User:Sky Blake/Test page

Core: No. Never had that intimate relationship stuff on DS17. I conversed - that was it.

Bakari: You never tried to see if anything would happen between you and Barkett? You know she had a crush on you since the moment she saw you--bless her heart, I have no idea why, mind you. Couldn’t stop grinning like an idiot in your presence at staff meetings.

Core: I don’t like blondes.

Bakari: ::shaking his head:: Always so damn picky.

Past Relationships
Herrerasq.jpg The two used to have a very close relationship, but neither were capable of admitting their feelings. Unfortunately, Diego Herrera was told to report back to Earth, with Sky to report to the Ronin. The goodbye was short and difficult. More than a year later, Sky contacted him during shore leave on the Avandar. The conversation ended abruptly shortly after Sky told him of Faith and the outline of her relationship with Sabor. Diego made the excuse that he was working to end the conversation and possibly avoid others. Although both attended Parker's wedding, the two seemingly avoided each other. Having been posted onto the Vigilant, however, the two have a friendly relationship, having put everything past them.
Parkercrew.jpg Hannibal Parker and Sky have somewhat of a history. They were on the same posting until Sky was transferred to the Avandar, and Parker was not especially pleased. They didn't get goodbyes due to Sky being shipped off straight away, but she did attempt to leave a note, which failed to reach him due to the communications system at the Embassy being taken offline. They got in contact again once the attack on the Embassy had finally ceased. When he got married to Kamela Allison, Sky attended his wedding, bringing Sabor and Faith, but ultimately had to leave quickly to return to the Avandar. The two have since kept in constant contact.
AngeloV.jpg Not even something Sky considered a relationship, but a one-night-stand. It resulted in a fight between Michael Angelo Valentino and Parker. Afterwards, Valentino came to her home, mainly wanting the privileges she took from him reinstated. Instead, he spent a little bit of time with Faith, who seemed to like Valentino very much. The two did not get to say goodbye to each other, due to Sky's unexpected leaving, but they did meet up again on the Avandar - Sky once again threatened to again take his privileges should he not behave, but she still considers him a friend.
LtJG Deven Zell.jpg A relationship that Sky considers her best, beginning when Deven Zell assisted Sky through the remaining mental trauma of her final mission on the Challenger-A. On the Ronin, Deven was reassigned to an Intelligence operation - once a confident and playful man, he returned to the Mercury in bad shape, having multiple mental breakdowns. The two agreed that they'd help each other, but shortly after being transferred to the Thunder, he had suffered yet another break-down and was sent to a mental facility while Sky was not onboard. She has yet to hear from him.
AOzera.jpg Was in a stable relationship with Alixis Ozera, until he suddenly disappeared without a trace on stardate 238902.19. It was presumed that he was Faith's father, but there is no biological evidence to support this - regardless of much debate between colleagues and medical officers; Faith simply does not have paternal DNA. For an unknown reason (to Sky), his name is currently on an Intelligence black list.
File:CarinaMycroft.jpg Apparently the start of her sexual relationships, Carina Mycroft was her first, and currently only, bisexual relationship. She was a social skills expert for the Brekkian Training Association, until her behavior was finally deemed 'inappropriate' by officials. She still resides on Brekka, presumably assisting in the efforts to rebuild the majority of Lornae after the civil bombings.

Blake: Things have gotten pretty hard, haven’t they.

Valaine: Rock solid. And not in the good way.

See Awards and Service Ribbons


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