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The ''' Rawanna Constructs ''' is a group of children (number unknown) created in one more search for ultimate soldier.
{{Template:ILI Restricted|
image = [[Image:Rawanna Construct.jpg|250px]]|
4letter = RWN3|
* '''Proper Name''': Rawanna III Laboratory Constructs
fedstatus = Neutral|
origin = Rawanna III|
encountered = Starfleet Academy|
techlevel = [[Planetary Development Scale|N]] |
plural = Rawanna Constructs

::''"Tanks for the memories. Reality is so much sweeter."''
:::a Rawanna III Laboratory Constructs saying.
:The Rawanna III Laboratory Constructs are genetically modified cells grown in tanks until ready for birth. Meant to be the ideal super soldier the Rawanna still have a long way to go before they achieve that goal. In the meantime these special individuals strive to fit in and prove their value as citizens.

==Home System==
==Home System==
* '''Proper Name''': Rawanna
* '''Catalog Name''': Sinosa 59J-41
* '''Quadrant''': Alpha
* '''Quadrant''': Alpha
* '''Location''': Glu'hen Sector (coordinates A23-0001-1297)
* '''Companions''': 5
* '''Proper Name''': Rawanna system
** Rawanna I: H-class – desert world
* '''Star''': It orbits a [[Star Classifications|class A (White)]] star
** Rawanna  II: O-class – pelagic world
* '''Distance from Star''': its orbit is approximately 35 million km
** Rawanna III: M-class – warm on the edge between M and O class
* '''Companions''': It is the 3rd of 5 planets in the system
** Rawanna IV: L-class - Rocky and barren
* Rawanna I: H-class – desert world
** Rawanna V: I-class – Gas supergiant
* Rawanna  II: O-class – pelagic world
* Rawanna III: M-class – warm on the edge between M and O class
* Rawanna IV: L-class - Rocky and barren
* Rawanna V: I-class – Gas supergiant
* '''Moons''': Rawanna III has 2 moons.

==Home World==
==Home World==
* '''Proper Name''': Rowanna III
* '''Proper Name''': Rawanna III
* '''Catalog Name''': Rowanna III
* '''Diameter''': 20,854 km (12,958 miles)
* '''Diameter''': 13 559 km
* '''Gravity''': 0.91 standard gravity with a density of 3.1
* '''Gravity''': 1.04 G
* '''Axial Tilt''': 9.3%, with minimal seasonal changes
* '''Orbital Period''': 22,1 T-days
* '''Orbital Period''': 334 days  
* '''Rotational Period''': 22,1 T-days
* '''Rotational Period''': 23.2 hours
* '''Classification''': M
* '''Classification''': [[Planetary Classification|M/O]]
** '''Surface Water''': 77%
* '''Surface Water''': 77%  
** '''Notes''': World is between common class M and class O, with lot of surface water mostly oceans, so have high salinity.
* '''Atmosphere''': 1.15% is a standard pressure with 73% nitrogen, 25% oxygen, 2% trace chemicals
** '''Atmosphere''': Warm and humid.
* '''Climate''': Mainly a semi-tropical to tropical world with mild weather patterns.
** '''Climate''': not noted (laboratory is underground facility
* '''Terrain''': Many rain forests, jungles and mild hilly, rocky zones on large islands.  
* '''Population''': Just over 5 thousand

All Constructs are combination of 8 main races Betazoid, Brekkian, El-Aurian, Lumerian, Risian, Ullian, Vulcan and Zakdorn.
When certain rumors came to the attention of Federation Intelligence that the [[Rawanna]] people seemed to be purchasing genetic samples from a wide range of different species on the black market they became concerned. As a result an in depth investigation was authorized and conducted.  

As a result of this investigation it is believed that as the [[ma:Dominion War|Dominion War]] grew and expanded its sphere of influence the Rawanna people became fearful, verging on panic and the government took drastic action. Since their people were for the most part pacifists they needed to find another solution than trying to make soldiers of their own people.

Risans were chosen as a base race for their strong body structure and internal biology capable of forming bond with other races. Betazoids were chosen for their ability to control many body functions (heart, respiratory, circulatory, excretory, endocrine), Brekkian for unique ability to provide a limited natural generation of a bio-electrical discharge from the hands, El-Aurians for extraordinarily sensitive to disturbances in the space/time continuum and ability to remember the original version of history if a change is made in time. Lumerians for ability to form a psionic bond with another person, giving him/her the option to "dump" bad feelings and other "mental waste" onto the bond partner, Ullians for their telepathy, Vulcans for strong body and inner eyelid, or nictitating membrane, which protects their vision from bright lights and Zakdorn for their unique ability to use strategy and tactics as reaction not willing process.
Many ideas were considered and rejected until they learned about genetic manipulation. A clandestine search for more information resulted in their getting extensive historical files from the Federation and other sources. Files that detailed the various successes and failures of numerous different species including the Eugenics Wars on Earth.  

They immediately agreed on this as their best possible solution, selected an isolated island with no population and constructed a large underground facility for their scientists to work in. Then they hired certain questionable sources to obtain the necessary specialized equipment they would need in order to enact their plan. This included the gathering of genetic material from a number of different species including the following 8 species [[Betazoid]], [[Brekkian]], [[El-Aurian]], [[Lumerian]], [[Risian]], [[Ullian]], [[Vulcan]] and [[Zakdorn]]. Samples from other species were also obtained and used as well.
Most of their experiments into genetic manipulation were complete failures but they learned from them. Altered their techniques and refined the process until their success rate rose to 98.436%.

For each new batch some additional component was added to maybe bring stability to construct but no data is available for each construct, nor the list of races is ever found.
Federation Intelligence is unsure but based on various sources it is believed that they are still conducting experiments and obtaining new alien tissue samples with which to work with. If this is correct then there does not seem to be any end in sight for this experimental program.

These constructs (super soldiers) have no representation in the government and are considered to be the legal property of the Rawanna people. Even with this they are treated just like anyone else, just taught from their earliest age that they exist to serve and protect the general population of Rawanna III and all of their people.

It was expected that at least one out of 10 creations will have wanted qualities, but natural selection didn’t work, and since needed founds scientists (at least in beginning) didn’t tap into forbidden sphere of genetic alterations in DNA sequencing.
As a species they resemble humans but with black hair, dark eyes and tanned complexions. For the most part they are slim, athletic and fit with a wide variety in height and body shape. Occasionally blonde and red hair crops up as well as black skin tones. These are a result of the genetic quirks resulting from mixing human DNA with theirs. In some cases these unusual characteristics would seem to confirm the presence of other alien DNA within theirs.

As with most intelligent humanoid species they have a very complex system with specialized organs, and unique hormones, chemicals and enzymes. They are typical humanoids with most of the physical, mental and biological medical problems that seem to plague most humanoids.

Most of constructs had maybe one of wanted qualities, and most not even one.
When it comes to the altered genetic creations much has to do with the various DNA samples used in their creation. As a result there is a lot of variety since each and every one known seems to be completely different from each other. That being said most managed to inherit inner eyelid, stronger bodies and fast metabolism. Most specimens have a low pain threshold and high energy consumption during use of their psionic abilities. Due to fast metabolism and high energy consumption they all need lot of nutrients.
Only case where Lumerian ability to dump “mental waste” was inherited it was the most interesting degeneration that happened (construct Mailea Labria) where instead of being able to get rid of "mental waste", she can collect it. No other case of inheriting that particular ability is noted.
===Physical Characteristics===
But despite common and in most cases even same ancestors, constructs don’t have many or in some cases even any distinguished common physical characteristics.
===Body Composition===
As is case with common looks same is with body composition. Every specimen tend to inherit more from one and less from another species.
Since most of races have some type or variation of psionic ability almost all specimens have high readers abilities.

As a whole they all tend to be fairly stable mentally with about half having some kind of minor mental health issue and about one in twenty five tend to be prone to multiple mental health issues. Some so profound as to make them dangerous to the public around them.

It is impossible to determine one that would be common to all specimens, since every and each is different from each other, but most managed to inherit inner eyelid, or nictitating membrane common to Vulcans though not all, but all have somewhat stronger body and fast metabolism.
Since most of the DNA was borrowed from species that have some type or variation of psionic ability, almost all of the specimens created in this super soldier program have some version, type or combination of ESP abilities. Strength and ability to use those abilities vary radically with each subject.

As with the Rawanna people they believe in Pau Nau, the spirit of the world and Nou-ia the spirit of the waters his wife.

Most of specimens have Low Pain threshold and high energy consumption during use of their psionic abilities.
They have many tales and stories about how Pau Nau met, fell in love and married Nou-ia. From their union came the world and everything in it.  

===Physiological Requirements===
For the most part they have adapted and live among the rest of the Rawanna species in peace and harmony. Working and acting just like any other citizen. Ready for when the call may come that they are needed.  
Due to fast metabolism and high energy consumption they all need lot of nutrients.

They have been raised to enjoy the same forms of artistic expression that the rest of the Rawanna species has. Even encouraged to express themselves in like manner if they feel the inclination.

Since most or even all except one member of “race” don’t know others exist there is no government or any other type of governmental structure.
In this regard they are just the same as their creators, adopting and absorbing the social mannerisms used by those around them that they need for successful daily interactions.  

They rely completely on the [[Rawanna]] government for any technology they may need. However about 15% of them have become members of the scientific community and work on either improving or creating new technology.

Since most or even all except one member of “race” don’t know others exist there is no social statuses nor positions.
They rely completely on the Rawanna government for their food, housing, medical care and other needs. They are too few in numbers to be able to develop their own commercial needs.

Most of them, approximately 80% have been assigned to work with the emergency response and environmental protection force. Here their enhanced mental and physical abilities can best be put to use assisting the population and protecting their environment.

In constant search to create “perfect soldier” a group of scientist get into research “on the edge” of allowed and very close to forbidden genetic engineering. Hiding behind the technicality of not using forbidden methods of enhancing genetic structure, but only mixing genes got green light to start research. The plan worked fine tried in holodeck, but actual results were far from acceptable. It was expected to one in 10 created specimens have at least 80% of wanted characteristics. In 23 years of research and over 1000 specimens they got no acceptable results.
==Federation Intelligence Files==
[[Labria, Mailea|Mailea Labria]] attended the Academy, graduated and served as an officer in Starfleet. It was only after this that Federation Intelligence learned that the Rawanna people may be involved in genetic manipulation. An in depth examination of her medical records would seem to indicate that this is true.

Laboratory is closed and everything about research erased when is discovered that a group of specimens managed to evade “cancelation” and were found by various races throughout the Renaaran Sector.
Federation Intelligence believes they have managed to get DNA samples from the following species. Risans because their DNA is ideal as a base race for their strong body structure and internal biology capable of forming bonds with other races DNA. Betazoids for their ability to control many body functions (heart, respiratory, circulatory, excretory, endocrine), Brekkian for their unique ability to provide a limited natural generation of a bio-electrical discharge from the hands, El-Aurians for extraordinarily sensitive to disturbances in the space/time continuum and ability to remember the original version of history if a change is made in time. Lumerians for ability to form a psionic bond with another person, giving him/her the option to "dump" bad feelings and other "mental waste" onto the bond partner, Ullians for their telepathy, Vulcans for strong body and inner eyelid, or nictitating membrane, which protects their vision from bright lights and Zakdorn for their unique ability to use strategy and tactics as reaction not willing process.

This is an original Starbase 118 species created to fill in the backstory of the super soldier program they created called the Rawanna III Laboratory Constructs program.

No known common, but Mailea Labria tend to feel uncomfortable around non readers!
This file was updated and approved by the SDC on 23 September 2014.

Most of specimens tend to accept common religions of species they live with.
[[Category:Alpha Quadrant Species]]
==Notable Specimens==
[[Labria, Mailea|Mailea Labria]]
[[Category:Non-Canon Species]]
[[Category:Intelligent Lifeform Index Species]]
[[Category:Intelligent Lifeform Index Species]]
[[Category:Non-Canon Species]]
