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Charlotte Farnsworth is the mirror universe version of {{n|Necessity|James}}; she is a PNPC written and controlled by {{n|Nathaniel|Wilmer}}.
[[File:UFP.png|x100px|left|link=United Federation of Planets]]
|Quote=I am the living heart; I am the unaffected meaning of my own self worth.
|Author=Charlotte Farnsworth
|NAME = Charlotte Farnsworth
|NAME = Charlotte Callisto Farnsworth
|SHIP = USS Blackwell
|SHIP = Exact Location Unknown
|POST = Unemployed
|COLOR = Silver
|RANK = Civilian
|RANK = Civilian
|PIPSTYLE = Traditional
|POST = Civilian
|COLOR = Grey
|SPECIES = Human
|SPECIES = Human
|GENDER = Female
|GENDER = Female
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|BIRTHPLACE = Oxford, Earth (Mirror Universe)
|BIRTHPLACE = Oxfordshire, England, UK (Mirror Universe)
|IMAGE = wilmer.charlotte.jpg
|IMAGE = Farnsworth_bio.jpg
{{Ribbons Rack|LABEL=Service Ribbons
|Genesis Award|1
|Quote=Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.
|1-year Member|1
|Author= Harriet Tubman
|Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon|1
{{Badge Rack|LABEL=Badges
|Writing Challenge Winner|1
|Graphic Contest Runner Up|1

Charlotte Callisto Farnsworth is a PNPC, and is currently played by  {{n|Nathaniel|Wilmer}}. She is currently exploring the Beta Quadrant in the vessel {{USS|Blackwell}}. She is also the Mirror Universe counterpart for {{n|Necessity|James}}.
<h3>{{LCARS-bar-left|Early History|200|COLOR=Maroon}}</h3>
Charlotte "Charlie" Farnsworth (real name Necessity Alice James) was born on the Mirror Universe Earth in the year 2367. Her parents, having been Terran slaves, were experts in transporter modification technology. Gaining access to such technology, for unknown reasons (possibly compassion for their daughter) they beamed their newborn infant to the Prime Universe. Whether by intention, accident, or some unknown reason, Charlotte's life improved as a direct result of this abandonment. Charlotte was found, swaddled, and alone on the streets of Oxford, by the Farnsworth family. She was given the adopted name Charlotte Callisto Farnsworth and was raised in an environment of relative ease, education and love.
See all photographs pertaining to Charlotte: {{s|Charlotte Farnsworth|Gallery}}
image:farnsworthCLUB.jpg|Charlotte overseeing the construction of her new club.
image:farnsworth.dabo.jpg|Charlotte as a dabo girl at the Cosmic Cafe; Jupiter Station, circa 2384.
image:davosdorf.jpg|Charlotte circa 2385, in a chalet in Davosdorf, Switzerland.
image:wilmerCHARLIE.jpg|Charlotte's favorite jacket and dress, circa 2391.
image:Farnsworth_bio.jpg|Charlotte in her black leather outfit.
image:farnsworthART.jpg|Charlotte, artists rendering, by Nate Wilmer.
image:WILMER.charlie.dinner.jpg|Charlotte's favorite dinner, fish and chips.
image:WILMER.grenthemen.jpg|The Grenthemen water hopper. Charlotte was the poster girl for this particular model.
image:WILMERcharlie4b.jpg|Charlie Farnsworth on planet Ares III.|A collection of Ralph Waldo Emerson's poems. This was a gift from Nate Wilmer on her seventeenth birthday.|Charlie on vacation in her favorite swimsuit.
image:Charlie_Farnsworth.jpg|Charlie handing out emergency medical rations during the Ares III crisis of late 2393.
image:wilmer.watson1.jpg|Charlie in her family manor home in Oxford, Earth.
image:wilmer.farnsworth2017a.jpg|Charlotte Callista Farnsworth circa March 2394.
image:wilmers.quarters.2017.jpg|Nate and Charlotte's quarters aboard the USS Blackwell.
image:wilmer.davos.png|Charlotte in Davosdorf, Switzerland circa 2393.
image:farnsworth.kickbox.jpg|Charlotte performing her favorite sport: kickboxing, cicrca 2393.
image:farnsworth.violin.jpg|Charlotte playing the violin.
<h3>{{LCARS-bar-left|Appearance & Statistics|200|COLOR=Gray}}</h3>
* '''Full Name''': Charlotte Callisto Farnsworth
* '''Born''': April 15th, 2367 (Stardate: 44789.67)
* '''Marital Status''': Engaged
* '''IQ''': 167
* '''Height''': 167 cm
* '''Weight''': 49 kg
* '''Hair''': Dirty blonde/brown
* '''Eyes''': Brown
* '''Skin Tone''': Caucasian/lightly freckled
* '''Build''': Athletic, very fit
* '''Scars/Features''': None
* '''Poses''': perfect posture, tends to walk like a priss
* '''Voice''': light, airy, with a English accent
* '''Handedness''': Right
* '''Smell''': Charlotte smells like her favorite perfume "Pon Farr," which smells of berries, rose and vanilla
* '''Habits''': Filching
* '''Likes''' : Being the center of attention, music, dance, and art
* '''Dislikes''' : Ferengi
* '''Hobbies''' : Chess (3d), drawing, dabo, tongo, dice, roleplaying games, kickboxing
* '''Musical Ability''' : Violin
* '''Mental Problems/Phobias''' : Dishonesty
* '''Physical limitations''' : None
* '''Orientation''' : Heterosexual
* '''Religion''' : Unknown
* '''Quarters''' : Deck 7, Cabin J9
* '''Personal Life Goal''': To marry {{n|Nathaniel|Wilmer}} and eventually retire to her home in Davosdorf, Switzerland.
'''Early Years at Oxfordshire''' (''2367-2378'')
Charlotte was born with the name Necessity Jane James, in the mirror universe, in Oxford. When she was an infant, her parents found a way to transport her to Prime Earth, where she could live a life unaffected by the Terrans and the Alliance. When the interdimensional transport was complete, the infant Mirror James lie in the street, a crying babe, abandoned and alone in Oxford. By sheer luck, she was found and adopted by the Farnsworth family and given the name Charlotte Callisto Farnsworth. She was their only daughter. Mr. Farnsworth was an architect and his wife, a traveling computer salesmen. Often bored with mundane life, Charlotte would find herself in trouble with the law at an early age, due to the fact that Federation penalties for underage crime were simply not severe. Taking an interest in theft by the age of ten, she would often pick the pockets of many interesting looking aliens, to see what secrets they carried.
'''Jupiter Station''' (2378-2387'')
Later in her life, she traveled to Jupiter Station with her parents, where she ran into Crewman Nathaniel Wilmer. Wilmer prevented her from robbing the Altarian ambassador. Thus began a lifelong friendship between the two. When she was older, she became the manager of the Cosmic Café onboard the station. However, she quickly became bored with that way of life and longed to move on.
'''Starfleet Entrance Exam'''
[[image:farnsworth.ARES.III.jpg|thumb|300px|Charlotte taking the physical portion of her exam on planet Ares III]]
When Charlotte was sixteen, she traveled to planet [[Ares III]] with Nate Wilmer, on a diplomatic courier mission. While there she took her entrance examination to Starfleet academy. Due to poor scores in botany, lack of confidence in herself, and failing the character portions of the exam, for reasons that Starfleet labeled "poor moral content" she was not allowed to attend Starfleet academy. This effected her deeply and she never re-applied.
'''Criminal Activities''' (''2387-2391'')
Somewhere between the fall of 2387 and July of 2391, Charlotte fell into a life of crime. Her former boyfriend Nate Wilmer often kept track of her with criminal activity reports. She had been arrested for a number of petty crimes including: theft, impersonating an elected official, impersonating a religious cleric, impersonating a religious deity (a stronger offense on planet Olroox II,) and criminal possession with intent to distribute.
''Editor's note: in 2390, Charlotte took a job as the poster/holographic sale girl for Grenthemen water hoppers. The ad campaign were run by Ferengi that had a habit of attempting extort Charlotte of her money, a proposition into recording lewd acts for holosuite programs. She sternly decline their offers and has held a legitimate complaint against them ever since.''
Eventually, Charlotte worked her way to the [[USS Excalibur-A]], by pretending to be the spouse of then Ensign Nathaniel Wilmer. She forged marital documents and convinced the captain to allow her to serve as the owner and operator of the ''Round Table Lounge.'' Secretly, Charlotte had never given up her interest in crime, since she found it so stimulating. However, when the Excalibur was decommissioned, Charlotte found herself adrift and began working as a transit employee on the civilian freighter ''Razbu.''
Afterward, Charlotte has turned up on the [[USS Apollo-A]], where she once again gained special permission to open up a bar on a temporary basis. Shortly thereafter, the USS Apollo was decommissioned and Club Olympus was closed.

Nevertheless, things had stirred in her from her infancy. Emotional issues of abandonment had always haunted her; though she had never actually known the reason why. She was always restless, and bored with her lifestyle; always instinctively feeling that something unknown was missing from her life. At the age of eleven she turned to a life of crime, picking pockets, developing sociopath behavior and learning to lie. Neither her parents or psychologists ever knew why such impulses were inside her; having no apparent causes in her upbringing.
In early 2392, Charlotte was threatened by Federation News Service reporter {{n|Lyndsey|Fisher}}. Fisher attempted to blackmail Farnsworth into revealing everything she knew about Nathaniel Wilmer. If she did not, Fisher promised to reveal a list of everything Farnsworth had stolen from the Federation, including a prototype Winshara theoretical processor taken from the Daystrom Institute. ''Editor's note: Charlotte placed that processor in Wilmer's birthday present to conceal that she had taken it.''

On stardate 239204.15 - Charlotte was also part of the civilian crew that assisted in the New Sydney Station apprehension of three escaped Federation criminals. Charlotte acted as a mission specialist in criminal activities, ''though admittedly she ended up doing very little.''
In November of 2378 while Charlotte was meeting with Starfleet psychologists to be counseled; she met (then) Crewman Nate Wilmer at Jupiter Station. She was picking the pockets of aliens and delegates as they came of the transports in the docking area. Nate spotted her immediately, and rather than take her to the Chief of Security, saw intelligence and promise in the girl. He succeeded in convincing her parents in allowing her to join a Starfleet Academy preparatory program. For the next four years, both he and Master Chief Dick Sullivan served as her primary educators for Starfleet rules and regulations.

Romantically, Charlotte has begun to realize that she might have dismissed her feelings for Nate, out of hand. She is making an attempt to rekindle their old relationship. She's begun to develop a friendship with Nate's estranged teenage daughter, Kael, as well.
In 2383, Charlie visited planet Ares III with Nate. She was to take her Starfleet Entrance Exams at the local outpost. However, she ultimately failed her xeno-botany entrance exam due to lack of confidence. Starfleet Academy entrance and admissions personnel also identified several personality flaws in her, including dishonesty, manipulative techniques and lack of moral compass. When Starfleet did not pan out of her, she eventually moved away from Earth, to Jupiter Station, where she got involved with Ferengi. The DaiMon promised promised her a job as the new poster girl for their new Grenthemen Water Hopper account. For a time, their promises of modeling were actually made true. But eventually, like all things Ferengi, her contract ran out, and she had to resort to life as a dabo girl at the Cosmic Cafe on Jupiter Station, to earn income.

'''Similarities to Necessity James'''
Eventually, Charlotte got tired of being pinched, grabbed and prodded by drunk bar patrons and took a job a second class engineers mate onboard a Cardassian freighter known as the "Razbu." At one point, at an unknown date (roughly after 2383 but before 2391) Nate and Charlie began dating and spent a vacation together in Switzerland on Earth. There, Charlotte had made plans to propose to Nate. However, she would not get her chance. Nate announced to her that he was returning to Starfleet Academy Command School; leaving the enlisted branch intending to become an officer. For years, while Nate retrained and pursued his officers rank, Charlie drifted.
[[image:Nessa.james.2393.jpg|thumb|Necessity James, circa 2393]]
On stardate 239206.16, after transferring to the [[USS Constitution-B]]. It was soon discovered (''completely accidentally by Nate Wilmer'') that Charlotte bore an exact resemblance to Starfleet enlisted crewman Senior Chief Petty Officer {{n|Necessity|James}}. After meeting one another, the women were immediately suspicious. However, the pair agreed to get to know each other and find the true nature of their similarities. After months of study at Starfleet Medical, it was discovered that Charlotte was the Mirror Counterpart for Necessity James. How she had been transported to this universe as an infant is not known. However, she has lived her entire life here and has been determined by Starfleet not to be a threat.

'''Teaching aboard the USS Constitution'''
Upon hearing of Nate's graduation and posting the USS Excalibur-A, Charlotte traveled, soon to meet up with him on his new ship. After forging marriage documents and lying to the Captain of that vessel- stating that she was in fact Nate's wife; Charlie opened a bar aboard ship. When Nate learned about this, he used the opportunity of transfer to switch vessels to the USS Apollo-A. However, he could not escape her. Charlie's obsession with him and her fear of abandonment simply compelled her to move with him. After a second move to the USS Apollo-A, Charlie gained permission from Admiral Jaxx, to open up Club Olympus. Vessel after vessel, transfer after transfer, Charlie would follow Nate. After changing jobs many times, Charlie would eventually land a job as a school teach on the USS Constitution-B, where Nate was once posted as First Officer.

After speaking with the ships Captain, Charlotte was granted permission to become a teenage level literature teacher. This allowed her to reinvent herself, and pursue a career other than waitressing and club ownership. There were only a few teenagers onboard, but Charlotte vowed to make a life worth while for herself and she has taken the job with strong interest.
Counselor Rune Jolara once had the opportunity to psychoanalyze Charlotte. She categorized her behavior as ,'a most destructive and corrosive influence on Nathaniel Wilmer's confidence, productiveness and emotional well-being.'

Aboard the Constitution, fate soon dealt its hand. Through a chance encounter with Necessity James, and some involuntary medical exams, it was scientifically revealed that Charlie and Nessa were both the same person. After intense medical scans, and invasive tests run at Starfleet Intelligence on Earth, it was determined that Charlie did not and had not ever belonged in the Prime Universe. However, Starfleet seeing that she wished to cooperate, granted her amnesty and asylum from her mirror universe home, in exchange for an 8 month cooperative study of her physiology and mental capacities. Nessa James, also agreed to participate in exchange for the reinstatement of her officers rank. Nate on the other hand took an 8 month LOA as First Officer, to serve as emotional support for both his friend and former lover.
'''Exploring the Alpha Quadrant'''

After the departure of Nate Wilmer to the Alpha Quadrant, Nate loaned his Peregrine class vessel to Charlie, to explore the galaxy as she pleased. His only provision, was that she take care of it, and come and see him from time to time.
During the span of examinations, emotions ran high, as the three lived isolated in a ward which had limited outside contact. Day by day they spent with each other. This did not help her self-esteem, as she found the incarceration to have a negative effect on her relationship with Nate. Charlie also watched in horror, as she observed Nate and Nessa grew closer together. This only furthered her depression and lack of self worth.

According to Starfleet Counselors; in Charlotte's mind, Necessity James was the pure and unspoiled version of herself and Charlie viewed herself as the corrupted imitation. Nevertheless, before long, none of that mattered anymore. The tests were over, and everyone was free to go.
'''Marriage to Nate Wilmer'''

Sometime during Nate's return to Jupiter Station in late 2393, Charlotte and he crossed paths again. Charlie was the romantic aggressor this time, making advances toward Nate. They dated for a few weeks at first. After Nate was assigned to the Starfleets assays office in Paris, Charlotte went with him. After two months living together in an apartment on Rue de Martyrs, Charlie took Nate on a late night walk. After traveling hand in hand in the park, Charlie took Nate to their favorite spot and took a knee. Nate was so taken aback by her proposal, he belted out YES at top volume, which frightened a nearby old woman, and awoke several residents. They have schedule their wedding for Halloween 2394.
Upon exiting the quarantine, Nate's career eventually took him to the Delta Quadrant. This time however, Charlie did not follow. She wandered the universe in Nate's old Peregrine class shuttle. Wandering aimlessly from port to port, having no home, and no purpose.

<h3>{{LCARS-bar-left|Psychological Profile|200|COLOR=Gray}}</h3>
Before long however, Charlotte found her way to the USS Blackwell, which was Nate's most current posting. There, after a rekindling of their romance, Nate and Charlotte got engaged, and planned to be married on October 31st, 2394. After helping the crew of the Blackwell with some engineering disasters, Charlie's found that her interest in rejoining Starfleet Academy returned. She speculated that should she return, she would pursue a career as an engineer someday.

'''Nature Vs. Nurture: A True Study'''
Further information to be added at later date...
A Study by Starfleet Medical
<h3>{{LCARS-bar-left|Mirror Universe: Differences of Physiology|200|COLOR=Maroon}}</h3>
Stardate: 239308.15
*Charlotte Farnsworth and Necessity James are virtually identical save for some bodily scars acquired from different skirmishes, procedures, times and places.
[[image:wilmer.brain.jpg|thumb|150px|The cover of Starfleet Medicals: Nature Vs. Nurture Study]]
*Necessity James is roughly 3 years, 11 months, 3 days older than Charlotte Farnsworth. Starfleet Intelligence speculates that differences between the Prime and Mirror Universes not only include life changing backgrounds, but different times of birth as well.
''Charlote Callista Farnsworth had, for many years behaved with a most criminal mindset. She seemingly had no difficulty lying, stealing and pilfering in order to achieve her personal ends. She seemed to demonstrate the mentality, as someone once put it, manifesting an underlining "fear of starvation amidst plenty." Though in the modern age of Starfleet, where such accumulation of wealth and personal properties is no longer an indication of success or prowess, Charlotte had always metered herself by the surrounding of such things. Through external influences of her on-again, off-again boyfriend Lt. Cmdr. Nathaniel Wilmer, she had been exposed to such concepts of personal improvement and betterment of self, though the absorption of these ideals was slow coming.''
*Necessity James and Charlotte Farnsworth have different colored eyes. (Charlotte's are brown, Nessa's are blue). This is due to a mutually shared Retinax allergy. Necessity's eyes turned blue due to an unforeseen complication during the surgery which corrected her eyes. Whereas, Charlie sought no surgery for the vision impairment, and chooses to wear glasses when necessary. Otherwise, genetically, both women's eyes would be naturally brown.
*Necessity James also recently acquired a tribal neck tattoo. This marking can be used to distinguish them, and Nessa James also dyes her hair purple, or pink, whereas Charlotte chooses her natural color of brown.
*Necessity James speaks in a Cockney like East-London accent, due to her upbringing in street gangs. Charlotte Farnsworth speaks in proper, contemporary RP (received pronunciation.) Words are proper and correctly pronounced, with glottal T's, uptalk and with emphasis on clarity and enunciation.
<h3>{{LCARS-bar-left|Interests and Hobbies|200|COLOR=Maroon}}</h3>
[[File:Farnsyboxer.jpg.jpg|300px|thumb|right|Charlotte Farnsworth in the ring, circa 2394-2396]]
*Running (...from the authorities, usually)
*Dancing & Music
*Favorite Music: Nagh Bom (or Klingon Rock, in contemporary English)
*Reading and books (book collecting)
*Library Sciences

''Upon her discovery, however that she was the mirror universe version of Lt. Necessity James, (a Starfleet officer with lifelong difficulties in her own right) Ms. Farnsworth began to challenger herself in new and unforeseen ways. She began to view the acceptance of the criminal notions insider her as challenges to be overcome, rather than defining points of individuality.''
<h3>{{LCARS-bar-left|Featured Sims|200|COLOR=Maroon}}</h3>
*'''First Appearance:''' [!searchin/sb118-excalibur/Charlotte$20Farnsworth%7Csort:date/sb118-excalibur/LSadboTfwe4/tVz65VWgmakJ Stowaway...but not really]
*'''Interactions with Nate Wilmer:''' [!searchin/sb118-apollo/Charlotte$20Farnsworth|sort:date/sb118-apollo/bDdc_bfDGbI/zV02gX9K368J Charlotte learns Nate is hiding a dangerous secret...]
*'''More Interactions with Nate:''' [!searchin/sb118-apollo/charlotte$20farnsworth%7Csort:date/sb118-apollo/Qa8fogRLbaM/ywuvvjCiOS0J Dealing with Nate's teenage daughter; Kael.]
*'''Coping with her inner torments:''' [!searchin/sb118-constitution/charlotte$20farnsworth%7Csort:date/sb118-constitution/coIznxbSn98/ojy6NYhVGAAJ Charlotte's inner feelings about zen and self-imprisonment.]
*'''Dealing with bullies:''' [!searchin/sb118-apollo/Lyndsey$20Fisher|sort:date/sb118-apollo/zn3yFBRTH14/wCvdaUcMfI8J Charlie defends Nate from a nasty FNN reporter and blackmail...with her fists!]
*'''The Early Years:''' [!searchin/sb118-constitution/charlotte$20farnsworth|sort:date/sb118-constitution/Zbf_3_ssx2s/6_5AlAQuh2kJ Nate and Charlie on Ares III, circa 2383. BACKSIM]                           

''Apart from all these things, Ms. Farnsworth does show the same defining markers as Necessity James, with a particular affinity for Engineering and Mechanical aptitude. She is well educated, articulate, and carries herself with a grace and dignity that many people of this world sometimes lack. It is the opinion of this medical counsel that Ms. Farnsworth serves no threat to the Federation and that she should be allowed to continue to reside in our universe with no penalty.''
[[Category:Intelligence Officers]]
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[[Category:Mirror universe characters]]
