The Great Gas Dive (Constitution): Difference between revisions

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* Not native to Zeltion IV
* Not native to Zeltion IV
* Four nostrils & gills: The genetic modifications had been made to all of their species when they had settled in the upper reaches of Zeltion IV after one too many exposure incidents had claimed precious lives.
* Four nostrils & gills: The genetic modifications had been made to all of their species when they had settled in the upper reaches of Zeltion IV after one too many exposure incidents had claimed precious lives.
== Mission Reports ==
=== 239612.31 ===
==== USS Constitution-B Assigned to Secure Trade Agreement - Zeltion IV – The crew of the USS Constitution-B travel to Zeltion IV in the hopes of securing a highly sought after trade agreement. ====
After enjoying a ship wide Halloween party, the crew of the USS Constitution (NCC 9012-B) were quickly thrust into their next mission. After a meeting between the Constitution’s command staff, and their resident members of United Federation of Planets Trade and Economic Bureau, FltCpt. Jalana Rajel called the rest of the senior staff to the observation room for a briefing.
As the staff came to the observation room a quick introduction of the Trade Representatives was made and their mission was soon explained. The Constitution was being sent to Zeltion IV, a gas giant and mining planet in the hopes of securing a trade deal with one of the mining operations.
When asked why this mission was so valuable, Salzaar Valyz, one of the Trade Representatives who called the Constitution home, replied, “I'm no scientist or engineer, but it seems to react impressively in power generation systems, boosting output significantly for only a small quantity of gas injection”.
With their mission at hand, a portion of the team headed to the shuttlebay to prepare for use in the highly volatile gaseous environment, while the rest of the staff prepared for their various aspects of the mission. On the bridge, Rajel and Blair divided the crew into two teams. The lead team, led by Rajel herself, was to be the diplomatic arm handling the trade talks themselves. The remaining two team shared a common goal, to learn as much about the Zeltin people and the process in which they mine the valuable gas.
As the crew diligently worked on their task, the Constitution completed her voyage coming to a stop on orbit of Zeltion IV, joining the several hundred other ships in the sector.
=== 239701.31 ===
==== Constitution-B Crew Gets First Hand Experience Inside Mining Colony - Zeltion IV – While visiting the city of Xatrac to secure a trade agreement, the crew of the USS Constitution-B get first hand encounters of life inside the mining community. ====
After parking the ship in orbit of Zeltion IV, the crew of the USS Constitution (NCC 9012-B) split into three teams and headed towards the city of Xatrac in the hopes of entering into a trade deal and learning more about the people of Zeltion.
The team led by FltCpt. Jalana Rajel, quickly headed to the city’s equivalent of a government center to meet with Governor Ruvator Zadra. The away team was warmly greeted and ushered towards a feast prepared by the Zeltion people as a welcoming and getting to know you ceremony before their formal trade talks began. When asked for comment on the onset of the trade talks, Zadra had this to say, “The people of Xatrac welcome the Federation to Zeltion and are look forward to prosperous relationship.”
While the talks began in the government center two other teams, led by Cmdr Alex Blair and LtCmdr Yito Seja, headed towards the lower portions of the floating city to learn more about the people that did the mining. While the two teams had a similar task to accomplish, they went about it in very different ways.
The team led by Blair followed their guide into one of the city’s recreation areas. They found the space full of miners and maintenance workers enjoying all manner of games and drinking. As they observed the happenings, they even nearly got wrapped up in a bar brawl before Blair insisted that they continue on to other areas of the city.
Meanwhile, the team led by Yito went a very different route. They started their journey learning about the mining process and the inherent dangers within. As they progressed in their investigations, their guide shared with them about the dangerous creatures known as the Razaar that posed a serious threat to the mining operation. As the group discussed various safety aspects of the operation, Yito became unresponsive. After some further investigation, it is believed that she was bitten by some kind of bug and they needed to find it in order to treat her.