Silver Palm
USS Gorkon
With the kind of casual hilarity of someone who is doubtlessly smirking when she writes some of the classic lines in her sims, Samira has this year come in swinging with wonderfully funny one-liners in her sims and boosted the morale of our crew with her sparkling creativity where the plot needs it most. Taking over the Gorkon Quote of the Month duties, she runs the monthly poll of collated best lines from each and every sim, ensuring everyone gets their golden moment, and does so with dedication to the craft each and every month. Active on Discord, she crafts clever lines and encouragement for everyone, making the ship feel brighter every time. For her continued devotion to getting those laughs remembered, Samira Neathler is awarded the Silver Palm for this year!

2020 State of the Federation Address
USS Gorkon
It’s no surprise to find Samira Neathler gracing this multi-commendation list for the year, however her writer might think entirely differently! While most of the commendations here have seen the writers thrust into the spotlight for one reason or another, Samira works tirelessly in the background.
Commended by her CO for her good humour and efforts, she is a reliable source of stability on the Gorkon, providing direction for a flagging plot point, or tags for simmers at a loose end. She combs through every post on a monthly basis to kick off the ship Quote of the Month contest on the forum; a big job, but the contest is celebrating nearly two years of continuity thanks to her dedication!
In conjunction, she is also commended by the Training Team for her unwavering devotion; volunteering for classes consistently and providing a dependable backbone for each class she takes part in. Her simming ability is second to none and each cadet who participates in a class with Samira has one of the best examples available in the team.
Keep up the good work, Sami!