- This is your new user page. Feel free to edit it however you wish to display more about your OOC (out of character) self, such as your name/alias and a list of all of your characters. Learn more about the wiki: New Wiki User.
Basic Stats
- Name: Real name is Iain, although everybody refers to me by my characters shortened name of "Max"
- Location: Cheshire, UK
- Joined StarBase 118: 21st November 2016
- Writer ID:
- Favorite Trek series/movie: Series: DS9 / Movie: ST:VI
Player Characters
- Mareta Bianchi (Max's cousin)
- Julien Paradi
- Janice Whittaker
- Janul
- Aine Dolan (Youngest sister of Erin and Lauren)
- Narendra EMH IV
- Erin Dolan
- Victoria MacMahon (Alpha Company CO, SB118 Marines)
- Simeon Taggart
- Viktor Sokolov
- Lauren Dolan
- Freya Iverson (Owner of "Freya's" Cafe)
- Amelia "Milly" Maxwell (Max's daughter)
- Henry Maxwell (Max's brother)
- William Maxwell (Max's father - now deceased)
- Abrielle Maxwell (Max's mother)
- Rosetta Maxwell (Max's sister)
- "Captain" James Finch
- Vrerik
- Tahl (Janul's cousin)
- Vivienne Hatfield
- Master Tenaka
- Hamada Kiyo (See also under Mock Cadet)
And many others not on the roster......
- Ops all the way! <3
OOC activites
- FNS Team (As Henry Maxwell)
- History Team
- Ops Staff / Second Officer
OOC Badges & Awards
- Scotty Cross
- 3-Year Member
- Awards Ceremony Nominator (Legendary) Badge
- Q Award
- Awards Ceremony Nominator (Standard) Badge
- 25th Anniversary Badge
- Sisko Tactical Cross
- B-Plot Award
- 1-Year Member
- Genesis Award
- Top Sims Round Winner Badge
- Donor Badge