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[[File:FNS-banner.jpg|center|link=Federation News Service/About]]

<center><small><span class="plainlinks">'''[[Federation News Service/About|About the FNS]] • [[File:Forum.png|20px|link=http://forums.starbase118.net/index.php/forum/511-federation-news-service/]] [http://forums.starbase118.net/index.php/forum/511-federation-news-service/ FNS Forum] •[[File:Twitter.png|30px|link=http://twitter.com/fednewsservice/]][http://twitter.com/fednewsservice/ FNS Data Feed] • [[File:Facebook.png|20px|link=http://www.facebook.com/fednewsservice/]] [http://www.facebook.com/fednewsservice/ FNS on FB] • [[Federation News Service/Join|Join the FNS Team]]'''</span></small></center>
<center><small><span class="plainlinks">'''[[Federation News Service/About|About the FNS]] • [[File:Forum.png|20px|link=http://forums.starbase118.net/index.php/forum/511-federation-news-service/]] [http://forums.starbase118.net/index.php/forum/511-federation-news-service/ FNS Forum] •[[File:Twitter.png|30px|link=http://twitter.com/fednewsservice/]][http://twitter.com/fednewsservice/ FNS Data Feed] • [[File:Facebook.png|20px|link=http://www.facebook.com/fednewsservice/]] [http://www.facebook.com/fednewsservice/ FNS on FB] • [[Federation News Service/Join|Join the FNS Team]]'''</span></small></center>

===<font color=red>BREAKING NEWS:</font>===
The '''Federation News Service''' is an independent news agency dedicated to providing citizens of the United Federation of Planets the latest news and stories from across the galaxy. With a rich history that dates back to the founding of the Federation, FNS reporters have covered every major development over the centuries, from the era of the first colonies to the award-winning coverage of the Dominion War.
:'''Revolutionaries declare victory as Inoxan central government collapses'''

===<font color=skyblue>TOP STORIES</font>===
<center>'''Visit our new home:''' <big>http://fns.news</big></center>
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{{Breaking News<onlyinclude><includeonly>{{Breaking News List</includeonly>
|ALERT: War Criminal General Krax Resurfaces near Klingon-Federation Space
|STARBASE 118 - Defunct Klingon General Krax appears just inside Federation Space in the Garridon System during a USS Gemini rescue mission.
|Candidate Narala faces questions about crime lord's sudden acquittal
|NIMBUS III - In a stunning decision, Vivian Voreic, a known Orion crime lord, has been acquitted of all charges in the Nimbus system.
|Scandal before Presidential State of the Federation address
|ASTROFORI ONE — Just days away from President Bacco’s delivery of her State of the Federation address, allegations have been made against one of the species invited to the Astrofori One initiative.
|Va wreth.jpg
|USS Apollo-A under investigation by Starfleet Intelligence
|DEEP SPACE 5 – After a taxing mission, the crew of the USS ''Apollo''-A is under investigation by Starfleet Intelligence. Are they behind the sudden change of ships for the crew?
|Odyssey in drydock.jpg
|USS Albion missing in the Jenatris Cloud
|JENATRIS CLOUD — StarBase 118 has lost communication with the USS ''Albion'' after the ship investigated a Romulan incursion in the Jenatris Cloud.
|Cropped Nexus Ent-B.JPG
|USS Victory crew mount rescue mission in Romulan space
|HUKOGA SECTOR — The crew of the USS ''Victory'', currently aboard the USS ''Achilles'', is engaged in combat with rebel Romulan ships, while an away team is attempting to escape with a recovered deadly virus.
|Bioengineered human experiment found in secret lab
|PIKTAR I – The crew of the USS Atlantis has discovered a bioengineered human female kept hidden in a secret subterranean science lab underneath Outpost Bravo on Piktar I.
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