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Fr. Philip Neri Styles, is a Lieutenant and a Federation Chaplin of the Universal Catholic Faith. He is Stationed on [[StarBase 118 Ops]] he is assigned as Vicar of the Arch-cathedral in on the station that is in the New Orleans subdistrict. He also works as a professor of Moral Philosophy and Ethics at the Distance Learning Academy on the station.   Fr. Styles is a priest of the Archdiocese of Star Fleet, working with the some of the outlining diocese like that of Starbase 118.
Fr. Philip Neri Styles, born Jacob Michael Styles McMullen is a Lieutenant and a Federation Chaplin of the Universal Catholic Faith. He is Stationed on [[StarBase 118 Ops]] he is assigned as Vicar of the Archcathedral in on the station that is in the New Orleans subdistrict. He also works as a professor of Moral Philosophy and Ethics at the Distance Learning Academy on the station. Fr. Styles is a priest of the Archdiocese of Star Fleet, working with the some of the outlining diocese like that of Starbase 118. Philip Neri is his Religious name, changed when he went into vows. He has a twin brother [[Canice McMullen]] that is a doctor in Star Fleet

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* '''Full Name''':Philip Neri Styles
* '''Full Name''':Philip Neri Styles McMullen
* '''Race''':[[Human]]
* '''Race''':[[Human]]
* '''Date of Birth''': 236306.22
* '''Date of Birth''': 236908.17
* '''Place of Birth''':Jupiter Station
* '''Place of Birth''':Cork, Ireland
* '''Age''': 29
* '''Age''': 29
* '''Gender''':Male
* '''Gender''':Male
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* '''Height''':  6'0"
* '''Height''':  6'3"
* '''Weight''': 178 lbs
* '''Weight''': 178 lbs
* '''Hair Color''': Light Brown
* '''Hair Color''': Light Brown
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{{header|Black|Early Life}}
{{header|Black|Early Life}}

Philip was born, Jacob Micheal Styles on Jupiter Station.  His father was warp core systems analyst and his mother was a communication specialist.  He spent the early part of his life exploring the station and often getting into trouble.  His Family was very religious, Pius Catholics, so Jacob was brought up in the faith.  But it was at age seven that, that started to take on more meaning for him.  Fr. Patrick Walsh,  an old Irish priest asked him to become an alter sever.  He also took Jacob under his wing and started to mentor him.
Philip was born, Jacob Michael Styles McMullen on Jupiter Station.  His father is a Dentist and his mother is a teacherAt the age of two, the family lived a few years on Jupiter Station. He spent the early part of his life often getting into trouble.  His Family was very religious, Pius Catholics, so Jacob was brought up in the faith.  But it was at age seven that, that started to take on more meaning for him.  Fr. Patrick Walsh,  an old Irish priest asked him to become an altar server.  He also took Jacob under his wing and started to mentor him.

[[Image:Jupiter Station.jpg|thumb|500px|left|Jupiter Station]]
[[Image:Jupiter Station.jpg|thumb|500px|left|Jupiter Station]]
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{{header|Black|The Pontifical College Josephinum}}
{{header|Black|The Pontifical College Josephinum}}

Danoel had been sent to Terok Nor's labor camp as a POW, while he was never a member of the Resistance he was treated as suchOnce he arrived trhe Cardassians stripped him down and took all his clothing and cleaned him with a powder that burnt his skin and really burnt his eyes and noiseAfter being cleaned and issues a work uniform that was little better than rags he was sent to the debriefer.
After his year in the Delta Quadrant Jacob, came home and his Bishop sent him off to the Pontifical College Josephinum, in Ohio of the United States.  The campus was built in 1881 and was still going strongIt was old world and beautiful.  No replicators in the dorm rooms and real meals served out of the kitchen in the Dinning Room.  He was studying Philosophy for two years before moving onto TheologyHe was now with 133 like minded men, and was truly happy.

[[Image:Josephinum.jpg|thumb|300px|left|The Pontifical College Josephinum}]]
[[Image:Josephinum.jpg|thumb|300px|left|The Pontifical College Josephinum}]]
Danoel was beaten by the dedriefer, and was stuck with many different things to get him to give up the location of the Resistance.  He knew nothing of any resistance group.  The Cardassians did not believe him and increased the interrogations.

Danoel proved to be very head strong and resisted with every bit of energy he hadThis made the Cardassians more angry,so they beat him to the point that Danoel prayed to the Profits for helpA few weeks later as he laid in a holding cell cold, shivering and in great pain from untreated broken bones, the Cardassians started pulling out and relief from Bajor started arriving on the Station.  Danoel was treated and his bones started healing.  He was laying in the infirmary when he heard the news that Star Fleet was going to Take over the Station in a partnership with Bajor and the Station would now be known as Deep Space Nine.
While in his first year he joined the track team and the debate team.  The Seminary would divide up for inter campus games, The Philosophers vs. The TheologiansHe loved all the extra games, that broke up the academic worksThe academic and formation schedule was hard, days starting at 4am and not ending till 8pm and then there was still the home work to do.

Now at the age of 8, he was to young to stay on the Station so he was sent back to the Temple, he kept up his studies and worked hard under the Kai.  He would have many trips back to station and once the Kai died and Kai Winn took office, Danoel had no love for her as a Vedek and even less as the KaiHe moved back to the Station at the Start of the Dominion War, as part of a Training Team in Bajoran Security.
The summers we filled with great adventures and assignments.  Some in local Parish Churches, others on the Moon, Mars, once on a Chapel at the Space Dock Center.  It was there that Jacob first gave thought to the Archdiocese of Star Fleet and becoming a Chaplin.  Once he got back from the Space dock his first year of Theology was starting.  He was now in Major Seminary and he then took his first vowsThis was when he took the religious name Philip Neri, after a Saint he likes St. Philip Neri a missionary priest, from Florence Italy, in the year 1515.  

After Star Fleet retook the Station Danoel, made application to the Academy through Captain Benjamin SiskoAfter taking the pre-placement test He came in forth on it, meaning he would normally have to try again the following year. But Star Fleet bumped him to the first top pick wanting more Bajorans in the Fleet. He took all his pretraining Classes for the next few months on DS9 working in Ops and then helping in security investigationsDanoel had fully intended to become and security officerBut after talking with the Academy placement officer, He found that he had a strong aptitude for Inteligance and the fleet need good Intel officers.   So Danoel left DS9 for Earth and Star Fleet Academy.
With this name change came a new zeal for life and the faith.  He increased his studies along with his prayer life.  He was more driven now than ever.
[[Image:The Vatican.jpeg|thumb|300px|left|The Vatican]]
Philip got to spend a year in Rome at the Vatican and studying at both the North American College and the Biblicum.  He was later ordained a Deacon in Rome at the Vatican under Pope Luke IV.  This time was a true gift and again feed his faith.  But at night he would often be at the old Vatican Observatory star gazing. This desire to the calling of Star Fleet was growing and working on pushing itself out.
He approached the Holy See and asked permission to be released from his own Diocese of Jupiter with his Bishops blessings so that he could join the Archdiocese of StarfleetThe Cardinal Vicar of Clergy gave his blessing and with just one more year of Seminary to go Philip returned to Ohio and completed his last year of studies.   
Returning to Rome he Ordained a priest, this time not at the Vatican but at St. Pauls Outside the Walls, a church that had special meaning for him.  How ever he did not have time to enjoy Rome this go around. The Archbishop of StarFleet, Vice Admiral William Moore wanted Styles at Star Fleet Academy the next day.

{{header|Black|Star Fleet Academy}}
{{header|Black|Star Fleet Academy}}

Danoel like the Academy, he was reseved well, and he found that he did not have to work overly hard to maintain his grades in Intel classes, but had to work every had in Diplomacy, Command, and OperationsThe few Engineering classes he took he was doing very will in, but it was the Intel classes that he really shined in and the Placement Officer had been rightHe had been doing this for years and just did not know it.
Star Fleet Academy for a Chaplin is much different, its only one year long, and it is not academic in natureIt is to get the Chaplin ready for Star Fleet rules and regulations and code of conductIt also has time for formation for the Chaplin to see if this is what they really want.

[[Image:Academy.jpg|thumb|300px|left|Academy Grounds]]
[[Image:Academy.jpg|thumb|300px|left|Academy Grounds]]
Danoel meet a few people that he liked at the Academy, one was his bunk mate, James Thorn, a Human.  The two got along very well.  This was odd for Danoel, as he did not get along with many people seeing how he liked to keep mostly to him self.  The two became good study buddies and even went out on a few double dates.  James was very much the ladies man, and Danoel struggled with that, but James was able to help him a lot.

At the end of time in the Academy Danoel was sent to finish training at the 118th Fleet Academy Center on Star Base 118.  He was then stationed there in the Black Tower.
Philip got his modified Cadets uniform, with clergy collar on it.  His days at the Academy were more relaxed than those at the Seminary.  His days started at 8m with breakfast and coffee and then onto classes.  He still however was an early riser and started off each morning in the Chapel and reading.  His time in San Fransisco was good.  He had a lot of free time and really got to explore the city.  He was in classes with others that had the modified schedule like that of JAG officers.

After graduation Danoel did take some Extended Continuing Education classes, from the Onsite Academy University, for Command and Leadership, so that he would be able to improve his career and move up along the career path.  He felt that was important to becoming an department chief inside of Intel.
So he made some good friendships with others that were not clergy.  All and all the year at the Academy was good.  At this point he got the offer to work on his PhD but choice to not take that opportunity at that time.  After finishing up at the Academy and getting a Certificate of Completion, Philip was ready for his first assignment in the fleet.

{{header|Black|Star Fleet}}
{{header|Black|Star Fleet}}

Danoel, left the Academy and was made an Ensign on [[Starbase 118 Ops]] where he was assigned as an Intel Annalist,  Danoel would spend his days looking over reports from the Romulan Government and the splintering branches of the Romulan people.  This was not a hard job for Danoel, he enjoyed the work at lot and would volenteer for extra duty anytime he could.  He found he had a high love for breaking code.  It became an obsession for him.
Philip, left the Academy and was made an Ensign on [[Starbase 118 Ops]] where he was assigned as Spiritual Director and Mission Director for the Outreach Missions Program.

Danoel was in that job for a little over three years.  He made it to the Rank of Lieutenant as a rising star Annalist.  One September night Danoel was called to the Director of Intelligence Office.  He was told he was being discharged from Star Fleet with a Dishonorable Discharge.  He was shocked, but soon learned it was all staged because he we being given a deep undercover black ops assignment.
He had many different duties on the Station but one of his favorites are the classes he teaches at the Academy along with helping to be a moral compass for those that need him as they are about to make hard choices.

He was placed in a growing Romulan Syndicate, he was there for two years working from the inside to destabilize there terror group.  Once the Syndicate was disbanded, Danoel was reinstated as a full Lieutenant in Star Fleet and was made an Annalist again.  With the Promotion of Doug Jolly Danoel was made the Chief Romulan Sector Annalist.  A job he did for two years and made the Rank of Lt. Commander.  He was later made a field agent and placed on the Apollo for nine months to undercover a rogue agent.  After his time on the Apollo he was brought back to the Black Towers and made the Chief Investigator for Internal Affairs.  Danoel hopes to soon become the Director of Internal Affairs.
Philip also got the opportunity to travel and help out of worlds that were struggling, before returning back to SB118.
Danoel launched on 239302.07 with the crew of the [[USS Aegis]] on a mission known as All Time High in codded.  One this Mission Lt. Commander Rilem was informed he would be on the away mission to lend a hand.  At the pre-briefing he and Lt. Commander [[Theo Whittaker]] had some heated talk.  Theo vowed to make Danoel's and the Chief of the Intel's life miserable if Danoel with held Intel from him.  Danoel came back with you don't want to get on the bad side of an Internal Affairs Agent, not to mention the Chief of Internal Affairs.

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! style="background:black;" | [[File:Academy.jpg|120px]]
! style="background:black;" | [[File:Academy.jpg|120px]]
| style="background:black;" colspan=4 |<font face="Verdana">'''Student: 2375 - 2379''' <br> '''Major:''' Intelligence <br>'''Specialization:''' Crypto
| style="background:black;" colspan=4 |<font face="Verdana">'''Student: 2375 - 2379''' <br> '''Major:''' Divinity <br>'''Specialization:''' Theology and Philosophy
! style="background:grey; color:white;" colspan="5" |'''Starbase 118'''
! style="background:grey; color:white;" colspan="5" |'''Starbase 118'''
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! style="background:black;" |<font size="1" face="Verdana">238209.06 - 238307.20
! style="background:black;" |<font size="1" face="Verdana">238209.06 - 238307.20
! style="background:black;" rowspan=3 |<font size="1" face="Verdana">[[File:Ops-icon.gif|75px]]<br>Starbase 118
! style="background:black;" rowspan=3 |<font size="1" face="Verdana">[[File:Ops-icon.gif|75px]]<br>Starbase 118
! style="background:black;" rowspan=3 |<font size="1" face="Verdana"> Intel Annalist
! style="background:black;" rowspan=3 |<font size="1" face="Verdana"> Chaplin Regular
! style="background:black;" rowspan=1|{{DS9Pips|Lieutenant JG|Black}}
! style="background:black;" rowspan=1|{{DS9Pips|Lieutenant JG|Black}}
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! style="background:black;" |<font size="1" face="Verdana">238412.27 - 238509.01
! style="background:black;" |<font size="1" face="Verdana">238412.27 - 238509.01
! style="background:black; color:white;" colspan="5" |'''Worked Undercover on Black Ops Two Years'''
! style="background:black; color:white;" colspan="5" |'''Worked off Base for two years on a Missions of Mercy tour, doing out reach'''
! style="background:grey;" colspan="5" |<font color=white>'''Starbase 118'''</font>
! style="background:grey;" colspan="5" |<font color=white>'''Starbase 118'''</font>
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! style="background:black;" |<font size="1" face="Verdana">238708.30 - 238802.16
! style="background:black;" |<font size="1" face="Verdana">238708.30 - 238802.16
! style="background:black;" rowspan=3 |<font size="1" face="Verdana">[[File:Ops-icon.gif|75px]]<br>Starbase 118
! style="background:black;" rowspan=3 |<font size="1" face="Verdana">[[File:Ops-icon.gif|75px]]<br>Starbase 118
! style="background:black;" |<font size="1" face="Verdana">Intel Annalist
! style="background:black;" |<font size="1" face="Verdana">Chaplin Director
! style="background:black;" |{{DS9Pips|Lieutenant|Black}}
! style="background:black;" |{{DS9Pips|Lieutenant|Black}}
! style="background:black;" |<font size="1" face="Verdana">Lieutenant
! style="background:black;" |<font size="1" face="Verdana">Lieutenant
! style="background:black;" |<font size="1" face="Verdana">238802.16 - 238905.27
! style="background:black;" |<font size="1" face="Verdana">238802.16 - 238905.27
! style="background:black;" rowspan=2 |<font size="1" face="Verdana">Chief Romulan Sector Annalist
! style="background:black;" rowspan=2 |<font size="1" face="Verdana"> Rector St. Pauls Cathedral
! style="background:black;" |{{DS9Pips|Lt. Commander|Black}}
! style="background:black;" |<font size="1" face="Verdana">Lt. Commander
! style="background:black;" |<font size="1" face="Verdana">238905.27 - 2391012.08
! style="background:grey; color:White;" colspan="5" |'''USS Apollo-A'''
! style="background:black;" |{{DS9Pips|Lt. Commander|Black}}
! style="background:black;" |<font size="1" face="Verdana">Lt. Commander
! style="background:black;" |<font size="1" face="Verdana">2391012.08 - 239208.22
! style="background:black;" |<font size="1" face="Verdana">[[File:Odyssey-icon1.gif|75px|link=USS Apollo-A|USS Apollo-A]]<br>[[USS Apollo-A|<font color="white">USS Apollo-A</font>]]
! style="background:black;" |<font size="1" face="Verdana">Intel Agent
! style="background:grey; color:white;" colspan="5" |'''Starbase 118 Ops'''
! style="background:black;" |{{DS9Pips|Lt. Commander|Black}}
! style="background:black;" |<font size="1" face="Verdana">Lt. Commander
! style="background:black;" |<font size="1" face="Verdana">239208.22 - Current
! style="background:black;" rowspan="2" |<font size="1" face="Verdana">[[File:Ops-icon.gif|75px]]<br>Starbase 118
! style="background:black;" rowspan="2" |<font size="1" face="Verdana">Internal Affairs Chief Investigator
!  colspan="5" style="background:black; height:12px; border-radius: 0px 0px 20px 0px;" |
!  colspan="5" style="background:black; height:12px; border-radius: 0px 0px 20px 0px;" |
