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{{UnderConstruction|Robin Hopper}}

The following are sims written from Hopper's perspective (or Joint Posts including Hopper's POV), arranged in rough IC chronological order.
Going to be starting this page over using a different format once I can figure out a more feasible way to track storylines here.

=Life Before Amity=
For the old retired version of this page, check out: [[User:Robin_Hopper/sandbox]]
=== Early Life, Theta VII & Velestus ===
Hopper grew up on her parents' farm estate on Theta VII, a somewhat rough-and-tumble "old frontier" mining, agricultural, and trade port colony. Her family also traveled to Velestus (Alpha Centauri IV) on occasion, to visit her Centauran relatives.
'''"Hoppy" Visits Tsavai Keox ''(Flashback)'''''
After being knocked unconscious, Robin recalls a visit to her grandmother's conservatory on Velestus when she was a young girl.
* [ With The Current] (240005.09)
[[File:UCBerkeleyCampus.jpg|thumb|160x160px|UC Berkeley Campus]]
=== University of California, Berkeley ===
Hopper travelled to Earth for the first time, earning a Bachelors and Masters Degree at the University of California's Berkeley campus.
'''Queen of the Nerds ''(Flashback)'''''
Following her promotion to Lt. Commander, Robin reflects on what being a Starfleet Officer means to her and how she felt upon her acceptance to the Academy.
*[ Shindig] (240008.22)
[[File:SF Academy and Aerial.jpg|thumb|160x160px|Starfleet Academy, San Francisco]]
=== Starfleet Academy, San Francisco ===
After completing her Master's at UC Berkeley, Hopper was (pleasantly) surprised to have her application to Starfleet Academy accepted and relocated to San Francisco to complete her PhD.
'''The Study Buddies'''
After agreeing to participate in a firearms training session, Robin drags along her old Academy Pal, Ikaia Wong - whom she first met during a similar class.
* [ Study Buddies] (249911.08)
** [ Ikaia Wong: Do No Harm] (239911.13)
<span style="line-height: 2em;" id="Family History (Flashback)">'''Family History ''(Flashback)'''''</span>
Hopper decides to reconnect with her estranged sister, Keri, after a silence of over two years - but the memory of their last interaction still gives her brain freeze...
* [ JP: Sorellina (Part 1)] (240001.04)
* [ JP: Sorellina (Part 2)] (240001.04)
[[File:OracleClass.jpg|thumb|160x160px|''USS Wall Street'']]
=== Aboard the USS Wall Street ===
Hopper's first assignment after graduating from Starfleet Academy, holding the rank of Lt. JG, was to the Oracle Class deep space science vessel, ''[[USS Wall Street]]''.
* ''There are no sims set aboard the Wall Street (yet).''
=Arrival on Amity Outpost=
Lt. Robin Hopper arrives on ''[[Amity Outpost]]'', transferring from her posting on the ''[[USS Wall Street]]'', to take on the role of Chief Science Officer. During these first weeks, she meets Ambassador [[Rivi Vataix]] and her husband, Tidrid, runs into an old friend ([[Ikaia Wong]]), and meets some of her other colleagues - forging her first relationships aboard the space station.
:'''''Trivia:''' For fun, all the initial sims written during this 'introductory' period for Robin are named after ABBA songs, in reference to Hopper's love for the Swedish Disco/Pop Group.''
=== Shore Leave (2399.07-2399.09) ===
[[File:Rivi-Vataix-Staff-Square.jpg|thumb|134x134px|Rivi Vataix]]
<span style="line-height: 2em;" id="Meeting the Vataixs">'''Meeting the Vataixs'''</span><br/>
Hopper's first encounter aboard Amity is with Tidrid Vataix - [[Rivi Vataix|Ambassador Rivi's]] husband. A chance meeting in the park (which could have gone far worse) leads to an impromptu dinner invitation and the start of a very bubbly friendship...
*[ Take A Chance On Me] (239907.26)
*[ Knowing Me, Knowing You] (239907.29)
*[ Another Town, Another Train] (239908.15)
[[File:IkaiaFUTURE.png|thumb|155x155px|Ikaia Wong]]
<span style="line-height: 2em;" id="Ikaia Wong - Old Friend, New Place">'''Ikaia Wong - Old Friend, New Place'''</span><br/>
Having first met back at Starfleet Academy in San Francisco, Hopper is overjoyed to have a pre-existing connection in Amity's Chief Medical Officer, Lt. [[Ikaia Wong]]...
*[ The Way Old Friends Do] (239908.09)
*[ I Wonder] (23990816)
*[ Voulez-Vous] (239908.24)
*[ As Good As New] (239908.30)
*''This storyline continues as part of the "Dinner Party w/ Rivi, Tidrid, Wong, & Richards" sims.''
[[File:Cassian iovians.png|thumb|180x180px|Cassian Iovianus]][[File:Rebecca-Iko.jpg|thumb|164x164px|Bec Iko]]
<span style="line-height: 2em;" id="Security Clearance">'''Security Clearance'''</span><br/>
Hopper runs into [[Bec Iko]] while seeking her clearances from Chief Security Officer, [[Cassian Iovianus]] - a man whom she is convinced has amazing stories to share with anyone who can get through his armor...
*[ Two For The Price Of One] (239908.09)
*[ That’s Me] (239908.15)
*[ Dream World] (239908.18)
*[ I Do, I Do, I Do, I Do, I Do] (239908.23)
[[File:Kivik-V2.png|thumb|163x163px|Kivik]]<span style="line-height: 2em;" id="Lt. Kivik - Passing the Torch">'''Lt. Kivik - Passing the Torch'''</span>
As the newly-promoted Lt. [[Kivik]] leaves Amity to take a posting aboard the [[USS Kitty Hawk]], which will be touring within the Delta Quadrant, the J'naii Science Officer helps orient Hopper within the station's massive [[Amity_Outpost_Layout#Science_and_Research_Center_.28aka_.22The_Basement.22.29|Science & Research Center]]...
*[ Me And I (Part 1)] (239908.18)
*[ Me And I (Part 2)] (239908.18)
<span style="line-height: 2em;" id="Discussing Two Ukinixs">'''Discussing Two Ukinixs'''</span><br/>
Some preliminary discussion between Ikaia Wong, [[Scotty Reade]], and Hopper regarding Lt. Cmdr. [[Wil Ukinix]]s transporter incident, during which he was split into two men - one fully-Human, the other fully-Betazoid...
*[ Man in the Middle] (239908.19)
*[ Hole in Your Soul] (239908.31)
*[ When All Is Said and Done] (239909.09)
[[File:Nathan-Richards.jpg|thumb|164x164px|Nathan Richards]]
<span style="line-height: 2em;" id="Ensign Richards & The Targhee">'''Ensign Richards & The Targhee'''</span><br/>
Asked to help Ensign [[Nathan Richards]] with his personal project / 'therapy' (restoring an old shuttle to working condition using cobbled-together parts), Hopper puts her LCARs programming knowledge to work - and also discovers an unexpected friendship that may lead to something more...
*[ As Good As New] (239908.20)
*[ Just A Notion] (239908.23)
*[ Watch Out] (239908.24)
*[ I Let the Music Speak] (239908.25)
*[ Thank You for the Music] (239908.28)
*[ Honey, Honey] (239909.02)
*[ When All Is Said And Done] (239909.04)
*''This storyline continues as part of the "[[Robin_Hopper/Stories#Meeting_the_Vataixs|Meeting the Vataixs]]" Dinner Party.''
<span style="line-height: 2em;" id="Dinner Party w/ Rivi, Tidrid, Wong, & Richards">'''Dinner Party w/ Rivi, Tidrid, Wong, & Richards'''</span><br/>
Much to her surprise (after her gaff meeting Tidrid), Hopper is invited to dinner at the Vataix residence - along with her old pal Ikaia Wong and her ''new pal'', Nathan Richards...
*[ Sitting in the Palmtree] (239908.27)
*[ Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!] (239909.07)
*[ If It Wasn’t For The Nights] (239909.12)
=2399 Missions & Shore Leave (Amity)=
Hopper's tour aboard Amity began in July of 2399. During her first calendar year aboard the station, she participated in two missions and one shore leave.
===Mission: ''Protocols'' (2399.09-2399.10)===
[[File:Ukinix-Official-Portrait-2398.png|thumb|134x134px|Wil Ukinix]][[File:S'raga.png|thumb|180x180px|S'Raga]]
<span style="line-height: 2em;" id="Protocols - Act 1">'''Act 1'''</span><br/>
Hopper's first mission as Amity's Chief Science Officer pairs her with Lt. Commander [[Wil Ukinix]], fresh Ensign [[S'Raga]], and whiny Betazoid Noble ([[Lohani Vananth-Polgonz]]) as they explore an island region of the planet [[Idrustix]] in hope of helping with colonisation efforts. ''But they're not alone''...
*[ Boogie Wonderland] (239909.09)
*[ Clear Communication (Part 1)] (239909.16)
*[ Back On The Frontier] (239909.25)
*[ Isolation] (239909.27)
<span style="line-height: 2em;" id="Protocols - Act 2">'''Act 2'''</span><br/>
After S'Raga is attacked by a mysterious Drone, Hopper is forced to take on duties outside the normal scope of her position. Within a day, she must play Medic, Security, and Diplomat...
*[ The Winner Takes It All] (239909.30)
*[ Stay With Me] (239910.03)
*[ To Kill For] (239910.07)
*[ We Come In Peace] (239910.11)
*[ A Sticky Situation] (239910.15)
[[File:Trenvonn-ICWM.jpg|thumb|164x164px|Trenvonn Scientist]]<span style="line-height: 2em;" id="Protocols - Act 3">'''Act 3'''</span>
To avoid extermination, the crew on Idrustix's surface must find a solution to break through the imposed [[Trenvonn]] forcefield netting the planet and make it back to the [[USS Kitty Hawk|Kitty Hawk]] - but first, they need to survive long enough...
*[ On Defense] (239910.16)
*[ Stray Thoughts] (239910.19)
*[ Unhappy Camper] (239910.24)
*[ Drive By] (239910.28)
*[ Boiling Point] (239910.31)
===Shore Leave (2399.11-2399.12)===
[[File:LTJG Scotty Reade.png|thumb|168x168px|Scotty Reade]]
<span style="line-height: 2em;" id="Apartment Hunting">'''Apartment Hunting'''</span><br/>
Hopper enlists the help of her new HCO friend, S'Raga, to help locate a suitable apartment in Amity's Habitat Ring. Once they find the ''perfect place'', a special request will see Amity's Acting Chief of Operations, Reade, and Engineer, Richards, joining them for some work and relaxation...
*[ Ring Ring] (239911.01)
*[ A Special Request] (239911.04)
*[ Make Room For Fun] (239911.05)
*[ I Think I’m In Love] (239911.08)
*[ Moving Day] (239911.10)
*[ Many Meetings] (239911.04)
*[ Home Sweet Home] (239911.13)
*[ Work Hard, Play Hard] (239911.16)
*[ How Do You Like It?] (239911.21)
[[File:Carter-Official-Portrait-2398.png|thumb|134x134px|John Carter]]
<span style="line-height: 2em;" id="Counselling Session">'''Counselling Session'''</span><br/>
Hopper meets Counsellor [[John Carter]] and finds him remarkably easy to talk to. ''Almost too easy''...
*[ Let’s Talk] (239911.01)
*[ Personal Information] (239911.06)
*[ (Nearly) Spilling The Beans] (239911.09)
*[ Off Time] (239911.13)
*[ Open Invitational] (239911.17)
*[ On The Ropes] (239911.21)
[[File:CMSC-Barberra.jpg|thumb|168x168px|Annamae Barberra]]
<span style="line-height: 2em;" id="Holodeck Training Simulation">'''Holodeck Training Simulation'''</span><br/>
Requested by Lt. Commander Ukinix, Hopper joins Iovianus, Wong, Reade, Iko, Richards, and S'Raga in an effort to support the assessment of the unusual Crewman [[Annamae Barberra]]... ''To chaotic result''...
*[ Trick or Treat?] (239911.01)
*[ Let Yourself In Why Don’t You?] (239911.07)
*[ A Closer Look] (239911.14)
*[ Crunch Time] (239911.18)
*[ Best Training Simulation Ever] (239911.24)
*[ Three Heads Are Better Than One] (239911.30)
*[ Follow-Up] (239912.05)
<span style="line-height: 2em;" id="Date With Nathan Richards">'''Date With Nathan Richards'''</span><br/>
Their time spent working together on the Targhee shuttle has brought Robin and Nathan closer together - close enough that they decide to take a plunge and agree to a date. ''Is it a match made in heaven or will they go down in flames?''
*[ JP: In Other Words (Part 1)] (239911.02)
*[ JP: In Other Words (Part 2)] (239911.02)
*[ JP: In Other Words (Part 3)] (239911.03)
*[ JP: In Other Words (Part 4)] (239911.03)
<span style="line-height: 2em;" id="Peace Park Stroll & Garden Plotting">'''Peace Park Stroll & Garden Plotting'''</span><br/>
While enjoying a stroll through Peace Park, Hopper finds Iko up a tree and the two discuss the possibility of a community garden space in the park's Mackinac biome...
*[ Drop Bears] (239911.02)
*[ Walkie-Talkie] (239911.04)
*[ A Certain Resemblance] (239911.07)
*[ Memory Lane] (239911.12)
*[ Sycamore View] (239911.16)
*[ Anywhere, Anywhen] (239911.23)
*[ Survey Says...] (239911.29)
[[File:KeehaniUkinixPublicityPhoto.png|thumb|143x143px|Keehani Ukinix]]
<span style="line-height: 2em;" id="Meeting Keehani Ukinix">'''Meeting Keehani Ukinix'''</span><br/>
As part of her ongoing efforts to connect with Amity's senior staff (Starfleet and FDC), Hopper arranges a brief get-to-know-you with First Secretary [[Keehani Ukinix]]...
*[ Many Meetings] (239911.04)
*[ It’s All Greek To Me] (239911.08)
*[ Novel Conversation] (239911.21)
*[ Family History] (239911.29)
[[File:Sirn civilian.png|thumb|187x187px|Sirn]]
<span style="line-height: 2em;" id="Welcoming Sirn">'''Welcoming Sirn'''</span><br/>
Hopper welcomes a new civilian warp theory scientist, [[Sirn]], whose affiliation with the Vulcan Science Academy and Starfleet make him a logical candidate...
*[ Never Too Busy] (239911.07)
*[ The Ultimate Decision] (239911.09)
*[ Underlying Principles] (239911.14)
<span style="line-height: 2em;" id="Firearms Training">'''Firearms Training'''</span><br/>
Hopper drags along Wong for some unconventional firearms training in the Security Center, overseen by Iovianus and assisted by Richards...
*[ Many Meetings] (239911.04)
*[ Study Buddies] (239911.08)
*[ Armed And Dangerous] (239911.15)
*[ Target… Acquired] (239911.22)
*[ This Is My Rifle, This Is My Gun] (239911.30)
*[ She Bangs] (239912.09)
[[File:Beake.jpg|thumb|164x164px|Evelyn Beake]]
<span style="line-height: 2em;" id="Unexpected Lunch Date">'''Unexpected Lunch Date'''</span><br/>
While dropping off a 'thank you' gift for Reade, Hopper gets caught up in an unexpected lunch date with Reade's partner, [[Evelyn Beake]], and S'Raga...
*[ The Gift of Gab (Part 1)] (239911.18)
*[ The Gift of Gab (Part 2)] (239911.18)
*[ Everything In Its Place] (239911.28)
*[ Tell Me More, Tell Me More] (239912.01)
*[ Ball Games] (239912.08)
<span style="line-height: 2em;" id="Completion of the Targhee">'''Completion of the Targhee'''</span><br/>
With their work now complete on the Targhee shuttle, Hopper and Richards find it hard to part ways - but providing Carter with a tour gives them the opportunity...
*[ The Love Boat] (239911.28)
*[ More Than A Shuttle] (239912.04)
<span style="line-height: 2em;" id="Amity Pub Crawl">'''Amity Pub Crawl'''</span><br/>
Joining Wong, Iko, S'Raga, and Richards for an impromptu pub crawl around Amity's numerous bars and taverns makes Robin spill the beans about a private matter...
*[ Pop! Pop!] (239911.29)
*[ Truth Serum] (239912.05)
*[ A Little Bit Closer] (239912.08)
[[File:Nadeshiko late2399.png|thumb|120x120px|Nadeshiko]]
<span style="line-height: 2em;" id="">'''Welcoming Nadeshiko'''</span><br/>
Amity's newest civilian scientist is [[Nadeshiko]], an Android Woman with superior intellect and analyticial skills - and a killer wardrobe...
*[ Analyzing Response] (239912.12)
===Mission: ''Nostalgia'' (2399.12)===
<span style="line-height: 2em;" id="Nostalgia - Teaser">'''Teaser'''</span><br/>
A party to celebrate Wil Ukini's promotion to Commander gets waylaid by an ill-intentioned temporal agent, and only Hopper and Vataix can stop it...
*[ Celebrate Good Times, Come On! (Part 1)] (239912.09)
*[ Celebrate Good Times, Come On! (Part 2)] (239912.10)
<span style="line-height: 2em;" id="Nostalgia - Act 1">'''Act 1'''</span><br/>
Realizing what has happened, Hopper and Vataix struggle to find a solution and restore the timeline...
*[ Overwritten] (239912.12)
*[ Temporal Breadcrumbs] (239912.16)
*[ Timenappers (Part 1)] (239912.21)
<span style="line-height: 2em;" id="Nostalgia - Act 2">'''Act 2'''</span><br/>
Can the timeline be restored, and the time-napped former Veritas crewmembers returned safely?
*[ Timenappers (Part 2)] (239912.21)
*[ Re-Boot] (239912.27)
=2400 Missions & Shore Leave (Amity)=
Continuing as Amity Outpost's Chief Science Officer, Hopper entered 2400 full of her typical optimism and enthusiasm.
===Shore Leave (2400.01-2400.02)===
[[File:Vaje Kizat.png|thumb|148x148px|Vaje Kizat]]
<span style="line-height: 2em;" id="Robin Hopper, Muse">'''Robin Hopper, Muse'''</span><br/>
Hopper, ditched by her date for the evening, winds up across the table from Vaje Kizat - diplomat, artist, and romantic...
* [ The Subject] (239912.31)
* [ Dangerous] (240001.03)
* [ Taste The Rainbow] (240001.06)
* ''This scene is completed in a Flashback in the 'New Year, New Century' sim: [ Bubbly] (240001.09).''
[[File:Hopper-Kerilyn.jpg|thumb|164x164px|Kerilyn Hopper]]
<span style="line-height: 2em;" id="Family History">'''Family History'''</span><br/>
Hopper decides to reconnect with her estranged sister, Keri, after a silence of over two years - but the memory of their last interaction still gives her brain freeze...
* [ JP: Sorellina (Part 1)] (240001.04)
* [ JP: Sorellina (Part 2)] (240001.04)
<span style="line-height: 2em;" id="New Year, New Century">'''New Year, New Century'''</span><br/>
Hopper's attempts to organize a New Years Eve party to ring in the new century are mostly successful, but an errant beverage selection puts her friendship with Richards to the test...
* [ Bubbly] (240001.09)
* [ Swimmingly] (240001.16)
* [ JP: Dear To Me (Part 1)] (240001.16)
* [ JP: Dear To Me (Part 2)] (240001.16)
[[File:Cmdr-Teller.jpg|thumb|129x129px|Geoff Teller]]
<span style="line-height: 2em;" id="Story-Teller">'''Story-Teller'''</span><br/>
On a brief swing by the Beta Quadrant for a conference on new uniform designs, Hopper meets [[Geoffrey Teller]] and the two swap stories over "blooze"...
* [ JP: The Slipstream Cantina (Part 1)] (240001.12)
* [ JP: The Slipstream Cantina (Part 2)] (240001.12)
<span style="line-height: 2em;" id="High Stakes Poker">'''High Stakes Poker'''</span><br/>
The gang gets together for a friendly game of cards - and some of Hopper's past is revealed...
* [ Poker Face] (240001.13)
* [ House of Cards] (240001.17)
<span style="line-height: 2em;" id="Alpha Quadrant Report">'''Alpha Quadrant Report'''</span><br/>
After winding up a volleyball game with her SRC colleagues, Hopper meets up with S'Raga, who's just returned from a trip to the Alpha Quadrant, to catch up...
* [ Incident Reports] (240001.17)
* [ The Ones You Miss] (240001.19)
<span style="line-height: 2em;" id="Ribbons Ceremony">'''Ribbons Ceremony'''</span><br/>
Winding up the end of the 2300s with ribbons and awards...
* [ Conclusions, Beginnings] (240001.21)
=== Mission: ''Worthy Prey'' (2400.01-2400.02) ===
[[File:Ravarj-ICWM.jpg|thumb|164x164px|Alpha Ravarj]][[File:Cara-Veers.png|thumb|164x164px|Cara Veers]]
[[File:Flint.jpg|thumb|164x164px|David Flint]]<span style="line-height: 2em;" id="Worthy Prey - Act 1">'''Act 1'''</span>
The Hirogen are up to something - and Ambassador Vataix and her crew aren't leaving their fate to chance. It's time for an olive branch...
* [ Tighten The Knot] (240001.23)
* [ Pathfinding] (240001.23)
* [ Showing Off] (240001.27)
* [ Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (Part 1)] (240001.31)
* [ Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (Part 2)] (240001.31)
* [ Dressed To Kill] (240002.01)
* [ Hirogen-Style Home Cooking] (240002.02)
* [ Dead Men Tell No Tales] (240002.06)
'''Act 2'''
Following a guided tour of Amity Outpost, and a dinner held in their honour, the Hirogen Tribes agree to participate in "war games" along with the Federation...
* [ Don’t Stop ‘Til You Get Enough (Part 1)] (240002.07)
* [ Don’t Stop ‘Til You Get Enough (Part 2)] (240002.07)
* [ Get Down On It] (240002.10)
* [ Threshold] (240002.15)
* [ Situation Room] (240002.18)
* [ It's Off to Work We Go (Part 1)] (240002.22)
* [ It's Off to Work We Go (Part 2)] (240002.22)
* [ It's Gonna Take A Miracle (Part 1)] (240002.26)
* [ It's Gonna Take A Miracle (Part 2)] (240002.27)
<span style="line-height: 2em;" id="Worthy Prey - Act 3">'''Act 3'''</span><br/>
Having achieved victory in the first round of the "War Games" (a rescue mission), Blue Team is pitted against Red in a full-on simulated battle...
* [ Ready Harpoons] (240003.03)
* [ Creative Solutions] (240003.06)
* [ Proactive, Not Reactive] (240003.13)
* [ The Hornets’ Nest (Part 1)] (240003.20)
* [ The Hornets’ Nest (Part 2)] (240003.20)
* [ The Lovely Jem] (240003.24)
* [ Good To Be Back] (240003.24)
* [ A Great Guy] (240003.27)
===Shore Leave (2400.03-2400.05)===
[[File:2400-MacKenzie-WM-Long.png|thumb|164x164px|Addison MacKenzie]]<span style="line-height: 2em;" id="Career Counseling">'''Career Counseling'''</span>
Following her stint at Acting First Officer aboard the Jemison, Hopper turns to an idol - Commander [[Addison MacKenzie]] - seeking career advice. What she gets may prove to be advice to live by...
* [ The Crimson Canopy] (240003.24)
* [ Self Analysis] (240003.27)
* [ Self Defense of the Heart] (240003.28)
<span style="line-height: 2em;" id="Food Court Checkup">'''Food Court Checkup'''</span><br/>
While they first met at the Academy, Hopper and Wong haven't had much time to reconnect aboard Amity. Time to change that!
* [ Ketching Up] (240003.27)
* [ Professor Ikaia] (240003.29)
* [ Make Like A Tree] (240004.04)
*[ Growing Things] (240004.16)
*[ The Best Decision] (240004.28)
*[ Ecological Interdependence] (240005.09)
[[File:Phoenyra-Keox.png|thumb|164x164px|Phoenyra Keox]]<span style="line-height: 2em;" id="The Prodigious Ensign Veers">'''The Prodigious Ensign Veers'''</span>
Stationed aboard the Kitty Hawk during their mission, Ensign Veers' efforts were lauded by their Chief Science Officer, Kivik. Hopper's glad to have the chance to follow up with the new Ensign and get to know her better...
*[ History of the Hawk] (240003.29)
* [ A Closer Look] (240004.03)
*[ Lights Out] (240004.13)
*[ Rocks n' Rolls] (240004.20)
*[ With The Current] (240005.09)
<span style="line-height: 2em;" id="Capitalism Is Fun">'''Capitalism Is Fun'''</span><br />
"Betazoid Bob" and "Orion Olivia" - two used yacht salesfolk - won't know what hit 'em when Hopper proves unusually receptive to their sales pitch...
*[ Hustlin'] (240003.29)
*[ Seeking Yacht With Hot Tub] (240004.03)
*[ Show Me The Goods] (240004.11)
*[ I Have To Pay?] (240004.24)
*[ Federation Economics 101] (240005.03)
<span style="line-height: 2em;" id="Mother Iovianus">'''Mother Iovianus'''</span><br />
When Cassian Iovianus' mother, Governor Aurora Iovianus, arrives unexpectedly on the station, Robin unintentionally winds up in her Magna Roman's interrogation crosshairs...
*[ JP: Garden Talk (Part 1)] (240003.31)
*[ JP: Garden Talk (Part 2)] (240003.31)
[[File:RH-APT-Artwork-WBZPoster.png|thumb|175x175px|Poster, ''World Beyond Zero'']]<span style="line-height: 2em;" id="At the Drive-In w/ Nathan Richards">'''At the Drive-In w/ Nathan Richards'''</span>
Hopper shares an important holodeck program with her bestie - and they both try to work out what, if any, lingering feelings they have for each other...
* [ Distract Me, Please] (240003.30)
*[ JP: World Beyond Zero (Part 1)] (240003.31)
*[ JP: World Beyond Zero (Part 2)] (240003.31)
*[ JP: World Beyond Zero (Part 3)] (240004.01)
*[ JP: World Beyond Zero (Part 4)] (240004.01)
*[ JP: World Beyond Zero (Part 5)] (240004.02)
*[ JP: World Beyond Zero (Part 6)] (240004.02)
<span style="line-height: 2em;" id="An Ounce of Prevention">'''An Ounce of Prevention'''</span><br />
Feeling overwhelmed with the stress of work - and the pressure of a letter from her sister weighing on her mind - Hopper distracts herself with a visit to the doctor...
*[ Doctor, Save Me] (240004.06)
*[ Open The Floodgates] (240004.17)
<span style="line-height: 2em;" id="Mind Games">'''Mind Games'''</span><br />
A little post-workout tête-à-tête with Hopper's <s>nemesis Acting XO</s> counselor and friend, John Carter, turns out to be an invigorating and fun experience...
*[ Mind Games] (240004.11)
*[ Take Me Out To the Ball Game] (240004.17)
*[ Root, Root, Root For the Home Team] (240004.25)
*[ Coaching From The Sidelines] (240005.04)
*[ Spacers In The Outfield] (240005.10)
[[File:Hopper+Keehani.png|thumb|120x120px]]<span style="line-height: 2em;" id="Mind Games">'''Stranger Than Fiction'''</span><br />Robin and Keehani Ukinix take some time to get to know each other and, in the process, discover a shared interest in "agressive diplomacy"...
*[ JP: Federation Standard (Part 1)] (240004.12)
*[ JP: Federation Standard (Part 2)] (240004.13)
*[ JP: Federation Standard (Part 3)] (240004.14)
*[ JP: Federation Standard (Part 4)] (240004.14)
[[File:Lt Dakora Artemis Portrait.jpg|thumb|120x120px|Talos Dakora]]<span style="line-height: 2em;" id="Noble Indiscretions">'''Noble Indiscretions'''</span>
When a mysterious stranger winds up on Amity Outpost, Hopper finds herself drawn to the man known only as "Talos", blissfully unaware of the 'higher purpose' that has called him there...
* [ JP: Revelations (Part 1)] (240004.19)
* [ JP: Revelations (Part 2)] (240004.20)
* [ JP: Revelations (Part 3)] (240004.21)
* [ JP: Revelations (Part 4)] (240004.22)
* [ JP: Revelations (Part 5)] (240004.23)
* [ JP: Revelations (Part 6)] (240004.28)
'''Girls' Night Out'''<br />
Robin runs into Keehani at the office and the two decide to do hit the town, where things take a surprising turn, and Robin seeks the counsel of Nathan Richards...
* [ Girls Night Out] (240004.24)
* [ Fancy] (240004.30)
* [ Girl Trouble] (230005.02)
* [ Sharing Is Caring] (240005.05)
* [ Tell Me About It] (240005.09)
* [ It Started With A Kiss] (240005.12)
=== Mission: ''Dark Roses'' (2400.05 - 2400.08) ===
[[File:Trilea-M.png|thumb|164x164px|Tri'lea Polgonz (Mirrorverse)]]'''Act 1'''
* [ Out Of Sync] (240005.20)
* [ Quantumania] (240005.24)
* [ Upside Down] (240005.25)
* [ No Big Deal] (240005.30)
* [ Bumps and Scrapes] (240006.06)
* [ By A Hair] (240006.12)
[[File:Raven-Hopper-Portrait.png|thumb|164x164px|Raven Hopper (Mirrorverse)]]'''Act 2'''
* [ Who? What? Where? When? Why? How? (Part 1)] (240006.15)
* [ Who? What? Where? When? Why? How? (Part 2)] (240006.15)
* [ Bad Girls] (240006.19)
* [ Control Is An Illusion (Part 1)] (240006.25)
* [ Control Is An Illusion (Part 2)] (240006.26)
* [ Control Is An Illusion (Part 3)] (240006.26)
* [ "I am not a computer nerd. I prefer to be called a hacker."] (240006.28)
* [ Terminate] (240007.05)
* [ Bicaridine Is A Hell of A Drug] (240007.10)
* [ Nature of the Medical Emergency] (240007.14)
'''Act 3'''
*[ A Sound of Thunder (Part 1)] (240007.18)
*[ A Sound of Thunder (Part 2)] (240007.18)
*[ A Sound of Thunder (Part 3)] (240007.18)
*[ I Melt With You] (240007.30)
*[ Gunboat Diplomacy (Part 1)] (240007.30)
*[ Gunboat Diplomacy (Part 2)] (240007.31)
*[ Gunboat Diplomacy (Part 3)] (240008.02)
=== Shore Leave (2400.08 - 2400.09) ===
'''Anomalous Investigations'''
Hopper and the Science Team begin looking into the recurring trouble Starfleet and other Amity visitors are encountering in the Barossa Nebula and begin to look for solutions.
* [ Quantum Quandaries] (240008.03)
* [ Gravity of the Situation] (240008.10)
* [ Show Me What You’ve Got] (240008.25)
* [ Science Project] (240008.30)
'''Magna Roman Games'''
Hopper is invited to take in some Magna Roman culture - and she's not sure she likes it. But the food is good!
* [ Bwood Sports] (240008.15)
* [ Worse Than Ice Hockey] (24008.28)
[[File:Robin-LtCmdr-550.png|thumb|164x164px|Lt. Commander Hopper (2400)]]'''Promotion and Party Planning'''
Hopper receives an unexpected visit from Rivi Vataix, which comes along with a promotion to Lt. Commander - and a request for help planning a celebration.
* [ Ambassadorial Visit] (240008.14)
* [ Fly Robin Fly] (240008.17)
* [ Shindig] (240008.22)
* [ You Must Be At Least This Tall] (240008.28)
* [ Play Hard] (240009.06)
[[File:Richards-New-WM.png|thumb|164x164px|Nathan Richards (2400)]]'''The Evolving "Situationship"'''
Things have been moving quickly for Hopper and Richards who have been trying (and failing) to keep things 'cool' between them. After sharing a fateful kiss during a tense and dangerous moment during their last mission, they finally decide to confront their feelings head-on.
* [ JP: Discoveries (Part 1)] (240008.18)
* [ JP: Discoveries (Part 2)] (240008.18)
* [ JP: Discoveries (Part 3)] (240008.19)
* [ JP: Discoveries (Part 4)] (240008.19)
* [ JP: Discoveries (Part 5)] (240008.19)
* [ The “Business” Meeting] (240008.26)
* [ Privacy Schmivacy] (240009.01)
* [ Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now] (240009.08)
* [ Hungry Eyes] (240009.11)
'''The Birthday Boy'''
Hopper remembers that it's Wong's birthday and tries to cheer him up.
* [ Stuck Like Glue] (240008.23)
* [ Cool] (240009.07)
[[File:Blackwood-2401-JG.png|thumb|163x163px|Harrison Blackwood]]'''My Lab Is Your Lab'''
Hopper meets Ensign Blackwood properly, for the first time since his unexpected arrival during the prior mission - and they discuss a potential planet of interest.
* [ Who Enters My Domain?] (240009.06)
* [ Possibilities] (240009.10)
=== Mission: It's Always Sunny in the Delta Quadrant (240009 - Present) ===
* [ Hide & Seek] (240009.10)
* [ Can You Hear The Music?] (240009.12)
* [ Wil Offends An Entire Planet Quite Single-Handedly] (240009.15)
[[File:Amity-It's Always Sunny in the Delta Quadrant.png|thumb|120x120px|Hopper, Jailed (Representation)]]'''Act 1'''
* [ I'm hearing images, I'm seeing songs] (240009.18)
* [ Shut The Paak Up] (240009.25)
* [ Space may be the final frontier but it's made in a Paak basement] (240009.28)
* [ Holy PAAK] (240009.29)
'''Act 2'''
* [ Oh Captor, My Captor] (240010.10)
* [ And Just What Do You Want?] (240010.11)
* [ Two Way Street] (240010.20)
* [ Divine Contravention] (240010.24)
'''Act 3'''
* [ A Solar Flare For the Dramatic] (240010.27)
* [ Procedural Proceedings] (240011.01)
* [ Take Me Home] (240011.06)
=== Shore Leave (2400.11 - 2400.12) ===
'''House Call / Dinner With a Friend'''
Hopper invites her CMO friend over for dinner (and a check up), hoping to avoid the trip to sickbay in favour of 'staying in' and taking it easy.
* [ The House Call] (240011.07)
'''Romance? Not My Forte'''
Evelyn Beake calls on Hopper for some advice regarding her relationship with Scotty Reade and the possibility of transferring to Amity. Robin realizes she's no expert on matters of the heart.
* [ How Do You Know?] (240011.08)
=2401 Missions & Shore Leave (Amity)=
Entering 2401 as both a freshly-promoted Lieutenant Commander and Amity's newly-appointed Second Officer, Robin is doing her best to take all these career expansions as they come - all while learning to manage an increasingly-public relationship with her Chief of Operations, Nathan Richards.
=== Mission: Toxicity (2400.12 - 2401.01) ===
'''Act 1'''
'''Act 2'''
=== Shore Leave (2401.01-2401.03) ===
'''Garden Plotting'''
The final details of Robin's community garden plans are coming to fruition and, with Agriculturalist Siben's support, they're bound to produce.
* [ Harvested Interest] (240101.25)
* [ Growing Roots] (240101.29)
* [ Garden Plotting] (240102.04)
* [ Cultivation] (240102.9)
'''Xenopaleontology ''(Ongoing)'''''
Robin plans an expedition with Scotty Reade and Harrison Blackwood to see if rumours of the Voth stopping by a Nygean spaceport are true, only they find more than they bargained for.
* [ Interstellar Paleontology] (240102.08)
* [ Learning Opportunities] (240102.12)
* [ Exobotany 101] (240102.16)
* [ Act Casual] (240102.22)
* [ Humble Introductions] (240102.29)
* [ Striking A Deal] (240103.05)
''This plot is still ongoing and will be completed during an upcoming shore leave...''
'''Spill The Ribbons'''
Robin assists Amity's First Officer, Wil Ukinix, in distributing ribbons following their harrowing mission aboard the Malon freighter.
* [ YOU GET A RIBBON! AND YOU GET A RIBBON! (Part 1)] (240102.19)
* [ YOU GET A RIBBON! AND YOU GET A RIBBON! (Part 2)] (240102.19)
* [ Got to Be Real] (240102.26)
'''Romance Among the Stars'''
Traveling back to Earth along with Nathan to attend his brother's wedding, Robin and Nate get some much needed time to figure out how they truly feel and define their relationship.
* [ JP: Cosmic Duet (Part 1)] (240103.01)
* [ JP: Cosmic Duet (Part 2)] (240103.01)
* [ JP: Cosmic Duet (Part 3)] (240103.02)
* [ JP: Cosmic Duet (Part 4)] (240103.02)
* [ JP: Cosmic Duet (Part 5)] (240103.03)
* [ JP: Cosmic Duet (Part 6)] (240103.03)
** [ JP: Cosmic Duet (Epilogue)] (240103.03)
[[File:Torvi Ylvor.jpg|thumb|150x150px|Torvi Ylvor (2401)]]'''New Years Eve Bash'''
After conscripting the newly-arrived security officer, Ensign Torvi Ylvor, to take care of some unsavory business, Robin takes it upon herself to invite the Trill to the Amity 2401 New Years Eve celebration in Peace Park.
* [ Swimwear? Swim here.] (240101.29)
* [ Making A Splash] (240102.02)
* [ Come On, It’s Fun] (240102.05)
* [ You WILL Have Fun!] (240102.16)
* [ You Should Be Dancing] (240103.05)
[[File:SamRichards2401.png|thumb|164x164px|Samantha Richards (2401)]]'''The Good Sister'''
Robin reacquaints herself with Nathan's younger sister, Sam, after she makes the bold choice to become a civilian scientist aboard Amity Outpost.
* [ New Shoots] (240104.18)
* [ Soda Fountain] (240104.21)
* [ Matter of Record] (240104.30)
=== Mission: Bless This Home (2401.03 - Present) ===
Mission Start
* [ Fangirl Patriotism (Part 1)] (240103.07)
* [ Fangirl Patriotism (Part 2)] (240103.07)
* [ Show Us Your Pips!] (240103.12)
'''Act 1'''
* [ All Aboard!] (240103.18)
* [ Up Close And Personal] (240103.24)
* [ That’ll Buff Out] (240103.30)
* [ This Concludes Our Tour] (240104.02)
'''Act 2'''
* [ What’s Going On Here?] (240104.02)
''This mission is currently ongoing...''{{clear}}

Latest revision as of 02:47, 27 February 2025

Note: This article is currently under construction.
This notice was placed here by Robin Hopper, so go bug them to finish the page if nothing's happening.

Going to be starting this page over using a different format once I can figure out a more feasible way to track storylines here.

For the old retired version of this page, check out: User:Robin_Hopper/sandbox