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'''Dominic Gray ''', a [[Terran]], was at one time a [[Science_(Duty_Post)|Science Officer]] aboard the [[USS Avandar]]. He is now suspected of being involved with corporate conglomerate [[The Consortium]], whose activities are currently under investigation.

Ensign '''Dominic Gray ''', a [[Terran]], is a [[Science_(Duty_Post)|Science Officer]] aboard the [[USS Avandar]].
|FirstName = Dominic
|LastName = Gray
|Aliases =
|Status = Criminal-at-Large
|Location = [[Larokon Province]], [[Par'tha Expanse]]
|Date = 239401.01
|Crimes =
|Encountered =
|Species = [[Human]]
|Gender = Male
|BirthMonth = 06
|BirthDate = 20
|BirthYear = 2352
|BirthPlace = Montana, Earth
|Image = Gray3.jpg

* '''Full Name''': Dominic Gray
* '''Full Name''': Dominic Gray {{ Avandar }}
* '''Race''': [[Human]]
* '''Race''': [[Terran]]
* '''Date of Birth''': 235206.20
* '''Date of Birth''': 235206.20
* '''Place of Birth''': Montana, Earth
* '''Place of Birth''': Montana, Earth
* '''Age''': 36
* '''Age''': {{age|2352|6|20}}
* '''Gender''': Male
* '''Gender''': Male

* '''Mental problems (complexes and phobias)''': None Diagnosed

* '''Height''': 5'9
* '''Height''': 5'9
* '''Hair Color''': Near Black
* '''Hair Color and style''': Near Black with flecks of grey.
* '''Length of Hair''': Short
* '''Eye Color''': Dark Blue/Grey
* '''Eye Color''': Dark Blue/Grey
* '''Birthmarks, Scars''': On his right arm he has a smallish scar left over from a chemical experiment gone wrong.
* '''Distinguishing features''': On his right arm he has a smallish scar left over from a chemical experiment gone wrong.
* '''Body language''': Dominant/agressive. E.g Powerful, lengthy handshakes. Invasion of personal space and use of eye and body contact.
* '''Body language''': Dominant/aggressive. E.g Powerful, lengthy handshakes. Invasion of personal space and use of eye and body contact.
* '''Taste in Clothing (when off duty)''': Comfortable, casual and warm. Jeans, Jumpers, boots etc.
* '''Taste in Clothing (when off duty)''': Comfortable, casual and warm. Jeans, Jumpers, boots etc.
* '''Speech''': Charming and friendly for the most part. Is very careful, thoughtful about what he says.  
* '''Speech''': Charming and friendly for the most part. Is very careful, thoughtful about what he says.  
* '''Handedness''': Right
* '''Handedness''': Right


* '''Marital Status''': Single
* '''Children''': None
===General Facts===
* '''Parents
* '''Quarters''': There are few sentimental items, mainly factual texts although the more unusal ones are kept out of sight.
** '''Father''': Gareth Gray, Oceonographer and Science Officer for StarFleet
* '''Favorite Room''': The library, recreation room or holodecks.
** '''Mother''': Pauline Gray, Secretary
* '''Religion/Spiritual Devotion''': None
* '''Siblings''': None
* '''Likes''': Keeping in shape, strategy games and puzzles.
* '''Dislikes''': Not getting his own way.
* '''Achievements in Life''': Graduating with a science major. Areas of expertise - anatomy and physiology, chemistry and genetics.
* '''Temperment''': Confident, generally friendly and charming, but can appear distant, cold or insincere at times.
* '''Mental problems (complexes and phobias)''': None Diagnosed

===Psych Evaluation===
{{Heading|KNOWN HISTORY|Grey}}

“Mr Gray is well educated, intelligent and is doing exceptionally well academically. He is a very smooth operator and certainly does not lack confidence and is very precise about all that he does. So precise in fact that one could call into question how much of his true personality we have seen and how much is a veneer. He knows what is expected of him and how to behave in a given situation but small clues in the things he says leaves me in a bit of a doubt. I believe he will make a fine scientist but I would recommend that the counselor serving on the ship he is posted keep a close watch on him and make a point of getting to find out who the real Mr Gray is. ”  ''Dr Samuel, Counsellor, Starbase 118 branch StarFleet Academy''
# '''237908.28''': Graduated from the University of Toronto with a PHD in xenobiology and genetics.
# '''2379 - 2383''': Worked with a private company specialising in comparative xenobiology, became an expert in the physiology of all major and most minor species, especially in the differences in physiology.
# '''238301.02''': Joined Starfleet Academy.
# '''238707.15''': Began a cadet cruise.
# '''238801.03''': Graduated from Starfleet Academy on 238801.03 with a science major in biological, chemical technology.
# '''238802.09''': Assigned to the USS Aurora as a science Officer.
# '''238910.23''': Attended a controversial lecture held by Dr Victor Richardson on the history and future of genetic research.
# '''238911.18''': Suspect of attempted murder of Cris Davies. Guilt was never proven and the outcome ruled the incident to be accidental.
# '''239002.30''': Resigned from Starfleet. Highest rank achieved was Ensign. He went back into private employment.


==Hobbies and Recreation==
'''Statements about Dominic Gray from various individuals who crossed paths with the man.'''

===Pursuits of the mind===
|Quote=You could hear him through the walls and I'm talking about 'real walls', not the flimsy cardboard these modern houses are built with. When he kicked off, the whole street knew about it. All kids like getting their own way, yeah? But Dominic was more aggressive than average when things weren't going his way. I sure hope a little life's experience has cooled those fires some. Despite what he may believe, the universe does not revolve around him.
|Author=Annie Cunningham, neighbour.

Gray grows bored easily and requires a lot of stimulation, as a result he has a natural affinity for puzzle and strategy games. He enjoys traditional and modern table top, board and model army strategy games. He also likes to take table top puzzle games down to the recreation room from from time to time, if he can find someone to play against him. Gray prefers to play against other people rather than the computer as he enjoys the social aspect as much as the game itself. Some of his favourites include Dominoes, Scrabble, 3D-Chess although he is always willing to try something new.
|Quote=He has no particular religious or spiritual beliefs but if there's anything that man believes in it's himself.  
|Author=Father Ted Dreary

Gray enjoys reading and although he mainly reads factual articles and texts that further his scientific understanding he has been known to enjoy a good thriller, crime or horror story. He also has a particulr interest in certain specialist subjects that tend to raise eyebrows in certain circles. He enjoys hunting down and aquiring some hard-to-get texts in these subjects, some of these can be found in his quarters by those who know where to look.
|Quote=Dominic came to our attention because he seemed to have difficulty empathising with others. As we worked with him we found he always enjoyed pursuits of the mind. He seemed to grow bored easily and required a lot of stimulation, as a result he has a natural affinity for puzzle and strategy games. He enjoyed traditional and modern table-top, board and model army strategy games. He also liked to take table top puzzle games down to the recreation room from time to time, if he could find someone to play against. He preferred to play against other people rather than the computer as he seemed to enjoy the social aspect as much as the game itself. Some of his favourites included Dominoes, Scrabble, 3D-Chess although he was always willing to try something new. He also enjoyed reading and although he mainly read factual articles and texts that furthered his scientific understanding he was known to enjoy a good thriller, crime or horror story too. He had a particular interest in certain specialist subjects that tend to raise eyebrows in certain circles, which we had to discourage. He enjoyed hunting down and acquiring some hard-to-get texts in these subjects and while we always confiscated any we found. Though it did seem his interest in these dangerous areas dropped, some of the other teachers feared he simply got better at hiding them in time.  
|Author=Sandi Wood, Social Development Key Worker, Edarloch Boarding School

===Outdoor Pursuits===
|Quote=I lived with this guy a full year and knew no more about him by the end of it than I did at the start - except perhaps that he snores really badly when he has the flu. The only reason I remember him at all was because about half way through the semester I was drunk and rummaging through his cupboard thinking it was mine. I found this book tucked right at the back out of sight, "Fifty ways to..." well let's say remove a person's organs without killing them. He walked in on me and for a split second, he seemed absolutely furious. I thought he might string me up with my own guts but instead he just... laughed it off. Told me about how it was merely a joke, given to him by an old friend poking fun at his interest in physiology. Said he liked to keep it around just as a reminder of his friend. He invited me to read it, assuring me there was no basis in realism for any it and we laughed about how it was the only sentimental thing I'd ever seen him with. I never did learn that friends name.
|Author=Cody Addams, roommates with Dominic during year three at Starfleet Academy

Gray likes to exercise his mind as much as his body - he is not generally a team player but there are a few team based sports he enjoyed as a child that he still enjoys to play. He enjoys equestrian pursuits such as horse racing, polo and show jumping in the holodeck as he used to back home before joining StarFleet. Gray enjoys other "country" pursuits such as shooting/hunting and although he isn't a hardcore climber he enjoys walking in the coutryside.
|Quote=Gray liked to exercise his mind as much as his body. He wasn't much of a team player even when playing a team based sport. He enjoyed equestrian pursuits such as horse racing, polo and show jumping in the holodeck as well as other country pursuits like shooting or hunting. Although he wasn't a hardcore climber we enjoyed many walks in the countryside. Sometimes when we were feeling more adventurous we might go swimming or diving. Dominic always seemed fearless and prepared to try anything, well... if he thinks it will further his goals anyway.
|Author=Pam Hamelton, member of the same Academy Polo team and friend

Other pursuits he enjoys include swimming and diving, but he is prepared to try anything if he thinks it will further his goals.
|Quote= Mr Gray is well educated, intelligent and is doing exceptionally well academically. He is a very smooth operator and certainly does not lack confidence and is very precise about all that he does. So precise in fact that one could call into question how much of his true personality we have seen and how much is a veneer. He knows what is expected of him and how to behave in a given situation but small clues in the things he says leaves me in a bit of a doubt. I believe he will make a fine scientist but I would recommend that the counsellor serving on the ship he is posted keep a close watch on him and make a point of getting to find out who the real Mr Gray is.  
|Author=Dr Samuel, Counsellor, Starbase 118 branch Starfleet Academy
* '''Marital Status''': Single
* '''Children''': None
* '''Parents
** '''Father''': Gareth Gray, Oceonographer and Science Officer for StarFleet
** '''Mother''': Pauline Gray, secretary
* '''Siblings''': none
==Personal History==
# '''237908.28''': Graduated from University of Toronto with a PHD in xenobiology and genetics.
# '''2379 - 2383''': Worked with a private company specialising in comparative xenobiology, became an expert in the physiology of all major and most minor species, especilly in the differences in physiology.
# '''238301.02''': Joined Starfleet Academy.
# '''238707.15''': Began a cadet cruise.
# '''238801.03''': Graduated from StarFleet Academy with a science major in biological, chemical technology.
# '''238802.09''': Assigned to the USS Aurora as a science Officer.

|Quote= Graduating with a science major - I know that was one of his proudest achievements. I've rarely seen him as happy as he was the day he graduated. People say he can be distant, cold or insincere. If had seen him then they would see what I do - a confident, friendly, charming man who has come into his own.
|Author=Gareth Gray, father, Oceanographer and Science Officer for Starfleet

==Professional History==
* '''Date Graduated from Academy''': 238801.03
* '''Current Rank''': Ensign
* '''Current Assignment''': [[USS Avandar]]
* '''Duty Post''': Science Officer

===Awards & Commendations===
<gallery mode=packed heights="275px">
* None
Gray1.jpg|[[USS Avandar]] crew lounge: 238804.13
Gray2.jpg|At an estate owned by Jasin Maradere of [[House Larokon]] 239401.01

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