This is your new user page. Feel free to edit it however you wish to display more about your OOC (out of character) self, such as your name/alias and a list of all of your characters. Learn more about the wiki: New Wiki User.

Basic Stats

  • Name: Real name is Iain, although everybody refers to me by my characters shortened name of "Max"
  • Location: Cheshire, UK
  • Joined StarBase 118: 21st November 2016
  • Writer ID:O239311AM0
  • Favorite Trek series/movie: Series: DS9 / Movie: ST:VI

Player Characters


And many others not on the roster......


  • Ops all the way! <3

OOC activites

  • FNS Team (As Henry Maxwell)
  • History Team
  • Ops Staff / Second Officer
  • Training Team

OOC Badges & Awards

  • 2022: 'Excellency' Crew Pennant, 'Fleet Excellency' Crew Pennant
  • 2021: O'Brien Award, Awards Ceremony Nominator (Elite) Badge, 25th Annual Awards Attendee Badge, Donor Badge #2, Donor Badge #3, Per Aspera Ad Astra Commemorative Coin & 25th Annual Awards Attendee Commemorative Coin
  • 2020: Scotty Cross, 3-Year Member Award & Awards Ceremony Nominator (Legendary) Badge
  • 2019: TOSMA, Q Award, Awards Ceremony Nominator (Standard) Badge & 25th Anniversary Badge
  • 2018: Sisko Tactical Cross, B-Plot Award & 1-Year Member Award
  • 2017: Genesis Award & Top Sims Round Winner Badge
  • 2016: Donor Badge

Mock Cadet

Hamada Kiyo BIO

STATS Full Name: Hamada Kiyo Current Rank: Cadet Race: Human Date of Birth: 236704.06 - 31 years Place of Birth: Sapporo, Japan Gender: Female Telepathic status: None

APPEARANCE Height: 5'6" Weight: 142lbs Hair Color: Dark brown, almost black. Eye Color: Brown.

FAMILY Spouse: None Children: None Parents Father: Hamada Riku Mother: Nakayama Kichi Siblings: None listed

BACKSTORY Hamada Kiyo was born and raised in Sapporo, capital city of the second largest island in Japan; Hokkaido. As a child she was very shy, and during her school years this developed into an awkwardness that kept her from making many friends. The few friends she did make were more akin to study partners as she was more likely to be seen with her head in a piece of schoolwork than relaxing. Her shy and studious nature served to propel her ever deeper into her studies and she developed a knack for languages - particularly Romulan. Receiving excellent grades at school, she proceeded to complete her following two years of college and immediately capped it with an application to Starfleet Academy. Her time at the Academy saw Kiyo truly in her element and she dove headlong into all of her subjects. She scored highly in many classes, but at the further expense of never getting beyond her social awkwardness.

Cadet Hamada Kiyo Starfleet Academy Starbase 118 Campus O239311AM0