentioned somewhere. For those you tweaked, credit as "based on pips from www.whateveritis.com" and for those straight across, just say "Pips originally from ...". Admittedly, i'm no good at crediting the pips I use either, keep forgetting (but I do credit at least on a subpage of my profile where all my uploaded pics are viewable), but RPG's generally pinch pics off other sites without permission or credit and they don't like it so if we at least try to credit on one page or even better, on the pic page, eg Image:Nav-wallace.jpg. Probably not the best example as the credited site sadly no longer exists but still.... - JayTalk 12:09, 21 April 2007 (CDT)

Rosters again...

It's 3am here and I'm tired so I'll try and be quick. I'm still hearing complaints about edits to roster pages, which mainly seem to be made by yourself... the pip changes, the colours, etc... As a general rule of thumb, pages related to a vessel are maintained by that vessels crew.

Any changes should really be run through that ships CO or whoever on that vessel is (usually informally) responsible for their wiki page (For example, Cody on Indy-A, Toni on Challenger, me on the retired Wallace). I personnally tend to leave the busiest ships to their crews anyway out of courtesy and allow them to do as they wish with one or two exceptions (e.g. Nav menu colours). Sticking to inactive vessels (no crew to edit the wiki) or the less wiki-active vessels (see Discovery-B's unbuilt wiki section) means fewer complaints from CO's and XO's if any at all ;)

Ronin is fair game as that's your ship (and technically mine), as are the encyclopedia articles, your character articles, your NPC articles, etc... Just please refrain from editing the other ships rosters. - JayTalk 21:09, 30 April 2007 (CDT)

That's okay, now you know. By the way, I still treat the Wallace section as my own given I built it from scratch (noticing it still had no website after nearly a year out of dock) when I was it's Chief Engineer a few years back. If you want to use any of the inactive vessels, I'd recommend it NOT be the Wallace ;) - JayTalk 16:43, 1 May 2007 (CDT)
Hi Jackford - I don't mind you modifying crew rosters, but I would really apprecite a note so I can update my back-up files (in that off-chance something happens, like a crash... so it doesn't take me 1-2 hours to recode). ;-) Thanks. DCody 19:43, 3 May 2007 (CDT)

Crew History

Don't mind filing people under various sections but it doesn't fit with past practice and the blurb at the top which covers what I've done with such pages in the past. If you want to change how people are filed then fine but you'll need to change the blurb at the top too and the Ronin has a lot of history to go over to list everyone in every department they've been in. - JayTalk 13:10, 12 May 2007 (CDT)

Enlisted rankings

Just so you're aware, in regards to the change you made in the enlisted rankings, "Yeoman" is not a rank but a position. So only people doing the Yeoman job would be referred to as Yeoman, not anyone of that rank. -Varaan 07:52, 16 May 2007 (CDT)

Talk:Ronin Staff Roster - JayTalk 11:27, 18 May 2007 (CDT)

Hi again... Crew Roster again...

Did Idril ask for the photos there? Just if they're anywhere, it should really be the characters pages. If they're on the crew roster page, there's got to be a better way of laying it out then that? Putting them into the table would probably make it far longer. I'll try resizing so they're all the same height though, not too hard. - JayTalk 08:31, 30 May 2007 (CDT)

Edit summaries

Jack, please make sure you include an edit summary with EVERY edit you make. It makes it easier to skim the changes. Thanks :) --Wolf /talk page 00:55, 2 June 2007 (CDT)

Gallery feature

Take a look at this. Feel free to use it on the Ronin crew page if you want. It's an easier way to maintain a gallery. More info at Wikipedia:Gallery tag, and Wikipedia:Extended image syntax. --Wolf /talk page 01:17, 2 June 2007 (CDT)

Talk:Ronin Crew Roster

I've just reverted your blanking of it, thought I should explain why. Although it may not seem relevant, it's a reminder to others who may change it, they can learn from the point previously raised. It's relevant discussion to the page, so no reason to lose it. Nothing against yourself Jack - Lt.JG SalakTalk 12:35, 20 September 2007 (CDT)

Okay. -Jackford B. Kolk 12:52, 20 September 2007 (CDT)

Jack, the master roster on the Ronin is looking a bit dodgy and is overlapping the links on the righthand side. Not sure what the problem is. Hutch 19:37, 2 October 2007 (CDT)

The nav menu always goes on top and it's obscuring the position column of the table. You need to make the roster narrower, maybe change "Lieutenant Junior Grade" to "Lieutenant JG" (you've not spelt "Lieutenant Commander" out after all) and abbreviate HCO a tad for starters. - Lt.JG SalakTalk 09:44, 3 October 2007 (CDT)

You've broken it again, Jack! the Lt jg rank is too long, dropping down to the next line. I'm inept and don't know how to fix it. Hutch 14:41, 15 November 2007 (CST)

Salak Professional History

They should indeed, good spot! Thanks :) - Lt.JG SalakTalk 12:36, 25 September 2007 (CDT)


Oh and I might as well add this here - you fancy writing the fluff for these fellas? I've created the page & links form the Ithassa Region, just need the details on it. If you don't fancy it I'll see what I can do, I've still got the original descriptive email from Cara so I can fiddle away. cheers Hutch 19:41, 2 October 2007 (CDT)


Where's your brother? Not making an npc entry for him? Hutch 12:36, 17 October 2007 (CDT)

Pips & Other Random Stuff

Curious why we need some of them... Gold Captain for example, as chances of a Captain being only CEO are quite low I'd've thought? Loved the comment on Dannys talk page, you might want to go other the rest of thwe crew too, dunno. I've been pondering how to update Adairs cos hers is the same issue, still has her on the first Indy. Bens might too, can't recall. Oh, and the comment at the top of the Ronin Shoreleave logs page had me in hysterics :D - Lt.JG SalakTalk 06:39, 5 December 2007 (CST)

I like it. Not sure myself bout civies, put comment on talk page asking if you might want me to remove my ones actually. Not sure if Intel should be with security but not sure where else to put it. Also, there're two cases of rank being listed in the name section still, in addition to in the main rank column. - Lt.JG SalakTalk 09:10, 5 December 2007 (CST)

Ronin Master Crew Roster

Just wondering why the sub-headers are deemed needed given each table just repeats them immediately afterwards. I won't remove at the sec given that it'll dramatically change the ToC but thought I should ask. - Lt.JG SalakTalk 18:31, 16 December 2007 (CST)


You seem to have missed it, so I'll link to it here. User talk:Jackford B. Kolk/Roster/Dream Team - Lt Cmdr. Salak Talk 14:00, 23 March 2009 (EDT)