118Wiki:Sand Box: Difference between revisions

(→‎Crew: trying to work a new crew template...)
Tags: Replaced Manual revert
(409 intermediate revisions by 42 users not shown)
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Try things out in here
Like the '''BOLD''' or the  ''Italics''
or maybe make an [[Internal link]]
or a external link [http://www.startrek.com Star Trek's Offical home]
or a
== Heading ==
or a picture [[Image:02-LtJG-Red.png]]
or a media file [[Media:Example.mp3]]
or a formula
or make it there is nowiki formatting<nowiki>
== Insert non-formatted text here ==
or if you are signed in test your signature --[[User:James Mckenzie|James Mckenzie]] 08:42, 16 Mar 2004 (EST)
or make the handy dandy horizontal rule
* One
==Bottom Ship Class Schematics==
<br clear=all>
{| style="margin:0 auto;" id=toc align=center
| style="background:#ccccff" align=center | '''[[Intrepid Class]] Modules'''
| align=center | [[Intrepid Bridge|Bridge]] | [[Intrepid Briefing|Briefing Room]] | [[Intrepid Command Station|Command Station]] | [[Intrepid Conn Station|Conn Station]] | [[Intrepid Crew Quarters|Crew Quarters]]<br />[[Intrepid Engineering|Engineering]] | [[Intrepid Engineering Bridge Station| Bridge Engineering Station]] | [[Intrepid Mess Hall|Mess Hall]] | [[Intrepid Operations Station|Operations Station]] | [[Intrepid Ready Room|Ready Room]]<br/>[[Intrepid SOS Lab|SOS Lab]] | [[Intrepid Science Bridge Station|Bridge Science Station]] | [[Intrepid Sickbay|Sickbay]] | [[Intrepid Tactical Station|Tactical Station]] | [[Intrepid XO Office|XO Office]]
{| id="toc" style="margin: 0 0 1em 1em;" align="right"
! style="background:#000000;"  align="center" |<font color="Teal"> '''Crew of the USS Eagle'''
| style="font-size: 90%" |
! style="background:#000000;"  align="center" |<font color="Teal"> '''Crew Member's Name'''
| style="font-size: 90%" |
*'''Race:''' [[Terran]]
*'''Spouse:''' None
*[[USS_Eagle|USS Eagle]]
* [http://www.starbase118.net/forums/index.php?showforum=85 Constitution-B Forums]
* [http://constitution.starbase118.net/ Constitution-B Website]
* [http://groups.yahoo.com/group/sb118-eagle/ USS Eagle Yahoo!Group]
<center>[[Template:EagleCrew|Edit this nav]]</center>
forums and website links still Conny because I don't really know what to replace them with yet...

Latest revision as of 03:13, 21 July 2024
