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Please feel free to add your own testimonial at the ''top'' of the list. | Please feel free to add your own testimonial at the ''top'' of the list. | ||
===Francis deMarc=== | |||
* Date of Review: Sun, 20 Apr 2008 | |||
: I joined the club about three years ago, coming in as a young Ensign aboard USS STEADFAST. I am a huge fan of Science Fiction, and this was the chance for me to get more into the writing as opposed to the copious amount of reading that I do regularly. In this case, I started off a new character with the name that I was using at that time as a Pen Name to write some short stories and fiction under, Francis deMarc. And the rest, they say, is history. | |||
: I started off in the Security group, and moved in the Marines. I am now the senior Marine Officer aboard my second ship, USS CHALLENGER. The position allows me to work with not only the Fleet staff, but also the rest of the Marines which is a subject / tradition that I love to learn more about. Being in the group allows me to work out my creativity, as well as meet great people from all over the world. The challenges of my primary character, as well as my other secondary characters allows me to be human, but also Bajoran; Male and Female; Command Staff and grumpy old Chief Petty Officer. Yes, it is a great way to start my day, and wait for the come back from other players through out the day. | |||
: As the Marines always are stating, we are looking for a few good... Well, let's say beings. If you want to be a part of something bigger than yourself, without facing battles, join us at Starbase 118. | |||
===Salak=== | |||
* Date of Review: Sun, 20 Apr 2008 | |||
: Let me take you back briefly to the Autumn of 2004; I had just started studies for my A-Levels, but had dropped studying English due to my lack of interest in conjugations and declensions. I wanted to continue creative writing however, and knowing of simming groups, thought to combine it with my love of Star Trek. | |||
: I couldn't have found a better place to do so. I very quickly came across UFOP: StarBase 118 RPG and have been with them ever since. The command staff are well trained, the community is active, there is a busy forum, an extensive wiki, the ability to look back on past sims in the Yahoo! Groups archives... | |||
: It's a fantastic community, people from all walks of life, from every corner of the globe. The standard of writing is very high, with awards annually acknowledging the best writers, the most improved, as well as those putting in background effort to develop the group further. Our script style of sims taught in our quick, simple, well taught academy. | |||
: Whichever walk of life you are from, wherever in the world you are from, you will be welcome. We hope we will be welcoming you soon. | |||
===Marcus Dickens=== | |||
* Date of Review: Sun, 20 Apr 2008 | |||
: I joined SB 118 by a friend's word about it. It's about four or five years ago and I came from another PBEM group. I have to say that since I joined I improved both, my writing skills and my English grammar and vocabulary, as I'm not English speaker. In fact I'm from southern Europe, from Spain. One thing that attracted me from the group was the well organized staff and the web that was very complete. Another thing that made me choose SB118 to play in was the diversity. I found that there are members of the group from all over the world; Spain, South Africa, Croatia, England, U.S.A, Ireland... That represents very well the spirit of Star Trek and one of co-operation between all to look for a better place for all of us. | |||
: I started playing with a character more security based and after a few time I started with a new one more science oriented. The diversity of points of view and writing styles is one thing that helps me to enjoy the reading of the posts and learn how to write. So if you like to write, to share good moments and meet people from around the world, this is a good place to do it. I'm still here after five years, so... what are you waiting for? | |||
===Epsilon-Delta=== | |||
* Date of Review: Sat, 19 Apr 2008 | |||
: I came back to writing in this form after separating myself from it many years. In the late 90s, the internet was a different landscape and Star Trek had a different role for me. I'd just graduated high school and I thought I'd outgrown both the show and the game. | |||
: Since joining UFOP, I can see I've become a better writer. The commitment and respect I feel to both the game and the community is what kept me constantly exercising my writing skills, which is why I've made huge progress in my work drafting several screenplays and stage plays, whether its sci-fi or the real world. | |||
: Sometimes the lines between the characters and people I know blur, but it's always a good feeling. I feel a need to give back to something that has given me a far richer outlook on life, which has held a mirror up so I can look closely at my friends, my family and myself. | |||
===David Cody=== | |||
* Date of Review: Sat, 19 Apr 2008 | |||
: I rarely give testimonials, so please allow me a few moments of your time. | |||
: Like some, my experience in RPG exceeds two decades. I have designed some, played many. In tabletop, from D&D’s humble beginnings, to three major incarnations since I went online in 1994 with AOL. I have been known as David Cody, I have been known as Jack Kelray. I have been known as Michael Sargon Blade. | |||
: This was a live chat in its beginnings, to those of us who could, and did, enjoy many a night simming into the wee hours of the morning. For all those who brought their creativity, their imaginations, their spirit and their dedicated hard work that has spanned the course of what has been fourteen years, one thing remains the same: | |||
: This is Tristan Wolf’s vision, UFOP: Starbase 118: the sims, the characters, the world, the universe of people who have come, and those who come after to continue a timeless tradition and journey first envisioned by Gene Roddenbery, upheld by those who love the friendships, the laughter and sometimes serious moments that come with the format of Play-By-Email. It is as much your stories, however big, however small... wherever your imagination takes you. We welcome any and all who love to write, who love to meet new people and make strong, lasting friendships in a community of those who are united by a shared love of the Star Trek universe and science fiction. | |||
: There has never been, or ever will be, anything like what has been designed here. The UFOP: Starbase 118 stands by itself as a testimonial to changing nature of the Internet, what it has been, what it's become, and where it's going. Each and every one of you has the opportunity to grow, contribute, and yes, even command to something truly unique to your skill and ability with the opportunity to expand horizons and learn new things, better manage, and foster understanding and communication . | |||
: There is something here for everyone... always has, always will. | |||
===T'Pen=== | |||
* Date of Review: Sat, 19 Apr 2008 | |||
: I've been a member of UFOP: SB118 at various times dating back to 1995/6. I joined the PBE-mail group while I was still in college and studying radio and television broadcasting. | |||
: My overwhelming love for all things Star Trek and reading lead me to UFOP: SB118, drawing my attention away from other PBE-mail groups, because of the style of writing we use. It is so different from every other PBE-mail group out there. | |||
: In most cases, PBE-mail groups are novel based. Each crew member writes long lengthy paragraphs which include action, emotion and the like. UFOP: SB118 approaches the art of telling a story through script based writing. You can literally print out a players post, grab a group of friends and act out the scene directly from the printed page. | |||
: Since the internet and media are changing so fast and now with POD Casting and Internet based Mini-Movies, Y-Tube, etc., script-based PBE-mail is more exciting than ever. UFOP: SB118's writing style is fresh, exciting and not like any other PBE-mail sim group on the internet today! | |||
: UFOP: SB118 is only one of a handful of Star Trek based PBE-mail sites that's lasted the test of time. It comes back year after year, when most sites don't last more than 10-12 months. Because our members are personally invested in the group, we've built relationships with each other; some across state lines, other across oceans. | |||
: I'm honored to be a member and a leader of one of the Ships of UFOP: SB118. In my wildest dreams I couldn't have imagined that I would be a part of such a great organization, who continues to live out Gene Roddenberry's vision for a better, brighter future. | |||
===Danzia=== | |||
* Date of Review: Sat, 19 Apr 2008 | |||
: SB118 is a great, active community. The players here take their writing seriously, and it's always wonderful to read both the sims and the entries in the regular writing contest. I highly recommend this group not just to Trek fans, but also to people who desire to improve their writing and English skills." | |||
===Eskyys=== | |||
* Date of Review: Sat, 19 Apr 2008 | |||
: Well I can't honestly say how I came to join UFOP, Can't remember that far back. (2002) But I will say that I am glad I did. It has given me friends from around the world, and countless hours of enjoyment. I have never met such a group of supportive people in my many years. They have always encouraging and helping me to become a better writer. Another important point is that they have to stay true to Gene Rodenberry's dream of the future. | |||
: I have lost count the number of days I have waited for the next installment of our story to reach my inbox. There have been times when I couldn't get to a computer, and the hardest thing to endure was waiting to see what was happening in UFOP. It has become a enjoyable daily routine to check my e-mail for the latest postings. And for a disabled Vet any enjoyment I can get is a blessing. | |||
===Tyr Waltas=== | |||
* Date of Review: Fri, 18 Apr 2008 | |||
: It started innocently enough, as most addictions do. I was bored one day at work and nonchalantly typed in "Star Trek play by email" into the magical, mystical, Google-machine. Up came UFOP: SB118. Impressive website, even 5 years ago. As I cast my hat in the virtual ring, I expected the usual PBEM snobbery-with the veterans looking down their noses and floating the word "noob" at every given opportunity. Instead I found a refined, well-organized and user-friendly Academy that taught me, (and I was a noob even though no one said so) how to write sims, interact, and most of all, be a team player. As my Ensign's persona expanded I grew entranced with the group and found myself sitting up at all hours of the night writing him battling Romulans, falling in love, and exploring the more subtle aspects of life. Five years and 3 pips later, I command my own ship and try to impart my affection and experience with UFOP to my crew. From the well-organized command structure to the freedom given to its writers to the interaction on the forums, UFOP is simply the best PBEM on the web-and it has over 10 years of existence to prove it. | |||
===Abby Hall=== | |||
* Date of Review: Thu, 17 Apr 2008 | |||
: Although I have not been a member of Starbase118 for very long (only a couple of weeks at this point), I am not new to PBEM games and I am a firm believer in the skills, enjoyment and community that they promote. Starbase118 is the finest and strongest group I have ever been a part of. The officers involved in my training and in the vessel I have been assigned to are very supportive, and I look forward to my future here. | |||
===Karynn Ehlanii=== | |||
* Date of Review: Thu, 17 Apr 2008 | |||
: I've been a member of UFoP:SB118 since late-September 2007. I joined, in part, because I've been a huge fan of Star Trek since I was little and, in part, because I got a "sneak preview" of the group through my now-fiance, who has been a member since February 2008. Every once in a while he would show me interesting posts or story arcs and I would have fun reading them. Around August, I started reading several months-worth of posts and couldn't get enough. It didn't take much persuasion from my fiance to get me to join after that. Now I serve on the USS Ronin and I love it. The people are so awesome and now I know writers from all over the world. We interact both in character and out of character and now, because of SB118, I have friends all over the globe. | |||
: While I don't have much experience with RPGs outside of UFoP, I've found that my experience with this one has been excellent. There are tons of resources, including a large Wiki, very fun forums, and a helpful website that includes tutorials, helpful hints, a database of ships and personnel, and even more resources that I haven't run across yet. Their training program really helps new people get the hang of how the play-by-email format works. SB118 offers many opportunities to help you become a better writer, and many ways to be rewarded for improvement. Over the past several months I've honed my writing abilities both in my SIMming and through the bi-monthly writing contests on the forums. Through various avenues I've been able to receive helpful hints and comments about my work that have helped me to grow and develop as an author. I highly recommend UFoP:SB118 to everyone. | |||
===Andrus Jaxx=== | |||
* Date of Review: Thu, 17 Apr 2008 | |||
: I grew up as a fan of Star Trek: The Next Generation. After watching all there was to watch of that show, I started watching Star Trek: Enterprise. I have seen much of Voyager and Deep Space Nine, and still I wanted more. I thought about reading the books, but I never liked to read. One day I was looking into what happened with the crew of the Enterprise, post Nemesis. I wanted to look on the web and see if there was anything about the Titan, Captain Riker's ship. I stumbled across old threads from when UFOP: Starbase 118 had an active ship called the Titan. I managed to make my way to their homepage, and looked around the prospective member area. I must have read over it ten times. A week later I thought, what the heck, I am out of Star Trek to watch, why not write? After completing the application and being accepted, I started my training in the Academy. It took just over a week and I was posted on my ship, the USS Challenger. | |||
: I like to stay on top of things, the UPDS and the Wiki, allow me to read the profiles of every member. I also like to stay on top of every ships roster, because you never know who you may end up SIMing with next week. Since I have been with the group, just under a year, I have met people from all over the world, and a few of them I am happy to call friends. | |||
: I have never considered myself a writer, and I still don't. But I loved Star Trek so much that it just became easy. The best part about the group is that you don't have to be a Pulitzer Prize winning author, you can be an average Joe, who just likes Star Trek... the rest, somehow, just comes together. | |||
===Hugh Barnes=== | |||
* Date of Review: Thu, 17 Apr 2008 | |||
: I joined SB118 a little over a year ago, after an enforced absence from another Star Trek PBEM game. After a web search I discovered the UFOP SB118 website, after looking through the prospective member’s pages I took the plunge and joined the group. After a weeks training at the academy which I enjoyed immensely I was posted to the USS Victory under Capt. Phoenix. I then transferred to the Challenger under Capt. T’Pen. | |||
: Under both captains I have had the opportunity to be involved in some interesting stories. Since joining the group I have met several people I hope I can call friends from around the world. | |||
: The main reason for returning to a Star Trek PBEM game was I missed the camaraderie and the writing that goes with such a group. | |||
: I would highly recommend the group to any one who wished to be involved in a PBEM game. | |||
===Toni Turner=== | |||
* Date of Review: Wed, 16 Apr 2008 | |||
: Being first attracted by a well-organized website, and a comprehensive Wiki presence, I became a member of UFOP SB118 2 ½ years ago, but soon found the group had many more facets that have proved to be both enjoyable and challenging. | |||
: From the week long Academy class that engagingly gave me my first taste of writing with other writers, I have cultivated friendships with people hailing from all over the World who share the same interest in writing as I do. The exposure allows us to learn from each other. The crews I've served with, and the SB118 Staff, have been never ending sources of information and support. | |||
: On the SB118 forums we share a portion of our real lives with pictures, good natured banter and thought provoking commentary. Additionally, we are afforded the opportunity to compete with each other in writing competitions. | |||
: When I joined I knew very little about Star Trek or futuristic space travel, but through reading the sims of others, and independent research, I can honestly say that the more I learn the more I want to learn. | |||
===J. Vannini=== | ===J. Vannini=== | ||
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* Date of Review: Mon, 04 Dec 2006 | * Date of Review: Mon, 04 Dec 2006 | ||
* Source Link: [http://www.pbem-portal.com/games_review_show.php?type_id=1877 PBeM-Portal.com] | * Source Link: [http://www.pbem-portal.com/games_review_show.php?type_id=1877 PBeM-Portal.com] | ||
* "I have been with this PBEM simm group for over 4 years, I must admit that at first I was rather intimidated by the skill and professionalism of this group, their dedication to the | * "I have been with this PBEM simm group for over 4 years, I must admit that at first I was rather intimidated by the skill and professionalism of this group, their dedication to the Star Trek ideology is impressive and their hunger for information exciting.. I have never found a group of people be so open and friendly which makes writing here a joy. If I would have started in this group in my teens I think I would have aced every exam I went for, my understanding of English language and literature has improved exponentially and my love of science has driven me on to new and greater things in my real life... Since joining this group it has given me the confidence to push out beyond the norm and to try new things, they are not just a group that share my hobby, they are my friends..." | ||
===Victoria=== | ===Victoria=== | ||
* Date of Review: Mon, 04 Dec 2006 | * Date of Review: Mon, 04 Dec 2006 | ||
* Source Link: [http://www.pbem-portal.com/games_review_show.php?type_id=1877 PBeM-Portal.com] | * Source Link: [http://www.pbem-portal.com/games_review_show.php?type_id=1877 PBeM-Portal.com] | ||
* "I've been with SB118 for over three years and the storylines get better and better all thanks to the contributions of the writers. Organizational staff take this game very seriously. If you're looking for a | * "I've been with SB118 for over three years and the storylines get better and better all thanks to the contributions of the writers. Organizational staff take this game very seriously. If you're looking for a professionally-run trek sim group, you must check out starbase118.net!" | ||
===xoet 12/h92o=== | ===xoet 12/h92o=== | ||
* Date of Review: Mon, 04 Dec 2006 | * Date of Review: Mon, 04 Dec 2006 | ||
* Source Link: [http://www.pbem-portal.com/games_review_show.php?type_id=1877 PBeM-Portal.com] | * Source Link: [http://www.pbem-portal.com/games_review_show.php?type_id=1877 PBeM-Portal.com] | ||
* "This PBeM site opened my mind to forums as well as improved my skill at writing in a format. I highly recommend this site for anyone who likes trek and simulations of trek in written form. It is a sim were we are actors in the scripts, making the movie happen. It is all logged and wiki'ed group | * "This PBeM site opened my mind to forums as well as improved my skill at writing in a format. I highly recommend this site for anyone who likes trek and simulations of trek in written form. It is a sim were we are actors in the scripts, making the movie happen. It is all logged and wiki'ed group simmed together from the ships and the starbase to the forum. | ||
===Rob h=== | ===Rob h=== | ||
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* Date of Review: Mon, 04 Dec 2006 | * Date of Review: Mon, 04 Dec 2006 | ||
* Source Link: [http://www.pbem-portal.com/games_review_show.php?type_id=1877 PBeM-Portal.com] | * Source Link: [http://www.pbem-portal.com/games_review_show.php?type_id=1877 PBeM-Portal.com] | ||
* "I joined SB118 in Jan/Feb of this year (2007). I had no previous experience of simming or PBEM but the website and the sense of history enticed me to give it a go. I had done tabletop | * "I joined SB118 in Jan/Feb of this year (2007). I had no previous experience of simming or PBEM but the website and the sense of history enticed me to give it a go. I had done tabletop role-playing before and I found the training period very helpful in terms on understanding some of the basic concepts (such as email format) that the group uses. The trainers all proved very helpful, informative & accommodating, the website and wiki are full of useful and interesting information and the game itself is very friendly with a good mix of adventure and mystery and plenty of opportunity for role-playing. What I like the most about SB118, however, is the sense of community you get through the message boards with plenty of folks happy to chat on any subject, not just star trek." | ||
[[Category:Publicity Team]] | [[Category:Publicity Team]] |