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Albanos Soriano was an assistant for the president of the Foreign Services Department when he met Gaiana Ochalbor, a mere University professor who specialized in Alien Literature. Albanos contacted Gaiana, hoping to learn more about Vulcan customs and literature for the upcoming diplomatic visit to the planet. In the Freyden Coffee Shop, Albanos and Gaiana became deeply interested in one another, and promised to meet again. After the very successful mission to Vulcan, Albanos contacted Gaiana as he'd promised, and the two pursued a romantic relationship soon after their second meeting. They married on 236502.25. Happily wed and deeply in love, the couple tried for a child. Gaiana was pregnant for 8 months before falling very ill from heavy stress. As her situation became life threatening, the doctors had no choice other than to save the unborn child, [[File:Akoni_Soriano_Child.jpg|300px|thumb|right|Akoni Soriano, age 8.]] or to go through with an abortion to save Gaiana. Unable to make the decision herself, Albanos was forced with the decision to choose between his wife or [[File:Selar.jpg|300px|thumb|right|Selar, age 9.]] his future child. In the end, he chose Gaiana, unable to consider his life without her by his side. Gaiana made a slow, progressive recovery and eventually returned to full health. She fell into a depression the following year at the loss of her baby, fracturing the marriage. The two blamed the lack of science for the loss of their child and developed a deep hatred for anything that concerned the area. After another year of therapy, Gaiana and Albanos regained their spark and confidence and decided to try for another child after much contemplation. And so Akoni was born, healthy and devoid of any diseases.
Albanos Soriano was an assistant for the president of the Foreign Services Department when he met Gaiana Ochalbor, a mere University professor who specialized in Alien Literature. Albanos contacted Gaiana, hoping to learn more about Vulcan customs and literature for the upcoming diplomatic visit to the planet. In the Freyden Coffee Shop, Albanos and Gaiana became deeply interested in one another, and promised to meet again. [[File:Albanos_and_Gaiana_Soriano.jpg|280px|thumb|right|Albanos and Gaiana Soriano]] After the very successful mission to Vulcan, Albanos contacted Gaiana as he'd promised, and the two pursued a romantic relationship soon after their second meeting. They married on 236502.25. Happily wed and deeply in love, the couple tried for a child. Gaiana was pregnant for 8 months before falling very ill from heavy stress. As her situation became life threatening, the doctors had no choice other than to save the unborn child, [[File:Akoni_Soriano_Child.jpg|300px|thumb|right|Akoni Soriano, age 8.]] or to go through with an abortion to save Gaiana. Unable to make the decision herself, Albanos was forced with the decision to choose between his wife or [[File:Selar.jpg|300px|thumb|right|Selar, age 9.]] his future child. In the end, he chose Gaiana, unable to consider his life without her by his side. Gaiana made a slow, progressive recovery and eventually returned to full health. She fell into a depression the following year at the loss of her baby, fracturing the marriage. The two blamed the lack of science for the loss of their child and developed a deep hatred for anything that concerned the area. After another year of therapy, Gaiana and Albanos regained their spark and confidence and decided to try for another child after much contemplation. And so Akoni was born, healthy and devoid of any diseases.

Akoni was an only child, as her parents considered her a blessing, afraid to try again when the first attempt had ended horrendously. As a child, Akoni was loud, bright, and intelligent. With no other siblings, she did not do well with sharing her items, as she was, and is still, highly [[File:SorianoCabin.jpg|500px|thumb|right| This is the Soriano cabin. It was built by Albanos and several of his interplanetary colleagues. The design was a collaboration of Vulcan, Betazoid, and Klingon architecture. The hanging rooms came from the Vulcans, the sloped and rounded bodies of each room, connected through external walkways was Betazoid, and the sturdy, calculated location of the support beams to hold up the walkways and prevent the rooms from falling was Klingon.]] materialistic, though the reason for this changes over time. Her parent's teachings of peace often went ignored as Akoni constantly fought with other students in and outside the classroom. While she was considered a trouble maker, Akoni had one somewhat close friend, Taudal Nirir. Taudal was a short, quiet spoken girl with short blond hair and dull brown eyes. The two were often project partners, and so became acquaintances. Their "friendship" however, soon faded into a mutual acknowledgment of one another as they realized their lack of shared interests.
Akoni was an only child, as her parents considered her a blessing, afraid to try again when the first attempt had ended horrendously. As a child, Akoni was loud, bright, and intelligent. With no other siblings, she did not do well with sharing her items, as she was, and is still, highly [[File:SorianoCabin.jpg|500px|thumb|right| This is the Soriano cabin. It was built by Albanos and several of his interplanetary colleagues. The design was a collaboration of Vulcan, Betazoid, and Klingon architecture. The hanging rooms came from the Vulcans, the sloped and rounded bodies of each room, connected through external walkways was Betazoid, and the sturdy, calculated location of the support beams to hold up the walkways and prevent the rooms from falling was Klingon.]] materialistic, though the reason for this changes over time. Her parent's teachings of peace often went ignored as Akoni constantly fought with other students in and outside the classroom. While she was considered a trouble maker, Akoni had one somewhat close friend, Taudal Nirir. Taudal was a short, quiet spoken girl with short blond hair and dull brown eyes. The two were often project partners, and so became acquaintances. Their "friendship" however, soon faded into a mutual acknowledgment of one another as they realized their lack of shared interests.