Template:Ithassa Region: Difference between revisions

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<div style="background: #B22222; border: 10px solid #B22222; margin: 0%; padding: 0 10px" font align="left"></div><br/>
! style="background:#ccccff" align="center" | [[Ithassa Region]]
{| class="infobox colour" style="clear:left; float:right; margin: 0 0 1em 1em;" align="right" style="
| style="text-align:center;" | [[Image:Nav-space2.jpg]]
| style="text-align:center;" | [[Image:Nav-space2.jpg]]
| [[Ithassa Map|Map]]
! style="text-align:center;" | '''[[Ithassa Region]]'''<br><sup>''([[Ithassa Map|Map]], [[Ithassa Region Stellar Cartography|Stellar Cartography]])''</sup>
! style="text-align:left; font-weight:normal; background:#d3d3d3;" | '''Major Neighboring Powers'''
| style="font-size: 95%" |
* [[Tzenkethi]]
* [[Gorn|Gorn Hegemony]]
* [[Tholians]]
! style="text-align:left; font-weight:normal; background:#d3d3d3;" | '''Native Species'''
| [[Constellationites]]
| [[Grendellai]]
! style="text-align:left; font-weight:normal; background:#d3d3d3;" | '''Governments & Alliances'''
! style="text-align:left; font-weight:normal; background:#d3d3d3;" | '''Governments & Alliances'''
| style="font-size: 95%" |
* Confederacy of Core Worlds
** [[Free Trade Union]]
* [[The One Kingdom|One Kingdom]]
* [[The Allied Commonwealth of Worlds]]
| [[The One Kingdom]]
! style="text-align:left; font-weight:normal; background:#d3d3d3;" | '''[[:Category:Ithassa species|Known Races]]'''
| [[Free Trade Union|The Free Trade Union]]
| style="font-size: 95%" |
<!--List only major (i.e. recurring) local species here. All species should be in category linked above-->
| [[Gambians]]
* [[Constellationites]]
* [[Gambian]]
! style="text-align:left; font-weight:normal; background:#d3d3d3;" | '''Explored Areas & Planets'''
* [[Grendellai]]
* [[Ixvapyan]]
| [[T8A|T8A - Planeta del Amor]]
* [[Locet]]
* [[Mongminzu]]
* [[Vaadwaur]], [[Devinon V]] only.
| [[Bull's Run]]
! style="text-align:left; font-weight:normal; background:#d3d3d3;" | '''[[Ithassa Region Starfleet Vessels|Starfleet Presence]]'''
| [[Asterospolis]]
| style="font-size: 95%" |
* [[Deep Space 17]]
! style="text-align:left; font-weight:normal; background:#d3d3d3;" | '''Ships & Stations Assigned'''
* [[Deployable Operations Group Star Base|Unity One]]
* ''{{USS|Calippus}}''
| [[Deep Space 17]]
* ''{{USS|Endeavour-A}}''
* ''{{USS|Wellington}}''
| [[USS Independence-A]]
* ''{{USS|Achilles}}'' (formerly)
* ''{{USS|Independence|A}}'' (formerly)
| [[USS Ronin]]
| [[USS Ursa Major]]
