Elaysian: Difference between revisions

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==Home World==  
==Home World==  
* '''Proper Name''': [[Elaysia|Elaysia II]]  
'''''See also [[Elaysia|Elaysia II]]'''''
* '''Native language:''' Elaysian (Similar to that of the Earth language Gaelic)
* '''Diameter''':
* '''Gravity''':  ⅛ that of earth
* '''Axial Tilt''':
* '''Orbital Period''':
* '''Rotational Period''':
* '''Classification''': [[Planetary Classification|M]]
* '''Surface Water''':
* '''Atmosphere''':
* '''Climate'''
**Elaysia has dense rain forests, which include wooded areas, misty mountains and coastlines
***Temperate/Tropical lowlands: Rainforest
***Coastal region:
* '''Terrain''':
* '''Population''':
[[Image: Hydrotherapy 2.jpeg|150px]] [[Image:Elaysian Forests.jpg|200px]] [[Image:Elaysian Mountains.jpg|200px]]
[[Image:Elaysian Beach.jpg|200px]]
*The Elaysian lowland is known for having a heavy rain season that affects the population. Typically the climate is an average of around 68F (Temperate rainforest) with mild humidity. However during this heavy rain season the Elaysian climate produces more rain, less mist, and an increased temperature of around 85F (Tropical Rainforest). With this increase, paired with the Elaysian's reduced sweat glands, a vast majority of the population is advised to stay inside during this time of the year.<ref> [https://groups.google.com/forum/#!search/authormsg$3Asb118-ops$2CBM_LXPdPAAAJ$20after$3A2019$2F11$2F1$20before$3A2019$2F12$2F1%7Csort:date%7Cspell:false/sb118-ops/N51wa9rUsS4/DodtvVBWBAAJ Vulnerability], Lieutenant Junior Grade Sheila Bailey, SB118 Operations, 239611.25</ref>

<h3>Flora and Fauna</h3>
*See Culture section for information on Elaysian fruit.
Due to the low gravity of the planet, Elaysians developed flying technology much earlier than many other humanoid species.  
*Classic Elaysian dogs come up to somewhere between your waist and hips in height. Are known to be grey in color, thin yet strong, with ears pointed up. They are built similar to the evolutionary ancestor to horses; built to run. <ref> [https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/sb118-ops/M239512BG0%7Csort:date/sb118-ops/vtnIqugBOdM/nJEJbXh9BwAJ Wings In Space ], Lt. JG Sheila Bailey, SB118 Operations, 239707.12</ref>
*[https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Garlanic_tree?so=search Garlanic trees]
* Giant Koi <ref>[https://groups.google.com/g/sb118-gorkon/c/tq8zHP06Fcs/m/Y_c_7BBfBAAJ Head in the Dust Cloud], Ensign Vesela Pace, {{USS|Gorkon}}, 240106.25</ref>

On the Zalvri peninsula, the first major use of early flying machines occurred 1,800 standard years ago, under the rule of Yannoa. The first aerial battle on the Zalvri peninsula would occur during her reign when she was engaged in a brief fight with her second in command Tamrin. The two arrived at a peace agreement shortly afterwards, although the specifics of why the fight occurred and the details of the peace agreement remain lost.<ref name="Distant Days">[https://ordinal-ember-115916.firebaseapp.com/search.html?key=-OA_KIbds5Ph1T53kgcy&ship=Constitution In those Days, In those Distant Days], PNPC Ensign Rendov Felbri , {{USS|Constitution}}, 240110.31 </ref>
The Elaysians have been members of the Federation for almost a century. In 2370, [[ma:Ensign|Ensign]] [[ma:Melora Pazlar|Melora Pazlar]] became the first native to be in [[ma:Starfleet|Starfleet]].
The Elaysians have been members of the Federation for almost a century. In 2370, [[ma:Ensign|Ensign]] [[ma:Melora Pazlar|Melora Pazlar]] became the first Elaysian native to be in [[ma:Starfleet|Starfleet]].

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Defining feature is the V shaped forehead ridge and no eyebrow hair. What is unique is that each Elaysian has a slightly different shape to their ridge. Some are more U shaped and some are more V shaped. The shape can also depend on which holo-image you look at, the lighting, face presentation and the age of the Elaysian in question.
Defining feature is the V shaped forehead ridge and no eyebrow hair. What is unique is that each Elaysian has a slightly different shape to their ridge. Some are more U shaped and some are more V shaped. The shape can also depend on which holo-image you look at, the lighting, face presentation and the age of the Elaysian in question.

They are not to be confused with the [[ma:Elasian|Elasians]] of the [[ma:Tellun system|Tellun system]] in the [[ma:United Federation of Planets|UFP]]-[[ma:Klingon Empire|Klingon]]-border area.
They are not to be confused with the [[Elasian|Elasians]] of the [[ma:Tellun system|Tellun system]] in the [[ma:United Federation of Planets|UFP]]-[[ma:Klingon Empire|Klingon]]-border area.

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*Average range of respiratory rate is 8-40 BPM  
*Average range of respiratory rate is 8-40 BPM  
*Muscles on the sides of the ribs include a highly flexible cartilage coating
*Muscles on the sides of the ribs include a highly flexible cartilage coating
*Elaysians have a different bone structure than other humanoids.<ref>[https://ordinal-ember-115916.firebaseapp.com/search.html?key=-OCzpwujT0ttxfq4m5nj&ship=Constitution Searching (part 2)], PNPC Ensign Rendov Felbri, {{USS|Constitution}}, 240111.30</ref>

Despite these unique biological differences, Elaysians eat the same types of food as other humanoids.  
Despite these unique biological differences, Elaysians eat the same types of food as other humanoids.  

Their bodies and neural motor cortex are adapted to the low gravity of their homeworld. This makes it difficult for Elaysians to function in the gravity typical to most Federation species. As a result few Elaysians leave their homeworld and those that do require the use of some type of support including the use of an exoskeleton. Forms of support used alongside this exoskeleton may include the use of a wheelchair or an anti-grav unit. <ref>[https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Elaysian?so=search "Elaysian"], Memory Alpha</ref> Elaysians may also use crutches<ref>[https://groups.google.com/g/sb118-gorkon/c/hA9tVYyeqAE/m/R0cui45cFwAJ Vesela and the Horrible, Terrible, No Good, Very Borg Day], Ensign Vesela Pace, {{USS|Gorkon}}, 240106.06</ref> and canes.<ref>[https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Melora_Pazlar "Melora Pazlar"], Memory Alpha</ref>
Their bodies and neural motor cortex are adapted to the low gravity of their homeworld. This makes it difficult for Elaysians to function in the gravity typical to most Federation species. As a result few Elaysians leave their homeworld and those that do require the use of some type of mobility aid including the use of an exoskeleton. Types of mobility aids used alongside this exoskeleton may include the use of a wheelchair, hoverchair, or an anti-grav unit.<ref>[https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Elaysian?so=search "Elaysian"], Memory Alpha</ref> Elaysians may also use crutches,<ref name="Vesela and the Horrible Day">[https://groups.google.com/g/sb118-gorkon/c/hA9tVYyeqAE/m/R0cui45cFwAJ Vesela and the Horrible, Terrible, No Good, Very Borg Day], Ensign Vesela Pace, {{USS|Gorkon}}, 240106.06</ref> canes,<ref>[https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Melora_Pazlar "Melora Pazlar"], Memory Alpha</ref> and walkers.<ref>[https://ordinal-ember-115916.firebaseapp.com/search.html?key=-O7rRpa3CEotYvowBpp5&ship=Gorkon Duel of the Vacuum-Bots], Ensign Vesela Pace, {{USS|Gorkon}}, 240109.28</ref>

There is a treatment created by Doctor Julian Bashir involving neural analeptic transmitters, that adapts the neural motor cortex of the Elaysian so that they can move naturally in the gravity typical to most Federation species. There are a couple major drawbacks to this treatment. The Elaysian can have no exposure to low gravity environments once the treatment was started and the results are irreversible.<ref>[https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Elaysian?so=search "Elaysian"], Memory Alpha</ref>
There is a treatment created by Doctor Julian Bashir involving neural analeptic transmitters, that adapts the neural motor cortex of the Elaysian so that they can move naturally in the gravity typical to most Federation species. There are a couple major drawbacks to this treatment. The Elaysian can have no exposure to low gravity environments once the treatment was started and the results are irreversible.<ref>[https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Elaysian?so=search "Elaysian"], Memory Alpha</ref>

'''Telepathic Status'''<br>
Elaysians are not telepathic.<ref>[https://ordinal-ember-115916.firebaseapp.com/search.html?key=-O7PN1SQ2pWXbC9AINTS&ship=Constitution  What is Aenar?], PNPC Ensign Rendov Felbri , {{USS|Constitution}}, 240109.22 </ref>

Many villages have their own sholau’rahn, which is a melody to help guide souls to their final resting place.<ref>[https://groups.google.com/g/sb118-gorkon/c/CLHvG_mOf0E/m/LXo_PdKfAAAJ Picking Up The Pieces], Ensign Vesela Pace, {{USS|Gorkon}}, 240108.31</ref>
Trances are common within multiple Elaysian religions. Oracles were common in the past. They would sit at places believed to have high levels of spiritual energy and spent most of their time in a trance state.<ref>[https://ordinal-ember-115916.firebaseapp.com/search.html?key=-O7ie93o2QxAzl4vCXf1&ship=Constitution  That Troublesome Colony], PNPC Ensign Rendov Felbri , {{USS|Constitution}}, 240109.26</ref>
'''The Three Goddesses''' <br>
One of the religions practiced on Elaysia was that of the Three Goddesses.<ref name="Into the Woods">[https://ordinal-ember-115916.firebaseapp.com/search.html?key=-O0XFmIz-L-MmnPpeSEj&ship=Gorkon Into the Woods], Ensign Vesela Pace, {{USS|Gorkon}}, 240106.29</ref>
Another term used for these goddesses was Honored Deities.<ref name="Vesela and the Horrible Day"/><br>
'''The Weavers''' <br>
The Weavers were a large set of deities in an old Elaysian folk religion. These deities were believed to have influence over life and weaved the tapestries of lives. Not many people still actively practice the religion in modern times but it is still commonly used in metaphor in parts of Elaysia.<ref>[https://ordinal-ember-115916.firebaseapp.com/search.html?key=-OGk0-RZIT-Xg6jqhxWl&ship=Constitution Don't Bring me Down], PNPC Ensign Rendov Felbri, {{USS|Constitution}}, 240201.16</ref>

According to a local creation myth, the planet was formed of a dust cloud.<ref>[https://groups.google.com/g/sb118-ops/c/5N4yMXAHVMw/ Floating], Lt. Sheila Bailey, [[StarBase 118 Ops]], 239802.19</ref> Further myths state that all Elaysians decent from three women. These three women were each a third of the planet to govern, and they would create these areas according to their preferences. Butterfly Queen created seas, the Palm Fairy governs rainforests and The Woman of The Mountain Halls the mountains.<ref>[https://groups.google.com/g/sb118-ops/c/nxYwfXlnToE/ Butterfly Queen], Lt. JG Sheila Bailey, [[StarBase 118 Ops]], 239707.20</ref>
Many figures within Elaysian history have legends. They are often taught alongside the historical accounts of such figures.
One such legend is that of Yannoa and the Ash Bird. In the tale Yannoa is betrayed by her second command while trying to capture the magical Ash Bird. The two eventually make peace and the Ash Bird rewards them by joining Yannoa's court.<ref name="Distant Days"/>

Elaysians tended to be a very familial people. The phrase “it takes a village” is quite Elaysian for an Earth saying.<ref>[https://ordinal-ember-115916.firebaseapp.com/search.html?key=-OCu5d_oZ6hdnWuyjNmO&ship=Gorkon A Rock to Call Home], Ensign Vesela Pace, {{USS|Gorkon}}, 240111.29</ref>
Many Elaysian families used markers such as family crests<ref name="Sholau'rahn"/> and familial tapestries that featured a village or regional mark.<ref>[https://ordinal-ember-115916.firebaseapp.com/search.html?key=-OEO4LonD_0alSigMDR8&ship=Gorkon Finding Solace at the Solas], Ensign Vesela Pace, {{USS|Gorkon}}, 240112.18</ref>
*In some parts of Elaysia visiting wildlife preserves and coastlines are off limits at night.<ref name="Elaysian Food in ⅛ gravity">[https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/sb118-ops/vU8a8uh5sjI Elaysian Food in ⅛ gravity], Lt. JG Sheila Bailey, [[StarBase 118 Ops]], 239707.12</ref>

Elaysia is known for it's delicious local fruit. When comparing the fruit from Earth one can consider the most common Elaysian fruit to be a massive hybrid of Earth fruits. Clòimh Mhilis Meas, or more commonly cotton candy fruit, is the size of a grapefruit but with the skin like an orange. This outer peel is great for jerky or making a candy out of. On the inside the fruit has a flesh that makes a bowl on the inside. This flesh is green, sweet, gummy like and shreds well like you see with coconut. This flesh is great to eat by itself or shaved on top of ice creams. Inside this bowl of fruit flesh you have the seeds. These seeds are the size of grapes but have the texture of tapioca balls. The flavor of these seeds are a mix of grapes and lime. Most make a wine out of these seeds.<ref> [https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/sb118-ops/vU8a8uh5sjI Elaysian Food in ⅛ gravity], Lt. JG Sheila Bailey, SB118 Operations, 239707.12</ref>
===Food & Drink===
Elaysia is known for it's delicious local fruit. When comparing the fruit from Earth one can consider the most common Elaysian fruit to be a massive hybrid of Earth fruits. Clòimh Mhilis Meas, or more commonly cotton candy fruit, is the size of a grapefruit but with the skin like an orange. This outer peel is great for jerky or making a candy out of. On the inside the fruit has a flesh that makes a bowl on the inside. This flesh is green, sweet, gummy like and shreds well like you see with coconut. This flesh is great to eat by itself or shaved on top of ice creams. Inside this bowl of fruit flesh you have the seeds. These seeds are the size of grapes but have the texture of tapioca balls. The flavor of these seeds are a mix of grapes and lime. Most make a wine out of these seeds.<ref name="Elaysian Food in ⅛ gravity"/>
'''Tea''' <br>
Elaysian tea tends to be somewhat spicy.<ref name="A Whole New World">[https://ordinal-ember-115916.firebaseapp.com/search.html?key=-ODeRLlvZt9NXrttW-Gp&ship=Gorkon A Whole New World], Ensign Vesela Pace, {{USS|Gorkon}}, 240112.09</ref>
{| border="1" cellpadding="2"
|Croívrishte|| When translated literally it means something like “An open wound of the heart,” or “One whose heart has experienced much pain.”<ref>[https://ordinal-ember-115916.firebaseapp.com/search.html?key=-O21wAgdYXZCq-T39_Ih&ship=Gorkon Out of the Fire, Into the Science Labs], Ensign Vesela Pace, {{USS|Gorkon}}, 240107.17</ref>

'''Zalvri Peninsula Culture'''
'''Names''' <br>
Elaysian have a tendency to name objects, especially objects that are important or save lives. It is viewed as a way of giving thanks to said object.<ref>[https://ordinal-ember-115916.firebaseapp.com/search.html?key=-OBE6nwBnFhLNxLSqyYt&ship=Gorkon All in the Family], Ensign Vesela Pace, {{USS|Gorkon}}, 240111.09</ref>

*  Tor zel Tay - A form of martial art that originated on the peninsula. Known for its jumps and aerial moves that take advantage of Elaysia's low gravity. <ref>[https://groups.google.com/g/sb118-constitution/c/Mv3XNIlbz9I/m/hfWa80uWAAAJ 'Normal' Gravity], PNPC Ensign Rendov Felbri , {{USS|Constitution}}, 240106.21 </ref>
A traditional Elaysian greeting was an open hand in a relaxed salute at the temple that then moved to be palm up against the heart along with a small bow.<ref name="A Calm Before the Storm">[https://ordinal-ember-115916.firebaseapp.com/search.html?key=-O-oAcwWOJAKqdIhEoSk&ship=Gorkon A Calm Before the Storm], Ensign Vesela Pace, {{USS|Gorkon}}, 240106.20</ref> It was also used a farewell gesture.<ref>[https://ordinal-ember-115916.firebaseapp.com/search.html?key=-O8jljkPUAjziFGzpEor&ship=Gorkon Scratchy the Champion], Ensign Vesela Pace, {{USS|Gorkon}}, 240110.09</ref>
Strand is one name for the beaded hair accessories that Elaysians commonly wear. Strandcare kits were used to make new strands. <br>
The Strands themselves could have many meanings. Each Elaysian Black Pearl on a Strand represented someone who has died and is used as a symbol during mourning.<ref name="Sholau'rahn">[https://ordinal-ember-115916.firebaseapp.com/search.html?key=-O6nk69I9KUT_zOlEoDu&ship=Gorkon Sholau'rahn], Ensign Vesela Pace, {{USS|Gorkon}}, 240109.14</ref>
Art and nature take precedent in modern Elaysian society.<ref name="A Calm Before the Storm"/> <br>
*Elaysia has handmade tapestries.<ref name="Vesela and the Horrible Day"/>
Stories <br>
*Earth fairy tales were considered much more grim than Elaysia’s. Elaysian fairy tales usually had hopeful endings.<ref name="Into the Woods"/>
===Garu Village Culture===
In Garu Village when someone turns 13 years old they have a ceremony in which they state what they wish to become. They are then draped their family's shawl.<ref>[https://ordinal-ember-115916.firebaseapp.com/search.html?key=-OCX2ZvinL976ujgbN2-&ship=Gorkon In a Far-Off Village], Ensign Vesela Pace, {{USS|Gorkon}}, 240111.25</ref>
===Zalvri Peninsula Culture===
*  Tor zel Tay - A form of martial art that originated on the peninsula. Known for its jumps and aerial moves that take advantage of Elaysia's low gravity.<ref>[https://groups.google.com/g/sb118-constitution/c/Mv3XNIlbz9I/m/hfWa80uWAAAJ 'Normal' Gravity], PNPC Ensign Rendov Felbri , {{USS|Constitution}}, 240106.21 </ref>

Elaysia has several festivals where stalls are set up for food and crafts.<ref>[https://ordinal-ember-115916.firebaseapp.com/search.html?key=-O9O4il8ztGMeA238jnH&ship=Gorkon Food Court Adventures], Ensign Vesela Pace, {{USS|Gorkon}}, 240110.17</ref>
===Village Welcome===
A traditional welcome to someone's village or home involves bowing the head and opening the arms in welcome. Along with saying, "We hope you enjoy our (What the guest is being welcomed to. A village for example.) and this tea. We welcome you to our home with open arms."
The person being welcomed then responds with holding out the tea cup with both hands and saying, "We thank you for your kind words and the use of your home. We will treat your spaces as we would ours, and look forward to hearing the stories of you and your village."

This form of welcome and response has become rare in villages such as Garu, where it is now usually only done during formal visits.<ref name="A Whole New World"/>
*In some parts of Elaysia visiting wildlife preserves and coastlines are off limits at night.<ref> [https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/sb118-ops/vU8a8uh5sjI Elaysian Food in ⅛ gravity], Lt. JG Sheila Bailey, SB118 Operations, 239707.12</ref>

They are familiar with mass transit concepts, including the old Terran "trolley car".  
They are familiar with mass transit concepts, including the old Terran "trolley car".  

Starhopper - a type of Elaysian spaceship.<ref>[https://groups.google.com/g/sb118-gorkon/c/2_oBpJzyHaM/m/Hwv5hH5wAAAJ Home is Where the 40 Science Labs (and Heart) Are], Ensign Vesela Pace, {{USS|Gorkon}}, 240107.04</ref>

Elaysia has no true protection aside from Starfleet.<ref>[https://ordinal-ember-115916.firebaseapp.com/search.html?key=-NzuKJz8Co8Ssg58AMiG&ship=Gorkon On The Wrong Foot], Ensign Vesela Pace, {{USS|Gorkon}}, 240106.08</ref>
==Starfleet Intelligence Files==
==Starfleet Intelligence Files==
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[[Category:Intelligent Lifeform Index Species]]
[[Category:Intelligent Lifeform Index Species]]
[[Category:Federation Member]]
[[Category:Federation Member]]

Latest revision as of 21:35, 17 January 2025

This article or section is incomplete
This page is missing sections of information that may be filled using 118 canon encounters, or further detail from Memory Alpha. Feel free to edit this page to include new information, using the reference tool (<ref>) where possible.

Intelligent Lifeform Index

Four Letter Code ELAY
Federation Status Member
Planet of Origin Elaysia
Encountered DS9: Melora
T/E Rating T0/E0
Current Tech Level N
List of Named Elaysians

Full ILI GalleryPermitted Species Gallery

Home System

  • Quadrant:
  • Location:
  • Proper Name:
  • Star:
  • Classification:
  • Distance from Star:
  • Companions:
  • Moons:

Home World

See also Elaysia II


Due to the low gravity of the planet, Elaysians developed flying technology much earlier than many other humanoid species.

On the Zalvri peninsula, the first major use of early flying machines occurred 1,800 standard years ago, under the rule of Yannoa. The first aerial battle on the Zalvri peninsula would occur during her reign when she was engaged in a brief fight with her second in command Tamrin. The two arrived at a peace agreement shortly afterwards, although the specifics of why the fight occurred and the details of the peace agreement remain lost.[1]

The Elaysians have been members of the Federation for almost a century. In 2370, Ensign Melora Pazlar became the first Elaysian native to be in Starfleet.



Defining feature is the V shaped forehead ridge and no eyebrow hair. What is unique is that each Elaysian has a slightly different shape to their ridge. Some are more U shaped and some are more V shaped. The shape can also depend on which holo-image you look at, the lighting, face presentation and the age of the Elaysian in question.

They are not to be confused with the Elasians of the Tellun system in the UFP-Klingon-border area.


Their hominoid physiology makes them almost human. If it wasn’t for the V shaped forehead ridge and lack of eyebrow hair they can be easily mistaken for a human. The lower gravity and environment on Elaysia ll also creates a few unique points in their physiology:

  • Their physiology is very different also in that they require only 16% oxygen in a standard pressure environment, and the remainder of their energy comes from anaerobic reaction in their cells.
  • Members of the Elaysian species have reduced sweat producing hormones making them sweat less therefore overheat quicker than other species.[2]
  • Average range of heart beat is 100-160 BPM
  • Average range of respiratory rate is 8-40 BPM
  • Muscles on the sides of the ribs include a highly flexible cartilage coating
  • Elaysians have a different bone structure than other humanoids.[3]

Despite these unique biological differences, Elaysians eat the same types of food as other humanoids.

Their bodies and neural motor cortex are adapted to the low gravity of their homeworld. This makes it difficult for Elaysians to function in the gravity typical to most Federation species. As a result few Elaysians leave their homeworld and those that do require the use of some type of mobility aid including the use of an exoskeleton. Types of mobility aids used alongside this exoskeleton may include the use of a wheelchair, hoverchair, or an anti-grav unit.[4] Elaysians may also use crutches,[5] canes,[6] and walkers.[7]

There is a treatment created by Doctor Julian Bashir involving neural analeptic transmitters, that adapts the neural motor cortex of the Elaysian so that they can move naturally in the gravity typical to most Federation species. There are a couple major drawbacks to this treatment. The Elaysian can have no exposure to low gravity environments once the treatment was started and the results are irreversible.[8]


Telepathic Status
Elaysians are not telepathic.[9]


Many villages have their own sholau’rahn, which is a melody to help guide souls to their final resting place.[10]

Trances are common within multiple Elaysian religions. Oracles were common in the past. They would sit at places believed to have high levels of spiritual energy and spent most of their time in a trance state.[11]

The Three Goddesses
One of the religions practiced on Elaysia was that of the Three Goddesses.[12]

Another term used for these goddesses was Honored Deities.[5]

The Weavers
The Weavers were a large set of deities in an old Elaysian folk religion. These deities were believed to have influence over life and weaved the tapestries of lives. Not many people still actively practice the religion in modern times but it is still commonly used in metaphor in parts of Elaysia.[13]


According to a local creation myth, the planet was formed of a dust cloud.[14] Further myths state that all Elaysians decent from three women. These three women were each a third of the planet to govern, and they would create these areas according to their preferences. Butterfly Queen created seas, the Palm Fairy governs rainforests and The Woman of The Mountain Halls the mountains.[15]


Many figures within Elaysian history have legends. They are often taught alongside the historical accounts of such figures.

One such legend is that of Yannoa and the Ash Bird. In the tale Yannoa is betrayed by her second command while trying to capture the magical Ash Bird. The two eventually make peace and the Ash Bird rewards them by joining Yannoa's court.[1]



Elaysians tended to be a very familial people. The phrase “it takes a village” is quite Elaysian for an Earth saying.[16]

Many Elaysian families used markers such as family crests[17] and familial tapestries that featured a village or regional mark.[18]


  • In some parts of Elaysia visiting wildlife preserves and coastlines are off limits at night.[19]


Food & Drink

Elaysia is known for it's delicious local fruit. When comparing the fruit from Earth one can consider the most common Elaysian fruit to be a massive hybrid of Earth fruits. Clòimh Mhilis Meas, or more commonly cotton candy fruit, is the size of a grapefruit but with the skin like an orange. This outer peel is great for jerky or making a candy out of. On the inside the fruit has a flesh that makes a bowl on the inside. This flesh is green, sweet, gummy like and shreds well like you see with coconut. This flesh is great to eat by itself or shaved on top of ice creams. Inside this bowl of fruit flesh you have the seeds. These seeds are the size of grapes but have the texture of tapioca balls. The flavor of these seeds are a mix of grapes and lime. Most make a wine out of these seeds.[19]

Elaysian tea tends to be somewhat spicy.[20]


Word Meaning
Croívrishte When translated literally it means something like “An open wound of the heart,” or “One whose heart has experienced much pain.”[21]

Elaysian have a tendency to name objects, especially objects that are important or save lives. It is viewed as a way of giving thanks to said object.[22]


A traditional Elaysian greeting was an open hand in a relaxed salute at the temple that then moved to be palm up against the heart along with a small bow.[23] It was also used a farewell gesture.[24]


Strand is one name for the beaded hair accessories that Elaysians commonly wear. Strandcare kits were used to make new strands.
The Strands themselves could have many meanings. Each Elaysian Black Pearl on a Strand represented someone who has died and is used as a symbol during mourning.[17]


Art and nature take precedent in modern Elaysian society.[23]

  • Elaysia has handmade tapestries.[5]


  • Earth fairy tales were considered much more grim than Elaysia’s. Elaysian fairy tales usually had hopeful endings.[12]

Garu Village Culture

In Garu Village when someone turns 13 years old they have a ceremony in which they state what they wish to become. They are then draped their family's shawl.[25]

Zalvri Peninsula Culture

  • Tor zel Tay - A form of martial art that originated on the peninsula. Known for its jumps and aerial moves that take advantage of Elaysia's low gravity.[26]



Elaysia has several festivals where stalls are set up for food and crafts.[27]

Village Welcome

A traditional welcome to someone's village or home involves bowing the head and opening the arms in welcome. Along with saying, "We hope you enjoy our (What the guest is being welcomed to. A village for example.) and this tea. We welcome you to our home with open arms."

The person being welcomed then responds with holding out the tea cup with both hands and saying, "We thank you for your kind words and the use of your home. We will treat your spaces as we would ours, and look forward to hearing the stories of you and your village."

This form of welcome and response has become rare in villages such as Garu, where it is now usually only done during formal visits.[20]


They are familiar with mass transit concepts, including the old Terran "trolley car".

Starhopper - a type of Elaysian spaceship.[28]


Elaysia has no true protection aside from Starfleet.[29]

Starfleet Intelligence Files


  1. 1.0 1.1 In those Days, In those Distant Days, PNPC Ensign Rendov Felbri , USS Constitution, 240110.31
  2. Out of the frying pan and into the fire, Lt. JG Sheila Bailey and Ensign Beelam Grog, USS Astraeus, 239611.11
  3. Searching (part 2), PNPC Ensign Rendov Felbri, USS Constitution, 240111.30
  4. "Elaysian", Memory Alpha
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 Vesela and the Horrible, Terrible, No Good, Very Borg Day, Ensign Vesela Pace, USS Gorkon, 240106.06
  6. "Melora Pazlar", Memory Alpha
  7. Duel of the Vacuum-Bots, Ensign Vesela Pace, USS Gorkon, 240109.28
  8. "Elaysian", Memory Alpha
  9. What is Aenar?, PNPC Ensign Rendov Felbri , USS Constitution, 240109.22
  10. Picking Up The Pieces, Ensign Vesela Pace, USS Gorkon, 240108.31
  11. That Troublesome Colony, PNPC Ensign Rendov Felbri , USS Constitution, 240109.26
  12. 12.0 12.1 Into the Woods, Ensign Vesela Pace, USS Gorkon, 240106.29
  13. Don't Bring me Down, PNPC Ensign Rendov Felbri, USS Constitution, 240201.16
  14. Floating, Lt. Sheila Bailey, StarBase 118 Ops, 239802.19
  15. Butterfly Queen, Lt. JG Sheila Bailey, StarBase 118 Ops, 239707.20
  16. A Rock to Call Home, Ensign Vesela Pace, USS Gorkon, 240111.29
  17. 17.0 17.1 Sholau'rahn, Ensign Vesela Pace, USS Gorkon, 240109.14
  18. Finding Solace at the Solas, Ensign Vesela Pace, USS Gorkon, 240112.18
  19. 19.0 19.1 Elaysian Food in ⅛ gravity, Lt. JG Sheila Bailey, StarBase 118 Ops, 239707.12
  20. 20.0 20.1 A Whole New World, Ensign Vesela Pace, USS Gorkon, 240112.09
  21. Out of the Fire, Into the Science Labs, Ensign Vesela Pace, USS Gorkon, 240107.17
  22. All in the Family, Ensign Vesela Pace, USS Gorkon, 240111.09
  23. 23.0 23.1 A Calm Before the Storm, Ensign Vesela Pace, USS Gorkon, 240106.20
  24. Scratchy the Champion, Ensign Vesela Pace, USS Gorkon, 240110.09
  25. In a Far-Off Village, Ensign Vesela Pace, USS Gorkon, 240111.25
  26. 'Normal' Gravity, PNPC Ensign Rendov Felbri , USS Constitution, 240106.21
  27. Food Court Adventures, Ensign Vesela Pace, USS Gorkon, 240110.17
  28. Home is Where the 40 Science Labs (and Heart) Are, Ensign Vesela Pace, USS Gorkon, 240107.04
  29. On The Wrong Foot, Ensign Vesela Pace, USS Gorkon, 240106.08

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come partially, or entirely from
Memory Alpha