Executive Council: Difference between revisions

Fairhug made CO of 118 Ops
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(Fairhug made CO of 118 Ops)
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The '''Executive Council''' (EC) is the higher of the two staff bodies which has been sanctioned by the UFOP Constitution to run the day-to-day operations of the community.
The '''Executive Council''' (EC) is the higher of the two staff bodies which has been sanctioned by the [[UFOP Constitution]] to run the day-to-day operations of the community.

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{{LCARS Section Heading|Membership|#6699cc}}
{{LCARS Section Heading|Membership|#6699cc}}
The EC is intended to be composed of five members, all of whom should be flag officers (admirals, fleet captains, commodores) or captains with at least one full year of service at that rank. The Captain-at-Large, appointed from the Captains Council, can discuss as part of the council. However, his or her vote is only counted in the event a tie must be broken.
The EC is intended to be composed of five members, all of whom should be flag officers (admirals, fleet captains, commodores) or captains with at least one full year of service at that rank. The Captain-at-Large (as defined by the [[UFOP Constitution/Article VI: The Executive Council|UFOP Constitution, Article VI]], Sections 4-7), appointed from the Captains Council, can discuss as part of the council. However, his or her vote is only counted in the event a tie must be broken.
{{LCARS Section Heading|Voting Members|#6699cc}}
Appointed members of the Executive Council hold full discussion rights and 1 vote each.

{{LCARS Section Heading|Current Members|#6699cc}}
EC members are listed in alphabetical order by by surname as '''OOC rank has no bearing on council privileges'''.
<onlyinclude>* '''Fleet Admiral {{n|Tristan|Wolf}}'''
* '''Rear Admiral {{n|Toni|Turner}}'''
|{{Headshot|Officer|Quinn Reynolds|Reynolds}}
* '''Fleet Captain {{n|Cassandra|Egan Manno}}'''
|{{Headshot|Officer|Lia Rouiancet|Rouiancet}}
* '''Fleet Captain [[Renos]]'''
|{{Headshot|Officer|Sal Taybrim|Taybrim}}
* '''Fleet Captain {{n|Quinn|Reynolds}}
|{{Headshot|Officer|Rivi Vataix|Vataix}}
* '''Captain {{n|Selene|Faranfey}}, ''Captain-at-Large'''''
|{{Headshot|Officer|Tristan Wolf|Wolf}}
* '''Admiral [[Quinn Reynolds]]'''
* '''Commodore [[Lia Rouiancet]]'''
* '''Commodore [[Sal Taybrim]]'''
* '''Rear Admiral [[Rivi Vataix]]''' ([[Roshanara Rahman]])''', Executive Council Magistrate'''
* '''Fleet Admiral [[Tristan Wolf]]'''
{{LCARS Section Heading|Captains Council Member-at-Large|#6699cc}}
The Captains Council Member-at-Large (CCMAL) is a member of the [[Captains Council]] appointed each year by the EC. The CCMAL works with the members of the Executive Council to act in the best interests of the fleet. The CCMAL participates in any process, discussion, or other business of the EC. While they may vote on all measures, their vote shall be counted only in an advisory manner and shall be discarded in the event that it results in a tie.
|{{Headshot|Officer|Addison MacKenzie|MacKenzie}}
<onlyinclude>* '''Fleet Captain [[Addison MacKenzie]], Captains Council Member-at-Large'''</onlyinclude>
{{LCARS Section Heading|Observers|#6699cc}}
Any officer who has officially been recognized as a Captain or is a Commander serving as a Commanding Officer is permitted to comment during open sessions of the Executive Council. Non-voting EC observers are permitted to second motions by EC voting members.
|{{Headshot|Officer|Kali Nicholotti|Nicholotti}}
|{{Headshot|Officer|Oddas Aria|Oddas}}
|{{Headshot|Officer|Jalana Rajel|Rajel}}
|{{Headshot|Officer|Karrod Niac|Niac}}
|{{Headshot|Officer|Randal Shayne|Shayne}}
|{{Headshot|Officer|Theo Whittaker|Whittaker}}
|{{Headshot|Officer|Gogigobo Fairhug|Fairhug}}
* '''Commodore [[Mei'konda]]
* '''Commodore [[Kali Nicholotti]]'''
* '''Commodore [[Oddas Aria]]'''
* '''Commodore [[Jalana Rajel]]'''
* '''Captain [[Karrod Niac]]'''
* '''Captain [[Shedet|Nugra (Shedet)]]
* '''Captain [[Randal Shayne]]'''
* '''Captain [[Theo Whittaker]]'''
* '''Commander [[Gogigobo Fairhug]]'''