Laria Herren/Mission Logs

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Laria Herren

Academy Transcript Medical Record Mission Logs Gallery

USS Constitution B

Galaxy class
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The Message

See full incident report here.



Starbase 709

Starbase 709  

General Order 27 Challenge

With the arrival of a more seasoned diplomat, Lieutenant Herren began working with Lieutenant Commander Th’ezyth as a paralegal in the JAG Corps offices on the starbase. Most of the legal work was routine, except for a challenge by one of the starbase’s officers that the CO was in violation of General Order 27. The general order stated: “No member of Starfleet shall be required by the assignment of standard duties and responsibilities to undergo extended separation from their family if family members can be reasonably provided for aboard ship or as a part of an existing Starfleet installation.” He alleged that he had been seeking authorization for his family to come aboard for six months and had been stonewalled at every turn. The JAG office looked into the issue and spoke with the captain. They were able to remedy the issue without further issue, and the procedural issues surrounding the authorization for the family’s arrival on the starbase were promptly cleared.

Laria Herren

Lieutenant J.G. Herren’s Personal Log, Stardate 239912.15

This red uniform still feels a bit weird. The Starfleet Diplomatic Corps offered me another posting, but… I don’t know. I think branching out some will be good for me. Commander Th’ezyth took some time to show me a few tricks when it comes to legal research. And if I really end up liking this, he knows some law school programs that will offer some basic courses via correspondence. And who knows, I could wind up taking a sabbatical to go to law school. I- oh, hold on, someone’s here.

Laria Herren

Lieutenant J.G. Herren’s Log, Stardate 239912.17

Lieutenant Patterson seems to have a case here. While Starfleet bureaucracy can have its delays and red tape, this seems excessive. We’ve spoken with the captain, but he hasn’t given a satisfactory explanation as to why it’s taking so long. The Pattersons have been in temporary accommodations on Bajor for the past five months thinking that a resolution was just around the corner. I’ve looked through previous challenges under General Order 27 and it looks fairly cut and dry. Here’s hoping we can avoid a full hearing.

ATTENTION: This log is related to an active case with the Judge Advocate General Corps, and the information may be privileged or otherwise protected.

Laria Herren

Lieutenant J.G. Herren’s Log, Stardate 239912.26

All’s well that ends well. Things have been cleared up with command and the Patterson family has been reunited just in time for Christmas, an old Earth holiday. It’s certainly heartwarming to see all that work have a positive impact. I could get used to this.

ATTENTION: This log is related to an active case with the Judge Advocate General Corps, and the information may be privileged or otherwise protected.

Investigation of the And the Seas Shall Turn to Slug-o-Cola

Lieutenant Herren arrived on Starbase 709 at a chaotic time. The ship And the Seas Shall Turn to Slug-o-Cola, a trade freighter and luxury travel vessel owned by an eccentric Ferengi businessman named Belis, had been caught carrying a large cache of undisclosed weapons in its cargo holds, including Remat detonators and other weapons illegal in the Federation for unauthorized civilian use. The ship had been towed to Starbase 709 for a full investigation and to interrogate Belis and his crew. Laria’s mission was to deal with complaints from the Ferengi Alliance that the ship had been completely innocent and that the Federation seizing the ship and arresting the crew for smuggling contraband was an act of piracy. She worked with the station’s judge advocate, Lieutenant Commander Th’ezyth, to ensure that everything was being done in full accordance with the complications of international criminal and trade law.

Diplomatic Officer
Laria Herren

Lieutenant J.G. Herren’s Personal Log, Stardate 239910.09

I haven’t even gotten to the station yet, and things are already going off the rails. The station’s judge advocate, Commander Th’ezyth got in contact and told me to expect a dispute over the seizure of a Ferengi arm dealer’s ship. He seems like a nice enough guy to work with, though. And compared to this past week, I’ll take an international trade law dispute any day.

Diplomatic Officer
Laria Herren

Diplomatic Officer’s Log, Stardate 239910.09

So, here’s the situation. Belis is an independent Ferengi trader. He captains the ship And the Seas Shall Turn to Slug-o-Cola, apparently a quote from one of the most capitalism-loving Ferengi economists of all time… which is saying something. Anyway, he was caught smuggling Remat detonars and two cargo bays full of other illegal weapons. He was caught by a Starfleet vessel. The ship was impounded and brought to Starbase 709 along with the crew to stand trial for arms trafficking. All good so far.

However, the issue now is that the Ferengi Commerce Authority has lodged a legal complaint of piracy. Belis and his crew are just humble merchants who are being illegally held and all of their cargo seized over some minor contraband. Commander Th’ezyth has been handling the legal side, but he is a lawyer and not necessarily a smooth talker. So, I’ll be working with him to handle this dispute.

Diplomatic Officer
Laria Herren

Diplomatic Officer’s Log, Stardate 239910.18

I just had a four hour long discussion with Commander Th’ezyth. In regard to Federation law, we’re fully within our rights. And with Ferengi law and our existing trade agreements, there are provisions that could allow for the UFP to assert some control over Ferengi entities operating in Federation territory, on the condition that such control or seizure is not unduly burdensome or too widely-executed to take Ferengi Alliance property that is not involved in a crime.

Several questions still remain. Can the Ferengi Alliance assert any property interest in the ship and its non-contraband cargo while disavowing any knowledge of Belis’s smuggling operations? And how narrowly must “involved in a crime” be interpreted. I’d say that the ship transporting contraband is being used as a criminal enterprise, but under the Ferengi view, the contraband’s presence on the And the Seas Shall Turn to Slug-o-Cola is incidental and does not convey any criminal connotation onto the ship or the rest of its cargo since it was not on the manifest or “supposed” to be there. Discussion are ongoing.

Diplomatic Officer
Laria Herren

Shuttlecraft Pascal Log, Stardate 239911.09

I am on my way to Ferenginar with Commander Th’ezyth now. We’ve concluded that the best way to settle this piracy claim is to give the Ferengi Commerce Authority what they want, the ability to profit from this situation. While the seizure of the ship is legal under Federation law, our discussions with the captain have confirmed that all that we really care about are the weapons and that the arms dealers face justice. And the FCA will probably be willing to give it to us as long as they can walk away with something. If the And the Seas Shall Turn to Slug-o-Cola and its legal cargo is their asking price in the settlement, that would be doable.

Diplomatic Officer
Laria Herren

Diplomatic Officer’s Log, Stardate 239911.24

It’s over. Belis and his crew will stand trial in the Federation. I met with Liquidators Giag and Keron at the Tower of Commerce. They have agreed to treat the incident as a violation of the Ferengi Trade By-Laws, Section 2319, Paragraph 2. Apparently, there is a little-used by-law that requires that any arms deal with any non-Ferengi entities requires the purchase of some kind of license from the original manufacturers. So, the Board of Liquidators will send a representative to Starbase 709. He will discuss the matter with Belis and his crew and assess whatever penalties he sees fit. The Federation will release the ship and any cargo that is not contraband to the Board of Liquidators if requested. Once they’ve gotten their cut and settled accounts, Belis and his crew are all ours for trial.

All said, I think that’s a bargain. Although I don’t think I’m getting those six slips of latinum back for the standing in the lobby, standing in the conference room, and non-business attire fees. As long as the deal gets done…

Gamma Hydra II Consulate

Gamma Hydra II Consulate  

The Blood Feud on Torna IV

Torna IV had been a common trouble spot in the consulate’s sector. Two minor Klingon houses had lived on the world since its colonization in the early 22nd century, the House of Bardok and the House of Em'oc. A disagreement over land had escalated in the late 22nd century that brought the heads of the two houses to blows. Bardok slew Em'oc, causing a blood feud between the two houses. The rivalry ebbed and flowed, but never died, each house still convinced that they were in the right and that the other was without honor. The feud would intermittently flare up as general hostility or petty acts of vengeance gave way to actual fighting and the occasional death. Federation nationals who had settled on Torna IV were advised to steer clear of the houses and to stay out of the Klingon politics.

The Juvonens, a Human woman and her Human/Klingon husband had moved from Luna to Torna IV in 2397 to find a humbler existence where they could work for a living and find peace and quiet. They purchased a small plot of land and established a farm on the Klingon colony. Hanna and Egrix Juvonen first reached out to the consulate in late 2398, requesting advice on finding local medical practitioners experienced with dealing with non-Klingons to help treat Hanna’s Hesperan thumping cough. However, unknown to them, their farm sat directly between two estates belonging to the Houses of Bardok and Em'oc. The Juvonens became involved in the feud when Egrix became a bit too cozy with his neighbor Soz, prompting the ire of the House of Em'oc. Perceived as having “taken sides” in the conflict, the couple became increasingly caught in the crossfire. Lieutenant Herren was working to advise the couple and was in the process of helping them navigate selling their land and moving to a different world when they lost contact on Stardate 239909.06. Laria arrived on Torna IV to find the Juvonen farmstead in ruins. A formal investigation eventually concluded that Krerihl had arrived at the farmhouse to demand that Egrix cut ties with Soz. The demand was not well-received, a fight broke out, and the farmhouse caught fire at some point in the struggle. Both Hanna and Egrix were killed, and Krerihl was seriously injured. It was unclear how precisely the fire started, or who was responsible.

Lieutenant Herren referred the case to local Klingon authorities, for all the good it did, and focused on the fallout of the Juvonens’ deaths. She arranged for what was left of their estate to be taken care of, collected their remains and the official documentation from the colony government, and had the couple returned to Luna to their next-of-kin. She also had to contact said next-of-kin to inform them what had happened. The incident was extremely distressing and prompted Laria to file for a transfer request.

Laria Herren

Gamma Hydra II Consulate Log, Stardate 239809.18

Egrix and Hanna Juvonen, Federation nationals on Torna IV, contacted the consulate for assistance. Mrs. Juvonen has fallen ill with a serious case of Hesperan thumping cough and is finding it difficult to locate a medical practitioner familiar with treating Humans. They have been sent a list of known medical professionals in the sector with said experience.

Laria Herren

Gamma Hydra II Consulate Log, Stardate 239906.04

Mr. and Mrs. Juvonen of Torna IV have reported that multiple pipius on their farm have been slaughtered. Mr. Juvonen reports that it appears to have been done deliberately to intimidate, and also reports threats from some of their neighbors. While he does not require further consular assistance at the moment, he expressed concerns that the situation could develop into a danger that would require assistance. His concerns are duly noted.

Laria Herren

Vice-Consul’s Log, Stardate 239907.01

More reports of animal mutilation from the Juvonens. After some investigation, I’ve discovered that their farm is sandwiched between two larger estates belonging to the House of Bardok and the House of Em’oc. The two houses have been engaged in a blood feud since Torna IV was first settled, and it still periodically flares up. Egrix tells me that the trouble started when he helped his neighbor Soz repair fences for his animal pens. Apparently, being a good neighbor is “taking sides” in their familial disputes. I’ll speak with Kenkichi and discuss possible next steps. Egrix is right about one thing, this can boil over into a very nasty situation.

Laria Herren

Vice-Consul’s Log, Stardate 239907.14

Kenkichi, myself, and the Juvonens had a conference call to discuss the situation. Mr. Juvonen is confident that the danger is, for the moment, over. However, if the current crisis escalates again, we may consider arranging for the couple to sell their current parcel of land and move to another colony in the sector. While I certainly appreciate their choice in lifestyle, it is unfortunate that the specific plot of land their farm rests on is so inconveniently located.

Laria Herren

Gamma Hydra II Consulate Log, Stardate 239908.21

The feud between House Bardok and House Em’oc on Torna IV has become violent. The Juvonens are getting caught in the crossfire. The perceived threat of property damage or serious physical injury are high. Consul Sakane is providing consular assistance and crisis response advice to the couple.

Laria Herren

Vice-Consul’s Log, Stardate 239908.23

We’ve decided that the situation on Torna IV is spinning out of control far too quickly. It’s best to get Egrix and Hanna out of there now and worry about the specifics of handling their property and moving them to a new colony later. I have the initial documents they’ll need to file with the planetary government, then we can get them on the next transport out of there. Sending the documents over subspace now.

Laria Herren

Gamma Hydra II Consulate Log, Stardate 239909.06

Mr. and Mrs. Juvonen never replied to previous correspondence on Stardate 239908.23. Multiple attempts to contact them have proven unsuccessful. If we are unable to make contact within the next few days, a visit to their home on Torna IV may be necessary.

Laria Herren

Vice-Consul’s Log, Stardate 239909.19

When I arrived at the Juvonen farm, the house was a charred pile of rubble. I have contacted the local authorities to discover what exactly happened, but initial signs point to the deaths of both Mr. and Mrs. Juvonen. The consulate has been informed.

Laria Herren

Vice-Consul’s Log, Stardate 239910.01

The official investigation has revealed the following: Krerihl, a member of the House of Em’oc, arrived on the evening of 239908.22 and asked to speak to Egrix. He alleges that he told Egrix that his neighbors were without honor and that he should not associate with such individuals. Egrix allegedly insulted Krerihl and said that he had no interest in taking sides in the feud. Words gave way to blows, and a fight broke out in the farmhouse. Krerihl was unable to explain how the house caught on fire, but was barely able to escape after sustaining serious burns and inhaling smoke. Klingon authorities arrived to the homestead after it had completely burned. The remains of Egrix and Hanna Juvonen were found in the debris. The United Federation of Planets mourns their loss and will do its best to see that justice is done for the victims.

Laria Herren

Lieutenant J.G. Herren’s Personal Log, Stardate 239910.01

They’re dead. These honor-crazed farmers were so caught up in trying to kill each other that they felt the need to burn down an innocent couple’s farm for helping repair a damn fence. It’s ridiculous! I spoke with the authorities, but I don’t know how much is going to come of that. The officer I spoke to explained that Egrix chose to involve himself in a matter of honor and attack Krerihl. I don’t buy Krerihl’s version of events for a second, but I can’t prove he’s a liar. I hate this… I hate all of it! And you know what the worst part is? (Sounds of crying) I’ve got to call Hanna’s parents on Earth and tell them what happened. I don’t think I can handle this job anymore.

Coolant Leak on H'atoria

On Stardate 239904.03, an industrial accident occurred at a starship maintenance facility in H’atoria colony. A freighter being brought in for repairs crashed, rupturing several warp coolant tanks. The coolant leak caused widespread disruption in the colony, and created several new requests for consular assistance from Federation nationals. Lieutenant Herren contacted the Klingon governor and offered Federation assistance in cleanup operations. She accompanied the crew of a Cheyenne-class cruiser to the planet and assisted with cleanup, as well as supporting the Federation population present on H’atoria. Cleanup lasted three weeks, and Laria remained at the site for another week to make sure everyone was settled back in after everything was over.

Laria Herren

Gamma Hydra II Consulate Log, Stardate 239904.03

The consulate has received a report that there has been an accident at the raSpa' tlhol Repair Facility on H’atoria. Several silos of warp engine coolant were released, and the nearby colony has been exposed to hazardous materials. Federation citizens do live on H’atoria colony, and some have already reached out for assistance. I have contacted Governor T’Kleg and offered Federation assistance.

Laria Herren

Vice-Consul’s Log, Stardate 239904.11

We’ve been on H’atoria for a few days now. It’s a mess. Apparently the plasma coolant silos were just sitting on the edge of the facility. Not even a fence. Around six hundred people have been temporarily moved out of the area. Thankfully, with a Starfleet ship here now, the actual clean-up of the residue is going much faster. 60% of the remaining coolant has been contained. Cleaning up all of the residue and atmospheric capture to make the area fully habitable again will take another two weeks, at least. Meanwhile I get to babysit six hundred Klingon and Federation colonists who are on an unscheduled camping trip. We’ve had four fights just today.

Laria Herren

Lieutenant J.G. Herren’s Personal Log, Stardate 239905.03

I’m on my way back to the consulate now. We’ve gotten everyone settled back into their homes. A few documents were lost and needed replacements, but there were thankfully no deaths and few serious injuries. This has actually been kind of a surreal experience, I certainly never expected to get invited to a night of drinking to celebrate a humanitarian mission well-done by a Klingon governor. But here we are. And me at the start of this assignment certainly would never have expected to develop any taste for Klingon food. I have no idea how that grew on me.

A Trade War

On Stardate 239807.24, the consulate played host to two sector governors from the Klingon Empire, a Romulan trade rep, and four independent traders from both the Klingon Empire, the Federation, and the Ferengi Alliance. Lieutenant Herren took point on supporting the meeting while Kenkichi handled the actual negotiations. Laria’s first task before the meeting was research. She spent a week assembling market data, monitoring trade volumes, and summarizing the trade laws of all four powers. Then, she turned the report over to Kenkichi so that he could mediate the discussion to resolve a minor trade dispute. Once the background research was done, Laria moved on to hospitality. She prepared temporary accommodations on an upper floor of the consulate and had the difficult task of planning a menu for the talks. One of the Ferengi traders walked away from the table, but the rest of the group were able to work out their disputes and stop further harassment of trade convoys by the local Klingon forces.

Laria Herren

Vice-Consul’s Log, Stardate 239807.13

Consul Sakane just came into my office with some troubling news. Two Klingon governors have closed their sectors to outside trade. Some underhanded tactics by the local Independent Merchant’s Association has really put a bee in the Klingons’ bonnets. Now birds-of-prey are harassing every non-Imperial trade convoy that comes in and turns them away. As part of the consulate’s mission to promote harmonious economic relations and free trade, we will be bringing everyone here in hopes of resolving the dispute. I will be conducting background research on the issues to help us broker a deal.

Laria Herren

Lieutenant J.G. Herren’s Personal Log, Stardate 239807.26

The trade dispute is over, and the consulate’s stint as a miniature conference center is over. And it couldn’t come sooner. If that Ferengi freight boss told me I was way too overdressed for a business meeting one more time I was going to lose it.

On a side note, I had to try gagh. It was actually not nearly as bad as I thought it would be. I guess I can learn to love Klingon food.

Consular Services

Sakane Kenkichi, the assigned consul for the Gamma Hydra II consulate, fell ill and required treatment at a nearby starbase for a month. Between 239707.14 and 239709.05, Lieutenant Herren served as acting consul. Her brief tenure as the consul gave her a newfound respect for the various types of consular assistance that were all part of the job. She oversaw replacement travel documents, promoted trade between the Klingon Empire and the Federation, kept track of civilian Federation-registered ships operating in her sector of Klingon space, and arranged for the birth of Federation citizens in the Empire to be properly reported back to the Federation government on Earth.

Acting Consul
Laria Herren

Gamma Hydra II Consulate Log, Stardate 239707.14

Consul Sakane Kenkichi has become ill and requires treatment on Starbase 239. Until his return, Vice-Consul Laria Herren will be acting consul and perform all required duties and answer any requests for consular assistance.

Acting Consul
Laria Herren

Acting Consul’s Log, Stardate 239707.22

We have received nine requests for consular assistance in the last three days. One disappearance, two families displaced by a flash flood, two births of Federation citizens abroad, and four requests for new travel documents. It is my sincere hope that this is only a temporary aberration.

Acting Consul
Laria Herren

Acting Consul’s Log, Stardate 239708.18

Our consulate has played host to the crew of a Klingon freighter for the past day. They had arrived to have their travel documents authorized and stayed for a performance by one our colonists of Aktuh and Maylota. They really seemed to enjoy it. While unexpected, I welcome this sudden opportunity to continue our mission to strengthen diplomatic, cultural, and economic ties with our allies in the Klingon Empire.

Acting Consul
Laria Herren

Acting Consul’s Log, Stardate 239709.01

Records indicate that there’s been a sudden increase in travel into the Empire by Federation-registered traders. The workload of monitoring our flagged vessels is something of a burden, but the implications of a healthier trade relationship with more travel volume is ultimately a sign of the good health of our relationship with the Empire. This uptick in travel is duly noted.

Acting Consul
Laria Herren

Lieutenant J.G. Herren’s Personal Log, Stardate 239709.05

Kenkichi is back in action and feeling healthy. Thank goodness, I have a whole new respect for everything that man does on a daily basis. I won’t miss being responsible for any of that. Well, except maybe registering citizen births abroad. Getting to help people and only having to fill out a birth certificate and attach cute baby pictures is alright by me.

Klingon Justice

Early days at the Gamma Hydra II Consulate were uneventful for Lieutenant Herren. Her first major assignment was a visit to Rura Penthe to check on the well-being of a Federation national. Arthur Templeton, a colonist living in the Klingon Empire, had been accused of poisoning his neighbor’s pet targ. Arthur stood his ground, but refused to settle the matter with his neighbor in any of the typical Klingon ways. So, the Klingon authorities arrested him. The charges were trumped up and his refusal to tolerate the eccentricities of the Klingon justice system ensured that he was easily convicted. Laria took a shuttle to Rura Penthe along with a Federation attorney specializing in Klingon law and spent a week conferring with Arthur and ensuring that he was not in immediate danger. The pair were able to arrange an appeal and convinced the Klingon authorities to move Arthur to a less hostile penal colony that better fit the original accusations against him.

Laria Herren

Vice-Consul’s Log, Stardate 239705.02

For my first major assignment, I have been assigned the case of a Mr. Arthur Templeton. He is facing what he claims to be politically-motivated charges based on the allegation that he poisoned a neighbor’s targ when it repeatedly broke on to his land. I have arranged for legal representation for Mr. Templeton in the Klingon Empire and am assisting him in locating a Federation lawyer also admitted to the Klingon bar who can join his legal team. The situation is developing.

Laria Herren

Vice-Consul’s Log, Stardate 239705.19

Concerns have been raised at to the conditions that Mr. Templeton is being held in. Of all Klingon penal colonies, Rura Penthe is the most dangerous and subjects prisoners to hard labor. It is believed that Mr. Templeton’s pre-trial detention here is motivated by Federation-Klingon politics. I am currently on-site, seeking to negotiate his transfer to a less dangerous detention facility given his pre-trial status and the severity of his alleged crimes.

Laria Herren

Gamma Hydra II Consulate Log, Stardate 239706.03

Federation national Arthur Templeton has been transferred to a Klingon prison station in the H’atoria system where he will be safer than on Rura Penthe. He is in contact with his legal counsel and will be able to pursue his legal challenge to the charges against him. The consulate will remain a visitation contact for Mr. Templeton to ensure he is receiving fair treatment.

USS Hood

  USS Hood (NCC-53188)  
Excelsior class
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Ferengi Privateers

A New Year’s celebration in 2397 was interrupted by a distress call from a civilian freighter. The Hood spent a week hunting down reports of pirate attacks before locating a Ferengi ship. The Starfleet crew was expecting a fight and might have had to fight the crew of “unorthodox salvage procurement specialists” had Laria not been on the bridge. She had been briefing Captain Uroiso on an unrelated matter when they caught up with the Ferengi pirates. The Ferengi captain felt confident in the ability of his heavily-modified D’Kora class marauder to take on one aging Excelsior-class ship. But Laria took their hail requesting surrender to try and talk things out.

Before arriving on the Hood, Laria had taken it upon herself to do extensive research on Cardassian and Ferengi culture. Over the course of a tense conversation, she created an argument for the Ferengi surrendering built on economic thinking and the Rules of Acquisition. Even if the pirates did destroy one Starfleet ship, that only bought them time before better-armed Starfleet ships came looking for them. While undesirable, coming to the negotiating table would yield the smallest drop in revenue. A battle was avoided and the Ferengi crew agreed to discuss terms. Captain Uroiso wrote a letter of recommendation to the Starfleet Diplomatic Corps over the incident, prompting a transfer order to arrive two weeks later.

Diplomatic Officer
Laria Herren

Diplomatic Officer’s Log, Stardate 239701.02

Captain Uroiso has me working on a series of recommendations for the Starfleet Corps of Engineering detachment that will be replacing us in the Kelvas system. Tensions are still high between the Federation and the Cardassians. Which is understandable, they’re very proud people and there’s probably a lot of resentment over having ruined star systems be rebuilt by the victors of the very war that ruined those worlds. And, on top of all that, there’s reports of some kind of marauder going around attacking freighters in the area. I guess I know what the rest of the crew will be doing while I write diplomatic protocol guides.

Diplomatic Officer
Laria Herren

Lieutenant J.G. Herren’s Personal Log, Stardate 239701.09

That was an insane day. I was briefing the captain on my recommendations when the ship went to red alert. And there we were, face to face with the strongest Ferengi ship I’ve ever seen. I am so glad I read up on the Rules of Acquisition. Even during those talks, I was sure that we were about to get into a shooting match with those pirates. Talk about high-pressure negotiations.

Cardassian Reconstruction in the Kelvas System

Following the rescue of the CUV Ekoor the Hood journeyed to the Kelvas System. Compared to the Cardassian system and other core systems of the Cardassian Union, the Kelvas System had been relatively untouched by reconstruction efforts by the Federation Alliance. The ship spent a month in the system, working on Kelvas V reconstruction efforts. Lieutenant Herren worked closely with Captain Uroiso and Commander Nicholson on the schedule of repairs and reconstruction projects. Then, Laria coordinated with the planetary government to determine their reconstruction priorities and melded the two lists into one master schedule for the month. First Officer Nicholson took over coordination for the Starfleet side while Laria kept a line of communication open with the local Cardassian authorities throughout the Hood’s stay.

Diplomatic Officer
Laria Herren

Diplomatic Officer’s Log, Stardate 239611.28

Starfleet has dispatched the USS Hood to the Kelvas System. The Cardassian Union’s outlying systems have long been a low priority for Cardassian reconstruction after the war. Kelvas was home to a few military facilities and the settlements for the staff of those facilities. It was mostly destroyed towards the end of the Dominion War. We will coordinate repair efforts with the local government and aid in rebuilding until the Starfleet Corps of Engineering can dispatch specialists with the proper equipment to revitalize the Kelvas System.

Diplomatic Officer
Laria Herren

Diplomatic Officer’s Log, Stardate 239612.02

The Kelvas System has not fared well since the Dominion War. The Fifth Fleet and Commander Graw’s forces really made a mess of this place in the eleventh hour of the Dominion War. Even with a year to begin work, they barely have the central part of the Kelvas V planetary capital cleared. We had our first meeting at the Planetary Administration Center, which you can absolutely tell has sat abandoned for two decades. I don’t know how much Starfleet expects the Hood to be able to do. We don’t exactly have the most abundant industrial replicators or construction equipment of any class. This is an Excelsior-class, after all. But we will do our best.

I have also met my primary contacts during the reconstruction process. Anosh Kherlak is a nice enough woman, if not a bit over-excited when discussing infrastructure projects. I suppose that is to be expected from a Director of Civil Engineering, and her animated conversations make meetings on sewage treatment systems or power grid revitalization more bearable. Governor Braath gave us a less-than-warm reception, and I think he might hold a grudge against the Federation. Further research into his background may prove useful.

Diplomatic Officer
Laria Herren

Communications Log – Kelvas V Planetary Administration Center, Stardate 239612.15

  • Stardate 239612.15 - 0700 Hours - Main Reception
  • Stardate 239612.15 - 0930 Hours - Meeting Room Six Conference Call Line
  • Stardate 239612.15 - 1156 Hours - Anosh Kherlak, Director of Civil Engineering
  • Stardate 239612.15 - 1300 Hours - Meeting Room Six Conference Call Line
  • Stardate 239612.15 - 1530 Hours - Office of Governor Braath
  • Stardate 239612.15 - 1715 Hours - Glinn Yumec, Cardassian Information Service
  • Stardate 239612.15 - 1900 Hours - Anosh Kherlak, Director of Civil Engineering
  • Stardate 239612.15 - 2130 Hours - Meeting Room Two Conference Call Line

Diplomatic Officer
Laria Herren

Lieutenant J.G. Herren’s Personal Log, Stardate 239612.28

We’ve wrapped up our stay in the Kelvas System and are getting ready to head back towards Federation territory. The Starfleet Corps of Engineers has finally assembled their team and is sending two ships to relieve us and step up the reconstruction efforts. Which should really help with easing some tensions. Governor Braath has felt more than a little neglected with being assigned to a system that’s been almost abandoned for twenty years. This month brought Kelvas V a long way towards actually being functional and habitable again.

Rescue of the CUV Ekoor

After a refit at Deep Space Nine, the USS Hood began its first patrol along the border of Cardassian space. The first major mission involving Lieutenant Herren was the rescue of the CUV Ekoor in the Badlands. The Hideki-class ship had been caught in a subspace rift by a microsingularity that passed by the ship and threw the ship off-course with its intense gravitational pull. Gul Gorell, a Dominion War veteran and commander of the Ekoor was hesitant to accept Starfleet help. Lieutenant Herren used her Academy training in Cardassian history and psychology to establish a rapport with Gorell. She smoothed tensions enough for the rescue to succeed without issue.

Diplomatic Officer
Laria Herren

Diplomatic Officer’s Log, Stardate 239610.14

I now see just how crucial a diplomatic officer is aboard the Hood. The Dominion war might have been long-over, but tensions remain high. You would think that having your ship caught in a gravitational rift would be the worst time to start digging up old wounds and grudges. Apparently, Gul Gorell didn’t think so. I guess I’ll need to brush up on my Cardassian for this assignment.

New Romulus Embassy

New Romulus Embassy Complex  

Reunification Talks

Mid-year 2396 saw Ensign Herren’s final large-scale event at the embassy. A private group of Vulcan citizens from various fields arrived to discuss Reunification with Republic officials. With several different groups and ideologies coming together, the embassy’s staff were divided up to help prepare for each group’s arrival. Laria worked with the Sisters of Qowat Milat, a Romulan religious group committed to total and open emotional communication. She prepared quarters for their small group of representatives at the talks and handled any issues that arose with the group. It was especially difficult for Laria to break her own practiced habits of being guarded and reserved with her emotions, but she impressed the group by the end of the summit.

Starfleet Attaché
Laria Herren

Ensign Herren’s Log, Stardate 239608.13

A group of Vulcan citizens will be arriving to meet with representatives of the Romulan Republic and multiple Romulan groups to discuss issues of Reunification. Ambassador Stryssen has said this meeting will require all hands on deck, so to speak. All the diplomatic staff are being divided up to work with the different groups that will be here for the conference. I will be working with some group called the Sisters of Qowat Milat. I believe they are a Romulan religion? I’ll need to make some preparations and set some time aside for research before they arrive.

Starfleet Attaché
Laria Herren

New Romulus Embassy Log, Stardate 239608.21

The starship Talvath has arrived at New Romulus, and the delegation from the Sisters of Qowat Milat have arrived. They have been assigned VIP quarters on Floor Three, Section A. Ensign Laria Herren is acting as primary point of contact, as per Ambassador Stryssen’s orders.

Starfleet Attaché
Laria Herren

Ensign Herren’s Personal Log, Stardate 239608.30

This is impossible! How am I supposed to completely lose all of the diplomatic poise and emotional suppression that I’ve been working on. The sisters are all about openness and honesty. And I thought that I got lucky by not being assigned to Professor V’lan from the Vulcan Science Academy Sociology Department. Still, like Ambassador C’Nora always said, each challenge is an opportunity for growth.

Starfleet Attaché
Laria Herren

Ensign Herren’s Log, Stardate 239609.07

The last visitors from the Reunification Conference have departed. I’m even told that Sister Hathshia told the ambassador that I did a good job!

New Ambassador

In mid-2396, Ambassador C’Nora’s three year tour as the New Romulus ambassador ended. Anticipating that Vulcan and Romulan reunification would be a perennial topic of discussion, Ambassador Stryssen of Vulcan was appointed to replace her. There was a large reception planned both to send off Ambassador C’Nora and to welcome the new ambassador. Laria coordinated with the Romulan Republic Navy to handle security for the ambassador changeover and visit by Romulan Republic officials to welcome Stryssen. There were no incidents at the reception; and events on the agenda included a performance by a Vulcan children’s choir, a speech by a Republic senator, and the official change in ambassador ceremony.

Starfleet Attaché
Laria Herren

New Romulus Embassy Log, Stardate 239606.19

Subcommander Raceek of the Romulan Republic has temporarily assigned a troop of thirty naval personnel to assist with security at the embassy during the reception. They will report directly to Commander Grissom, head of embassy security.

Starfleet Attaché
Laria Herren

Ensign Herren’s Personal Log, Stardate 239606.27

That was a very lovely reception. I also got to meet Ambassador Stryssen briefly. He seems like a nice guy. As Vulcans go. Although I am going to miss Ambassador C’Nora. I didn’t get to meet with her very often, but she was always kind and tried to give me some good advice on my diplomatic tact. I guess we’ll see how this all works out after a few months with the new ambassador.

Warp Environmental Impact Conference

Towards the end of 2395, the embassy played host to a conference discussing the impact of warp travel on subspace first discovered by the Enterprise-D in 2370. Such conferences had been held every five years to discuss warp travel restrictions and new technologies that mitigated the damage to subspace. Matters of discussion on the agenda included an update on high-risk areas like the Hekaras Corridor, forced quantum singularity improvements, and the first progress check on Quantum Slipstream Drive since its introduction by Starfleet in 2390. Some governments sent representatives to discuss new projects and several educational institutions sent delegations to the conference to give presentations.

Ensign Herren had relatively little to contribute given the subject matter of the conference. Instead, she was focused again on event logistics and hospitality. Her role as Starfleet attaché also involved working with Starfleet scientists and engineers who would be involved with the subject matter of the conference. She assembled reports and booked transport for Federation and Starfleet attendees. She enjoyed the party that opened the conference, but after that she spent most of her time behind the scenes or attending the occasional discussion with Kitral.

Starfleet Attaché
Laria Herren

Ensign Herren’s Log, Stardate 239511.29

I believe that all the preparations for the Warp Environmental Impact Conference are complete. The Federation Science Council rep, Daystrom Institute staff, and a team from Starfleet Science are all on the way at this moment. Quarters have been arranged and the banquet hall is all set for the welcome party. Everything is set, and I think that I found a great Romulan-inspired dress for the banquet.

Starfleet Attaché
Laria Herren

Ensign Herren’s Personal Log, Stardate 239512.01

What an, uhhhh… opening banquet, thing. I had a great time. Centurion, oh, what’s her- her name, I remember it… Kitral! Oh, she’s really (Hiccup) fun. She also introduced me to Romulan ale. Oh boy, I should really get to bed… Computer, lights.

No, wait, turn the lights back on!

Oh, and end log.

Starfleet Attaché
Laria Herren

Ensign Herren’s Personal Log, Stardate 239512.02

Kitral invited me to attend one of the panels with her. Given that she both introduced me to Romulan ale and made sure I got back to my quarters after that introduction to be sure I didn’t embarrass myself, I suppose I can sit through a lecture on forced singularity emission controls for an hour. It’s the least I can do.

Eitreih'hveinn Gala

A month after Ensign Herren’s arrival, the New Romulus Embassy played host to a gala to celebrate the Romulan harvest festival, Eitreih’hveinn. She was very involved in preparations for the event. Laria was heavily involved in both accommodations for guests and the menu. She also sat on the committee that set the event’s agenda. Ensign Herren first met Centurion Kitral of the Romulan Republic at the gala. The Eitreih’hveinn Gala was a success, and Laria earned a commendation from Ambassador C’Nora for her logistical assistance for the event.

Starfleet Attaché
Laria Herren

Ensign Herren’s Personal Log, Stardate 239506.16

Alright, it’s do or die time. I’m helping out with this harvest festival gala, and I really need to make a good impression. This has not been the start to my diplomatic career I was hoping it would be. I keep making stupid mistakes and tripping over my words whenever I bump in to someone important. If I ever want to be taken seriously as someone who can get results, this gala needs to perfectly!

Starfleet Attaché
Laria Herren

Ensign Herren’s Personal Log, Stardate 239506.27

The gala went better than I expected. There were no logistical hiccups, I made some Romulan friends, and even got to meet Ambassador C’Nora. She even gave me a commendation for everything I did to make sure things went so smoothly. I think the last month has been officially made up for.

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