Dezyil Zh'Dograk-Zeth

Revision as of 10:56, 26 September 2024 by Rebecca Iko (talk | contribs)
Amity Outpost
Dezyil Zh'Dograk-Zeth drawing.png
Dezyil Zh’Dograk-Zeth
Position Horticulturist
Rank Civilian
Species Andorian
Gender Zhen
Pronouns She/her
DOB 232409.28
Age 77
Birthplace Wentworth, Australia, Earth



  • Name: Dezyil Zh’Dograk-Zeth
  • Current Rank: Civilian
  • Race: Andorian
  • Date of Birth: 232409.28
  • Place of Birth: Wentworth, Australia, Earth
  • Gender: Zhen
  • Telepathic status: T0/E0


  • Height: 5’1
  • Hair Color: Grey
  • Eye Color: Brown



Tythao Zh'Dograk-Zeth

  • Zhen parent (Zhavey). Moved to Wentworth from her home on Andor when she was 28. Has many stories about the icy moon.

Sovi Sh'Dograk-Zeth

  • Shen parent (Shreva). Moved to Wentworth from the Gold Coast after meeting Oshrob and Tob

Tob Ch'Dograk-Zeth

  • Chaan parent (Charan). met Oshrob when he moved from the Gold Coast to Wentworth in his early 20s.

Oshrob Th'Dograk-Zeth

  • Thaan parent (Thavan). Lived in Wentworth all his life, inheriting the block from his parents, although the kids mostly take care of it these days. Known to most people as “Old mate”


7 (Names TBD)


Approximately 30 total (Names and Genders TBD)

Previous partners:

(Names TBD)

  • Sh
  • Th
  • Ch


(Names TBD)

  • Zh
  • Sh
  • Zh
  • Zh
  • Th


Dezyil, or Dez or Dezzie, is a true-blue Aussie (not just because she's Andorian) with a wealth of life experience. She moved to Amity seeking adventure and new experiences. She has a strong work ethic and passion (especially for her plants and gardening) and being in her seventies hasn't changed that in the slightest.

Dezzie loves meeting new people and engaging in long conversations and gossip. She quickly makes friends, and knows the names of just about everybody in her hometown. She’s a great listener and always ready to chat and share her insights, if someone needs, in a roundabout tough-love sort of way. Full of common sense and witty banter, Dezzie is, above all else, a wholesome, loving, genuine person who just wants to live her best life.


Dezyil was born in a small town called Wentworth, in Australia, where two rivers (the Darling and the Murray) meet. Her father Oshrob had owned a block out there his whole life too, with things such as grapes, apricots, figs, oranges, almonds and olives all being grown for the "real food” industry, and though the arranged quartet originally met on the Gold Coast, they moved to the smaller, quieter city to raise what would add up to be nine children. The approximate translation of the clan name Dograk-Zeth is something similar to “Southern Farmers”.

As a kid, when Dezyil wasn't at school, she was often helping out on the block, harvesting, driving around different farm machinery, etc.. This continued right through to the end of her education, where Dot gained a Certificate III in Nursery Operations and a Certificate IV in Conservation and Ecosystem Management via TAFE. Though some of her siblings went to university, Dezzie felt like she found everything she wanted on the Block. Much of her knowledge is from experience.

In 2338 one of her older siblings found his Andorian quartet, and after marriage and a honeymoon to the gold coast, returned with his family to Wentworth to raise his children on the Block, and soon all of her other siblings had managed to follow suit. Dot finally found her own partners in 2346, and had the five children (as her parents insisted, given Andorian reproductive capabilities) between ‘48 and ‘57. However, after a strong dispute in ‘59, the quartet split off. Doraphiaah's children then spent most of their time in Toowoomba, with their other three parents, usually just coming to Wentworth in the school holidays.

In 2374, Dezyil, like a handful of her siblings, fought in the Dominion war. Her parents were the guardians of many of the family's grandchildren during this time.

What Dez never said was that though the war was horrible and damaging, after spending a few years back out on the block, she found herself bored and longing to return to the stars for more than just trips to family on Andor. To combat her boredom, Dezyil completed her third tafe course to a diploma level between 2379 and 2383.

When the great Nieces and Nephews were all old enough to begin moving out or away and look after themselves, and everyone else who stayed in Wenty all pitching in with jobs and chores around the block, Dezyil found herself beginning to get bored. A news report and a pamphlet found in the local pubs told Dez of a place called Amity and its opportunity for civilians and those who fiddled around in horticulture. She applied and made some enquiries, but with only a limited tertiary education under her belt, didn't think those submissions would get very far. She was wrong.

Dezyil arrived on Amity in late 2401.


  • Certificate III in Agriculture
  • Certificate IV Horticulture
  • Diploma in Plant Sciences

A lifetime on “the block”.

Additional information

Dezyil Zh'Dograk-Zeth is a PNPC played by the writer of Rebecca Iko
