StarBase 118 Marines: Difference between revisions

Added organisation chart of entire regiment. Took out repeated text.
(Added command flow chart and centered certain portions, including roster.)
(Added organisation chart of entire regiment. Took out repeated text.)
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''For the previous Marine contingent, the '''Dangerous Company''', click [[StarBase 118 Marines Contingent|here]]. See [[StarBase_118_Screaming_Eagles|here]] for information on the past '''Screaming Eagles''' contingent.
''The following organization is specific to the 292nd Regiment stationed aboard Starbase 118, and does not necessarily represent the organization of other Starfleet Marine regiments, even those assigned to other Starbases.''

[[292 Tactical Marine Regiment Organisational Chart]]
<br /><br />
<h3>{{LCARS-bar-left|The 292nd "Iron Jaegers" Marine Regiment|275|COLOR=Green}}</h3>
<h3>{{LCARS-bar-left|The 292nd "Iron Jaegers" Marine Regiment|275|COLOR=Green}}</h3>
The Marine Contingent on [[StarBase 118]] is the 292nd "Iron Jaegers" Tactical Marine Regiment. The Jaegers are a unit within the Starfleet Marine Corps that specializes in base operations and small scale conflicts. This specialization reflects the unique challenges that Marines face when stationed on one of the mammoth Starbase's throughout Federation Space leaving them operating in a 'catch all' role.  
The Marine Contingent on [[StarBase 118]] is the 292nd "Iron Jaegers" Tactical Marine Regiment. The Jaegers are a unit within the Starfleet Marine Corps that specializes in base operations and small scale conflicts. This specialization reflects the unique challenges that Marines face when stationed on one of the mammoth Starbase's throughout Federation Space leaving them operating in a 'catch all' role.