Template:Pips: Difference between revisions

3,349 bytes added ,  19 January 2024
Adding Lower Decks pips (uploaded by Jaseb)!
mNo edit summary
(Adding Lower Decks pips (uploaded by Jaseb)!)
(42 intermediate revisions by 8 users not shown)
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<includeonly><div style="position: relative;">{{
<includeonly>{{#switch: {{{3|}}}
#switch: {{{1}}}
| Imperial = {{ImperialPips|{{{1}}}}}
  | Blank = <div style="position: relative>[[File:00-Blank-{{{2}}}.png]]</div>
| Tholian = {{TholianPips|{{{1}}}}}
  | Ensign = <div style="position: relative>[[File:01-Ens-{{{2}}}.png]]</div>
| Bajoran = {{BajoranPips|{{{1}}}}}
  | Lieutenant JG = <div style="position: relative>[[File:02-LtJG-{{{2}}}.png]]</div>
| Cardassian = {{CardassianPips|{{{1}}}}}
  | Lieutenant = <div style="position: relative>[[File:03-Lt-{{{2}}}.png]]</div>
| Klingon = {{KlingonPips|{{{1}}}}}
  | Lt. Commander = <div style="position: relative>[[File:04-LtCmdr-{{{2}}}.png]]</div>
| Romulan = {{RomulanPips|{{{1}}}}}
  | Commander = <div style="position: relative>[[File:05-Cmdr-{{{2}}}.png]]</div>
| RomulanRepublic = {{RomulanRepuPips|{{{1}}}}}
  | Captain = <div style="position: relative>[[File:06-Capt-{{{2}}}.png]]</div>
| Romulan Republic = {{RomulanRepuPips|{{{1}}}}}
  | Fleet Captain = <div style="position: relative>[[File:07-FltCapt-{{{2}}}.png]]</div>
| Vulcan = {{VulcanGreyPips|{{{1}}}}}
}}</div></includeonly><noinclude>===Pip Picker (Blank through Fleet Captain)===
| VulcanGrey = {{VulcanGreyPips|{{{1}}}}}
Work in progress...
| Vulcan Grey = {{VulcanGreyPips|{{{1}}}}}
| Gorn = {{GornPips|{{{1}}}}}
| GornPips = {{GornPips|{{{1}}}}}
| AGT = {{AGTPips|{{{1}}}|{{{2}}}}}
| PIC = {{PICPips|{{{1}}}|{{{2}}}}}
| DS9 = {{DS9Pips|{{{1}}}|{{{2}}}}}
| DS9Camo = {{DS9CamoPips|{{{1}}}|{{{2}}}}}
| TNG = {{TNGPips|{{{1}}}|{{{2}}}}}
| FC = {{FCPips|{{{1}}}|{{{2}}}}}
| FI = {{FIPips|{{{1}}}|{{{2}}}}}
| Slanted = {{SlantedPips|{{{1}}}|{{{2}}}}}
| RetroSlanted = {{RetroSlantedPips|{{{1}}}|{{{2}}}}}
| STO = {{STOPips|{{{1}}}|{{{2}}}}}
| TOS = {{TOSPips|{{{1}}}|{{{2}}}}}
| TNGtoTOS = {{TNGtoTOSPips|{{{1}}}|{{{2}}}}}
| Marshal = [[File:ColonialCoalitionMarshals.png|x25px|center|link=Colonial Coalition Marshals Service]]
| Andorian = {{AndorianPips|{{{1}}}}}
| LWD = {{LWDPips|{{{1}}}|{{{2}}}}}
}}</includeonly><noinclude>Used in [[Template:Roster]] to choose between pip styles. You can use it yourself to call up any pip image from one of the following styles: [[Template:DefaultPips|Default]], [[Template:DS9Pips|DS9]], [[Template:DS9CamoPips|DS9 Camo]], [[Template:FCPips|FC]], [[Template:FIPips|FI]], [[Template:SlantedPips|Slanted]], [[Template:RetroSlantedPips|Retro Slanted]], [[Template:STOPips|STO]], [[Template:TNGPips|TNG]], and [[Template:TOSPips|TOS]].

'''Colors:''' Red, Gold, Teal, Blue, Black, Violet, Silver
'''Just use the format <nowiki>{{Pips|Rank|Color|Style}}</nowiki>'''. You can leave off style if you just want the default pips.
''NOTE: Not all ranks are available in all colors!''

You can also call up [[Template:BajoranPips|Bajoran]], [[Template:CardassianPips|Cardassian]], [[Template:KlingonPips|Klingon]], [[Template:VulcanGreyPips|Vulcan]], [[Template:GornPips|Gorn]], [[Template:AndorianPips|Andorian]], [[Template:RomulanPips|Romulan]], [[Template:RomulanRepuPips|Romulan Republic]], and [[Template:TholianPips|Tholian]] as separate styles. Use the rank names as listed on those pages.

You can also set pipstyle to "Marshal" for members of the Colonial Coalition Marshals Service. All marshal ranks will be displayed with a single CCMS badge.

{{Pips|Lieutenant JG|Black}}
<pre>{{Pips|Lieutenant JG|Black}}</pre>
gives you

<pre>{{Pips|Lt. Commander|Blue|DS9}}</pre>
gives you
|{{Pips|Lt. Commander|Blue|DS9}}

{{Pips|Lt. Commander|Teal}}
==Pip Style Comparison==
<pre>{{Pips|Lt. Commander|Teal}}</pre>
{{Pips|Fleet Captain|Red}}
<pre>{{Pips|Fleet Captain|Red}}</pre>
![[Template:DS9CamoPips|DS9 Camo]]
|style="background:black;"|{{Pips|Lieutenant|Red|DS9 Camo}}
![[Template:RetroSlantedPips|Retro Slanted]]
![[Template:RomulanRepuPips|Romulan Republic]]
|style="background:black;"|{{Pips|Lieutenant|Red|Romulan Republic}}
![[Colonial Coalition Marshals Service|Marshal]]
![[Andorian|Andorian Imperial Guard]]
