Al-Leyan/Language: Difference between revisions

added expandable/collapsibles of everyday phrases, relational terms, and terms of endearment
(Moving info from Al-Leyan here.)
(added expandable/collapsibles of everyday phrases, relational terms, and terms of endearment)
(4 intermediate revisions by 3 users not shown)
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Al-Leyan have several different '''languages''' on Leya-I, some can be extremely difficult to learn. The Al-Leyan government of Leya-I recognizes 11 official languages. 10 which are native to their homeworld, and one that has been taught in the Valhanna caintone as a second language.

===Al-Leyan Phrases===
Ka'ilsh is the second most spoken language on Leya.
Al-Leyans conducted research of Earth during trade negotiations with the [[United Federation of Planets]], and came across the first constructed language by humans, called Esperanto. Jalnahar Kuizo, leader of the Giventeh caintone,  saw the language a great way to introduce Al-leyans to a variety of human languages and help them adapt and learn many human languages on Earth.
Jalnahar proposed teaching Esperanto at a young age to all Al-Leyans in the Valhanna and Giventeh provinces as a second language. By 2250, it was agreed, that all Al-Leyans within the two caintones would learn Esperanto as a second language. Today Esperanto is considered an official Al-Leyan language on Leya-I. According to census records there are 87.5 million Al-leyans that can speak Esperanto fluently.
Esperanto has become so influential in the Valahnna caintone, that Cienzo has now stopped teaching the old Ka'ilsh language, and teaches Esperanto as its national language.
{|style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border: none;" "width: 350px;" role="presentation" class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
|+ style="text-align: center; border: 0px; background: white; white-space: nowrap; | <h3>'''Everyday Phrases'''</h3>
! scope="col" style="width: 150px;" | Word or Phrase
! scope="col" style="width: 150px;" | Translation
! scope="col" style="width: 50px;" | Audio
| Varmaj ventoj, Toryn Raga. La Granda Arbo ŝajnas esti bona al vi.|| ''Warm winds,Toryn Raga. The Great Tree appears to have been good to you.''|| <center>[[Listen]]</center>
| Malvarmaj ventoj, Ishkabella Journs. La Granda Monto ŝajnas esti bona al vi.|| ''Cool winds, Ishkabella Journs. The Great Mountain appears to have been good to you. (Sez Toural greeting)'' || <center>[[Listen]]</center>
| Kaj vi ankaŭ, Toryn Raga.|| ''And you also, Toryn Raga.''|| <center>[[Listen]]</center>
| Ke la suno brilu sur vin kaj varmaj ventoj forportu vin.|| ''May the sun shine upon you and warm winds carry you on your journey.''|| <center>[[Listen]]</center>
| Jes || ''Yes''|| <center>[[Listen]]</center>
| Ne || ''No''|| <center>[[Listen]]</center>
| Per kio vi nomiĝas?|| ''By what are you called? (What’s your name?)''|| <center>[[Listen]]</center>
| Mi nomiĝas Toryn Raga.|| ''I am called Toryn Raga.'' || <center>[[Listen]]</center>
| Kiu estas via deveno? || ''What is your place of origin? (Where are you from?)'' || <center>[[Listen]]</center>
| Mi estas de Sez Toural. || ''I am of Sez Toural.'' || <center>[[Listen]]</center>
| Dankon. || ''Thank you.'' || <center>[[Listen]]</center>
| Ne dankinde. || ''You’re welcome.'' || <center>[[Listen]]</center>
| Bonvolu. || ''Please.'' || <center>[[Listen]]</center>
| Gratulon. || ''Congratulations.'' || <center>[[Listen]]</center>
| Ĝi estas bela. || ''It is beautiful.'' || <center>[[Listen]]</center>
| Ĉu vi parolas Esperanton? || ''Do you speak Esperanto?'' || <center>[[Listen]]</center>
| Jes, mi parolas Esperanton. || ''Yes, I speak Esperanto.'' || <center>[[Listen]]</center>
| Mi estas komencanto en Esperanto. || ''I am a beginner in Esperanto.''|| <center>[[Listen]]</center>
| Feliĉan naskiĝtagon! || ''Happy birthday!'' || <center>[[Listen]]</center>
{|style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border: none;" "width: 350px;" role="presentation" class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
|+ style="text-align: center; border: 0px; background: white; white-space: nowrap; | <h3>'''Relationship Terms'''</h3>
! scope="col" style="width: 150px;" | Word or Phrase
! scope="col" style="width: 150px;" | Translation
! scope="col" style="width: 50px;" | Audio
| Paĉjo|| Dad/Father (informal)| <center>[[Listen]]</center>
| Patro|| Father (formal)|| <center>[[Listen]]</center>
| Grandino/Grandina||Grandpa/Grandma|| <center>[[Listen]]</center>
| Filino||child|| <center>[[Listen]]</center>
{|style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border: none;" "width: 350px;" role="presentation" class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
|+ style="text-align: center; border: 0px; background: white; white-space: nowrap; | <h3>'''Terms of Endearment'''</h3>
! scope="col" style="width: 150px;" | Word or Phrase
! scope="col" style="width: 150px;" | Translation
! scope="col" style="width: 50px;" | Audio
| Mia amo/amato/amata||my love| <center>[[Listen]]</center>
| Karulina||little one|| <center>[[Listen]]</center>
| Iom amuza||little darling|| <center>[[Listen]]</center>
| Amataj||beloved|| <center>[[Listen]]</center>
| Mia kara filino||my darling son/daughter|| <center>[[Listen]]</center>
* Branching out  - Thinking beyond your allotted branch or about “the bigger picture”. Brainstorming
* Branching out  - Thinking beyond your allotted branch or about “the bigger picture”. Brainstorming
* By the branch! - Equivalent of oh my god when used as an exclamation. Can be used as a statement - to do something By the Branch is to do it properly/within regs/to a high standard.
* By the branch! - Equivalent of oh my god when used as an exclamation. Can be used as a statement - to do something By the Branch is to do it properly/within regs/to a high standard.
* Branch - What class you are in/what skill-set you have.
* Branch - What class you are in/what skill-set you have.
* He must have fallen out the tree and hit every branch on the way down. - Can be used as a general insult of someone. Or disdainfully about someone who moves branch or talks of doing things outwith their branch.
* He must have fallen out the tree and hit every branch on the way down. - Can be used as a general insult of someone. Or disdainfully about someone who moves branch or talks of doing things out of their branch.
* Don’t count your seedlings before they have sprouted.
* Don’t count your seedlings before they have sprouted.
* Unless the winds change dramatically - To say - Yes, unless something important gets in the way.
* Unless the winds change dramatically - To say - Yes, unless something important gets in the way.
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* Best not to test the winds - Equivalent to not pushing one's luck. Sez Toural regional version.
* Best not to test the winds - Equivalent to not pushing one's luck. Sez Toural regional version.
* Best not to test the branch - The more common usage of the phrase.
* Best not to test the branch - The more common usage of the phrase.
===Esperanto Relational Terms===
* Paĉjo--Dad
* Patro--Father
* Grandino/Grandina--Grandpa/Grandma
===Esperanto Terms of Endearment===
* Mia amo -- my love
* Karulina -- little one
* Iom amuza -- little darling
* Amataj--Beloved

* Two individuals face each other. Place Left hand on the other person's right shoulder. For close friends hand, placement is closer to or at the base of the neck. This is seen as more intimate.
* Two individuals face each other. Place Left hand on the other person's right shoulder. For close friends hand, placement is closer to or at the base of the neck. This is seen as more intimate.

* “Warm winds, [full name of the one being greeted]. The Great Tree appears to have been good to you.”
* “Warm winds, [full name of the one being greeted]. The Great Tree appears to have been good to you.”

* "May the sun shine upon you and warm winds carry you on your journey."
* "May the sun shine upon you and warm winds carry you on your journey."