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| The social and economic heart of Starbase 118 is undoubtedly the Commercial Sector. The Commercial sector refers both to the overall civilian commerce area in on the starbase as well as the specific domed city area.  The overall sector has three distinct areas, which contain eleven districts and four sub-districts between them.
{{LCARS-bar-heading|Overview|10|COLOR=linear-gradient(to right, #e6be35, #c17207)}}
[[Image:SB118 CS PD.png|thumb|500px|Right|Click Image to enlarge]]Comprising almost the entirety of the bulbous middle section of Starbase 118, the Commercial District is almost 4.25 kilometres in diameter and 1.45 kilometers tall (in contrast, the island of Manhattan is 2km in diameter). Holographic clouds are simulated at a range of between 1200 and 1400 meters and the sky is a holographic projection as is the sunlight. The various districts are programmed to receive seasonal weather such as snow in the winter or heavier rain in the tropical season, depending on the climate they are based on. In addition, holographic representations of countryside are displayed ground level to give the appearance that the dome is endless. Most of the districts also incorporate around various artificial rivers and streams which come off of the main body of the lake.
The Commercial Sector is a bustling metropolis and cultural melting pot that serves a shining beacon of the cultural diversity of the United Federation of Planets and her allies. With over 200,000 inhabitants ranging from active Starfleet officers and their families, independent civilians making a living, political refugees looking for a better life and everything else in between calling this place ‘home’, the Commercial Sector is, in essence, a self-contained city in space with its own civilian oversight government that works closely with Starfleet. And in addition to the permanent residents are those transient visitors for those looking for a weekend break, freighter crews who are making overnight stops, and all other sorts of travelers. It is estimated that at any given time there are no less than 300,000 people in the Commercial Sector.
{{LCARS-bar-heading|Upper Dome|10|COLOR=linear-gradient(to right, #e6be35, #c17207)}}
This contains only one distinct area, '''[[The Promenade]]'''. It consists of a ring of businesses and services that circle the upper dome.  This serves as the first port (and first impression) for most travelers.  It is also the most easily accessible area for on duty Starfleet officers and cadet attending StarBase 118's Academy.  As such the shops on the Promenade are the most well established, well vetted and are some of the most popular places on the Starbase
{{LCARS-bar-heading|Main Dome|10|COLOR=linear-gradient(to right, #e6be35, #c17207)}}
[[File:118 Map.png|thumb|500px|right|Click Image to enlarge]]The largest portion of the Commercial Sector, this area contains seven districts and all four sub-districts, and is often referred to as the commercial sector rather than as simply a portion of it. The main dome was where most of the damage from [[SB118Ops_Mission_Logs/Sal_Taybrim/Edge_of_Glory|Chennel's attack]] in 2394 occurred, and thus saw extensive renovations later that year.
*'''[[Starbase 118 Shi'Kahr District|Shi'Kahr]]''': A large district designed in a mixture of various Vulcan styles.
**''[[Starbase 118 Hurutam Sub-district|Hurutam Sub-district]]'': Shi'Kahr's Tellarite-styled sub-district.
*'''[[Starbase 118 Ohmallera District|Ohmallera District]]''': A large district named in remembrance of the Betazoid city.
*'''[[Starbase 118 Qo'noS District|Qo'noS District]]''': Themed after the Klingon homeworld, this district is of medium size.
*'''[[Starbase 118 Ashalla District|Ashalla District]]''': A large Bajoran district; a hub of religious activity on the station.
**''[[Starbase 118 Coranum Sub-district|Coranum Sub-district]]'': A small Cardassian community within the Ashalla District.
*'''[[Starbase 118 Mak'ala District|Mak'ala District]]''': Named after the Trill city, this district is of a medium size.
**''[[Starbase 118 Little Risa|Little Risa]]'': A welcoming beach area designed after [[Risa]].
*'''[[Starbase 118 San Francisco District|San Francisco District]]''': Another medium-sized district, named after the city where the Federation was founded.
**''[[Starbase 118 Hong Kong Sub-district|Hong Kong Sub-district]]'': Designed after the [[Human|Terran]] city.
*'''[[Starbase 118 Trinity City|Trinity City]]''': A diverse area that is also the hub of the station's civilian administration.
{{LCARS-bar-heading|Lower Sections|10|COLOR=linear-gradient(to right, #e6be35, #c17207)}}
These areas are located beneath the main dome, in a space originally carved out from service corridors, access tunnels, and other areas that were at one point overlooked. Thus, it has undergone numerous renovations over the years, such as the revamping of one section into ''Nuova Eleganza'' in 2393, and the creation of the ''Laikan District'' from a portion of ''The Dungeon'' in 2394.
*'''[[StarBase_118_Dungeon|The Dungeon]]''': Built directly beneath the main dome, this area caters to more eccentric tastes.
*'''[[Starbase 118 Laikan District|Laikan District]]''': On the same level as ''The Dungeon'', this cold area emulates Andorian architecture.
*'''[[Nuova Eleganza]]''': A trendy district of Gothic architecture located beneath the Laikan and Dungeon areas.

The '''StarBase 118 Commercial Sector''' is located in the massive bulging dome near the middle of the starbase structure. The dome spans about 15% of the length of the base, and supports its own atmosphere, complete with clouds and a simulated sun. This area is often one of the most popular places to meet others, exchange or buy goods, and of course: eat. There are a number of distinct areas on the dome floor, which have grown up around hubs of activity. There is, for example, a small Klingon area, and a very active New Orleans quarter. These regions of the dome usually occupy certain streets, which have been artfully remodeled from the standard architecture to tie in with the general use of the area.
{{LCARS-bar-heading|Commercial Sector Housing|10|COLOR=linear-gradient(to right, #e6be35, #c17207)}}

When considering the layout of the commercial sector, it is important to note that density is very low, in comparison to most modern-day cities like [[wp:New York City|New York]]. Because the commercial sector is so large (4km+ across, as compared to 2km across for Manhattan), it is possible to keep buildings smaller, streets wider (and more walkable), and to be creative with architecture in segmented areas.

Overall, the atmosphere is similar to Earth and generally busy. Streets are lined with small trees, and flora is evident almost everywhere. At certain times of the day, especially around noon, finding a seat at almost any restaurant in the dome can be near impossible, and sometimes even perilous.
Civilians and Starfleet personnel alike make their homes in the non-standard housing of the Commercial Sector.
*An officer must be of the rank of full Lieutenant (or Marine Captain) to move out of standard Starfleet quarters and into the Commercial sector. Lower ranked officers need to petition their Commanding Officer and receive permission to move.
*Enlisted personnel must be of the rank of Chief Petty officer or higher to move out of standard Starfleet quarters; enlisted members who have at least seven years of service may petition to move with their Department Chief's permission.

==Goods & Services==
It is important to remember what a starbase represents in the Beta Quadrant. For the crews on a freighter, it is where they can get a new plasma inducer, and have a qualified engineer install it. Federation starbases are where you head if you are oppressed and seeking political asylum. Federation starbases are where you go if one of your crew comes down with some illness that even a holographic doctor has never seen. It is a place where a traveler can get off one ship, and wait for the arrival of another. It is where the tired, lonely, and wealthy crews can spend some time and blow off some steam. There will be "refugees" who made it there, but don't have transit visas to their intended destination. There will often be mercenaries (free-lance Security officers) looking for work. There will be spies for all the major powers trying to gather intelligence for their power / empire. Even with the tightest restrictions, starbases tend to get populated with a "wide variety" of people.

==A City in Space==
{{LCARS-bar-heading|The Dome & Its Operations|10|COLOR=linear-gradient(to right, #e6be35, #c17207)}}
Federation starbases are not just a place for Federation personnel. They are cities, floating in space. There are civilians living there that have nothing to do with the Federation. Some are permanent "Non-Citizen Residents." NCR's are often citizens of some "non-aligned" world that have come to live on Federation starbases. Then there are other "NCR's" that have been granted political asylum from persecution on their homeworlds. The Federation is very sensitive to the plight of those groups being discriminated against. Any such person who stands on a Federation starbase may call out for asylum. After doing to, they may stay until their hearing.

The floorspace of the dome is approximately 4228m in diameter. At its tallest point, the dome is approximately 1450m high. Clouds are simulated in the range of 1200-1400m. The tallest buildings in the dome stand at approximately 330m (80 floors).

In comparison, the island of Manhattan, at its widest point, is approximately 2km across. A [[:Image:Size-comparison-w-manhattan.jpg|measurement image]] is available.
The outer area beyond the main commercial area of the dome host shuttle bays with multiple docking ports for all sorts of commercial and civilian vessels.  The outer dome also hosts many holodecks, gardens, civilian quarters, cargo bays, meeting facilities, repair shops for ships or shuttles, and fuel stations.

==Noteworthy Public Establishments==
Atop the dome, hidden in the holo-matrix is an eight deck round structure that sticks out from the top of the dome and flows downward. This unit serves two purposes: one is as the first checkpoint scan of the lifts going down into the Dome. This checkpoint sends all data to a hub on Trinity City.  The second is as the holo-matrix control center that controls the artificial weather on the dome. With all the different cities and towns among the dome, this is quite demanding and each deck focuses on a sector or two of the main area.
StarBase 118 is home to over 100,000 inhabitants ranging from active Starfleet personnel, their dependents (wives/husbands and children), independent civilians making a living on the base, political refugees, and those being treated in the large "Mental Health Center" (asylum) which is on the base. There are many civilian shops, vendors, restaurants and services to be found on the starbase. For many space-going travelers, the starbase is a wonderful break from the endless monotony of trackless space. Freighter crews love to stop in for some "shore leave," even if it is just an overnight stay. They spend their hard-earned credits freely. The hard earned (and quickly spent) credits have attracted many businesses, which offer a variety of "goods or services." (It should be noted that the credits being spent attract illegal entrepreneurs as often as legal business ventures.) There are two main public business areas on the station. The first is the promenade. The promenade is the point of entry from most of the civilian airlocks. It is clean, nice, and has pleasant shops and restaurants. There is "another" business area, which most people on the starbase call "The Dungeon" because it is down in the "bowels" of the starbase. Shops and restaurants down in the Dungeon are quite different than those on the promenade

==Promenade Establishments==
Beneath the dome and the transportation systems are the dome generator systems to keep the holo-matrix online along with all the weather and city power.  This area is largely run by civilian engineers, but is overseen by an Starfleet Deputy Engineer.
*[[The Twilight's Edge]]
*[[Zhynn's Import/Export]]
*[[Granny's Place]]
*[[Acquire, The|The Acquire]]
*The [[Salty Dawg]]
*[[Lilith's Garden]]
*[[Advocate, The|The Advocate]]
*The [[8 x 8]]
*[[IDIC, the Vulcan Spa]]
*[[La Roma's Night Spot]]
*The [[Neutral Zone (shop)|Neutral Zone]]
*The [[Subspace Cafe]]
*The [[Dragon's Lair]]

==Dungeon (Lower Ring) Establishments==
*[[Suena's Repair & Salvage]]
*[[Mundok's]] Bar
*The [[Free Trader]]
*[[Bat'leth, The|The Bat'leth]]
*The [[Tea Room]]
*[[Dr. Wyrk's Counseling Center]]

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