Ushaump Shal/Gervan Bollore: Difference between revisions

false identity
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(false identity)
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'''Ensign Gervan Bollore''' is currently serving as an '''engineering officer''' aboard the {{USS|Columbia}}.
'''Ensign Gervan Bollore''' was a false identy of [[Ushaump Shal]], which he used to pose as an '''engineering officer''' aboard the {{USS|Columbia}}.
The following information is a record of this false identity and not accurate as to Shal's true biography.

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Possibly one of the most mistranslated words in Lemnos' Breton is '''''Tiegezh'''''. In Standard, it is translated as either 'clan' or 'settlement,' depending on the context. The settlements in question are centered around geothermally heated caverns which colonists sought shelter in during Lemnos' 'non-summers.' Thus full- or part-time settlements maintained for various reasons (such as administrative, etc.) are technically not 'tiegezhs,' though they are often referred to as such by offworlders. In addition, members of tiegezh do not consist of interrelated families. In fact, each tiegezh will have at least one dedicated geneticist to monitor its population. Prior to its rediscovery, life expectancy on Lemnos was low enough as it was, without risking unnecessary genetic complications. To this end, different events were/are held to promote marriages between tiegezhs, and geneticists have the right to forbid any marriage. And even those Lemnos colonists' who are uncomfortable with the influx of offworld culture still appreciate the influx of offworld genetic material.
Possibly one of the most mistranslated words in Lemnos' Breton is '''''Tiegezh'''''. In Standard, it is translated as either 'clan' or 'settlement,' depending on the context. The settlements in question are centered around geothermally heated caverns which colonists sought shelter in during Lemnos' 'non-summers.' Thus full- or part-time settlements maintained for various reasons (such as administrative, etc.) are technically not 'tiegezhs,' though they are often referred to as such by offworlders. In addition, members of tiegezh do not consist of interrelated families. In fact, each tiegezh will have at least one dedicated geneticist to monitor its population. Prior to its rediscovery, life expectancy on Lemnos was low enough as it was, without risking unnecessary genetic complications. To this end, different events were/are held to promote marriages between tiegezhs, and geneticists have the right to forbid any marriage. And even those Lemnos colonists' who are uncomfortable with the influx of offworld culture still appreciate the influx of offworld genetic material.
'''''Chaweck-Warn''''', which translates "Twenty-two," is a popular dice game on Lemnos colony.

One of the more important holidays celebrated on Lemnos is Founding Day, held on the first day of "true" Summer. Founding Day celebrates the founding of Lemnos Colony. One of the original colonists, Yann Servat, wrote an epyllion referred to as The Skornhanez, which celebrates the endurance of the original settlers of Lemnos. The first stanza of the poem is as follows:  
One of the more important holidays celebrated on Lemnos is Founding Day, held on the first day of "true" Summer. Founding Day celebrates the founding of Lemnos Colony. One of the original colonists, Yann Servat, wrote an epyllion referred to as The Skornhanez, which celebrates the endurance of the original settlers of Lemnos. The first stanza of the poem is as follows:  
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A good portion of eighth grade literature on Lemnos is dedicated to the study of the Skornhanez. Many purists argue that the translation of The Skornhanex into Standard does not do it justice. Poetry is something of a passion among Lemnos colonists; a good poet enjoys a level of celebrity on Lemnos equal to that of a good athlete.                     
A good portion of eighth grade literature on Lemnos is dedicated to the study of the Skornhanez. Many purists argue that the translation of The Skornhanex into Standard does not do it justice. Poetry is something of a passion among Lemnos colonists; a good poet enjoys a level of celebrity on Lemnos equal to that of a good athlete.                     
Tristan Solidor, a playwright who lived on Lemnos in the twenty-third century, is probably the most well known author from Lemnos. His play "Second Time's Never The Charm" is currently being performed throughout the Federation and the Klingon Empire.
One of the animals native to Lemnos is the Mustimio, a carnivore/scavenger that is commonly called the weasel-monkey. Part of the mating cycle of the Mustimio is for two males to charge each other on high, narrow ledges until one male gives way. This often results in the death of one male, and occasionally both.

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