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| align="left" | '''What in me is dark, illumine.''' - ''John Milton (Paradise Lost)''
|NAME = Alastriona DeTroyes
|SHIP = Starbase 118 Ops / USS Narendra
|RANK = Ensign
|PIPSTYLE = Slanted
|POST = Science Officer
|COLOR = Blue
|SPECIES = Human
|GENDER = Female
|BIRTHPLACE = Pleione / Scylanthia
|IMAGE = Alastriona_DeTroyes_02.png
|AUTHOR = O239609AD0
* Serial Number: AD-020-200
[[Image:AcademyLogo2390.png|100px|center|link=Alastriona DeTroyes/Academy Record]]
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[[Image:Starfleet Medical.png|100px|left|link=Alastriona DeTroyes/Medical Record]]
{{Ribbons Rack|LABEL=Awards
|Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon|1
|Good Conduct Ribbon|1
<font color=0000ff>'''Ensign Alastriona DeTroyes'''</font> served as a <font color=0000ff>'''Science Officer'''</font> on [[Starbase 118 Ops]], where she spends most of her time studying astrophysics, and on the {{USS|Narendra}}, which is a starship assigned to the starbase.
Alastriona also served as a <font color=0000ff>'''Science Officer'''</font> aboard the {{USS|Juneau}}, NX-99801, which is the prototype for Starfleet's first starship designed with the [[Warp XV engine]] as standard equipment.
* '''Age''': 24 (Biological Age)
* '''Height''': 180 cm / 5'10"
* '''Weight''': 50 kg / 110 lbs
* '''Eyes''': Blue
* '''Hair''': Blonde
* '''Hairstyle''': Shoulder-length wild blonde hair. Sometimes braided or in a ponytail.
* '''Skin Tone''': Light Caucasian.
* '''Build''': Tall and Thin (like a fashion model)
* '''Voice''': Soft, quiet.
* '''Languages''': French, English, Mandarin, Latin, Greek, Scylanthian, Vulcan
* '''Reader''': E2 - ESP Ability (Visions) - DORMANT
* '''Birthmarks, Scars, Tattoos''': Scar: A cut across her throat from ear to ear. Barely noticeable.
* '''Bearing''': Alastriona has an ethereal, delicate quality about her.
* '''General''': Alastriona is a leaner: She likes to lean on something. A table, a chair, a wall. 
* '''Hands''': Always brushing hair out of her face. Twirls old fashioned pencils around her fingers.
* '''Legs''': Walks like a fashion model, one foot in front of the other, like walking on a tightrope (which is required on Scylanthia).
* '''Taste in Clothes''': Leather pants, pirate/peasant blouses, dresses, boots.
* '''Quarters''': Gravity turned down to .7G's
* '''Pets''': Two cats - Hansel & Gretel (black & white)
* '''Favorite Room''': A quiet refuge with a view of the stars. She prefers to look forward, not back.
* '''Habits''': Alastriona always ends up in the wrong place at the wrong time, getting into trouble and causing problems for her friends.
* '''Mannerisms''': Having been born over 143 years ago, Alastriona often seems lost and alone.
* '''Attitude Towards Violence''': Alastriona is not violent at all but can defend herself. She thinks hand to hand weapons are silly and calls them, “Primitive weapons.”
* '''Religion/Spiritual Devotion''': Christian
* '''Hobbies and Pastimes''': Kung Fu, Reading, Shopping.
* '''Likes''': Clothes, Cats, Books, Astrophysics, Astronomy.
* '''Dislikes''': Klingons, Military, Inferiors (those who are not as smart as she is, etc.)
* '''Achievements in Life''': Alastriona has been to the M31 Andromeda Galaxy.
* '''Disappointments in Life''': After her fiance, Francois, was killed, she never married.
* '''Temperament''': Quiet. Thoughtful. Superior. Ruthless (if necessary).
* '''Physical Limitations''': Alastriona is from the light gravity (.7G) planet, Scylanthia. Consequently, she cannot live in 1.0g environment for long without harmful side effects. So she wears a '''contra-gravity harness''', an anti-gravity belt, designed to provide .7G's gravity.
Alastriona DeTroyes is from the French colonial world of Scylanthia which orbits the star Epsilon Argyros. The star is 151 light years from Sol in the Hyades Star Cluster, towards the constellation of Taurus, past Aldebaran.
When she was 15, Alastriona joined Star Fleet and after graduating three years later, served for six years, rising in rank from ensign to Lieutenant. After discovering an alien starship, she made an extended interstellar voyage. Eventually, she returned home after traveling only a few weeks, but the rest of the universe had advanced 120 years. After debriefing from Star Fleet, she re-entered service.
After a few "incidents," during her service she was demoted (twice). Alastriona took a break, returning home to Scylanthia where she took on the task of relearning everything, since she was over a hundred years out of date. After taking re-certification exams on earth, she rejoined Star Fleet.
Alastriona is a quiet, shy person. She is reticent to be too involved in things, but usually ends up in the middle anyway. She is often moody, and mourns the death of Francois, her fiance, who worked on the USS Wildcard and the deep space research station. In the past, Alastriona hated klingons, blaming them for the death of her fiance. While she has overcome much of the bad feelings towards them, Alastriona still '''dislikes klingons'''. She '''distrusts computers and turbolifts,''' since she had a traumatic accident as a child when a turbolift failed. Alastriona suffers from '''post traumatic stress syndrome''' and sometimes has '''nightmares''' about her past.
{{Header|Blue|Character Traits for Storytelling}}
'''Alastriona DeTroyes – All Alone'''
* '''Archetype''': Queen/Magician/Trickster --> Great Souled Hero
* '''Values''': Intelligence, Excellence, Kindness, Honor & Respect, Ruthlessness
* '''Symbol''': The Void
* '''Clothes''': Leggings, peasant blouses, boots, leather.
* '''Style''': Sophisticated and trendy.
<font color=0000ff>'''WEAKNESSES''':</font>
* '''Primary Weakness''':  DISHONOR - Alastriona has lost the respect of those in Starfleet. 
* '''Psychological''':  Alastriona lives in the past, not caring about the present. She is ALONE.
* '''Moral''':  SUPERIOR - Alastriona is arrogant and superior. 
* '''Moral''':  Alastriona is IMPULSIVE, always getting herself into trouble with the wrong people.
<font color=0000ff>'''NEEDS''':</font>
* '''Primary Need''':  REGAIN HER HONOR - Not to be known as a monster any longer.
* '''Psychological''':  Alastriona needs to find her place in the universe.
* '''Moral''':  To respect her inferiors.
* '''Moral''':  To think before acting. 
<font color=0000ff>'''DESIRE''':</font>
* '''Primary Desire''':  To explore the mysteries of the universe
* '''Second Desire''': To discover what happened to her sister, and if she is responsible for genocide.
* '''Secret Motives''':  To run away from the present and escape into the past.
* '''Power, status, ability''':  Scientist, mathematician, Kung Fu, Extremely High IQ. 
* '''Mystery''':  Alastriona searches for the truth about her sister, Genevieve, who allegedly created a bio-weapon that caused a plague on the colony world, Bijon Bleu. 300 million people died in the plague. 
* '''Actions''':  Courageous, Indifferent, Imperious, Arrogant - Sometimes a COMPLAINER.
{{Header|Blue|Specialties and Skills}}
* Astrophysicist, Mathematician
* Navigation
* Has mapped the Andromeda galaxy extensively.
* Has extensive experience with aliens, but prefers the company of humans.
* Kung Fu (Black Belt)
* Hand to Hand Weapons (Alastriona refers to these as “Primitive Weapons”)
* Well-Balanced - Every Scylanthian learns to walk along tightropes as children.
{{Header|Blue|Hobbies and Interests}}
Fashion, painting, fashion, shopping, badminton, chess, mathematics, cooking, Vulcan philosophy, dancing, gymnastics, working out, martial arts. She has two cats, Hansel & Gretel. Alastriona keeps her fiance’s hat as a keepsake.
* What in me is dark, illumine.
* Hatred is so. . . unattractive, no?
* Perhaps I won’t obliterate you all.
* À force d'explications ça finira par entrer (Explain it for long enough and it will sink in).
* Tout va le mieux du monde (Everything is going beautifully).
* Nothing I do compares to what I have done.
* Alastriona has been subjected to '''Einsteinian Time Dilation''' from an extended interstellar voyage on an alien starship. While she is biologically 24 years old, she was born 143 years ago.
* Alastriona has only been to the Earth twice.
* Scylanthia, her homeworld, is populated by a balloon-like species.
* She attended a special branch of Star Fleet on her homeworld of Scylanthia that was designed to cater to those from light gravity worlds.
* Alastriona has one younger sister, Genevieve, who remained on Scylanthia. She never adapted to the heavier gravity in other human environments. She studied human psychology.
* There are only 18 hours in the Scylanthian day, so Alastriona is on a rotating schedule.
* Alastriona prefers to change the gravity settings of her quarters to .7G which is just noticeable to others.
* Alastriona wears a '''contra-gravity harness''', which is '''an anti-gravity belt designed to provide .7G's gravity'''.
* Whenever possible, she turns the gravity down in the room she works in.
* '''Alastriona's Age:''' As Earthlings measure time, Alastriona was born on March 12th, in the year 2253, a hundred and forty three years ago. '''Chronologically, Alastriona is 143 years old'''. '''Biologically, she is 24''', by earth’s time standards, but on her homeworld of Scylanthia, where time is measured differently, she considers herself to be 72 (one year on earth is three years on Scylanthia).
* Alastriona developed a slight psychic ability and has had visions of past and future events. It is not known if this trait will ever resurface.
* Thopok Vok, the son of the ambassador to earth, was killed after a duel with Alastriona by another Klingon, Kian Torin. Rather than see the Klingons enter a civil war, Alastriona took the blame for it, since Kian saved her life.
* Consequently the Vok clan has sworn a '''blood oath''' against Alastriona, promising vengeance for the death of Thopok Vok.
* Alastriona wears a '''unique ring'''. A delicate tracery of writing in some unknown language is engraved upon it's silvery surface. The ring had been given to her by her mother, Chantel when she was 3 years old. Alastriona remembered suffering from horrible nightmares as a child, but after her mother had given her the ring, they had all gone away. Alastriona has the habit of gazing at the ring whenever she is nervous. It had always seemed to calm her. As she grew older, the ring never become too small to wear, as if it had grown along with her. Although it was never tight or uncomfortable, she could never take it off. The ring has bound itself to Alastriona's soul. It prevents her soul from drifting back into another dimension called, "The Requelum," which occurs naturally while she sleeps.
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Cadet_Alastriona_DeTroyes.png|thumb|Cadet Alastriona DeTroyes
Alastriona_DeTroyes_03.png|thumb|Ensign Alastriona DeTroyes
Alastriona_DeTroyes_02.png|thumb|Ensign Alastriona DeTroyes
Alastriona_DeTroyes_16.png|thumb|Fortuneteller Azzedinia Alaiya
Alastriona_04.png|thumb|Ensign Alastriona DeTroyes
Alastriona_05.png|thumb|Ensign Alastriona DeTroyes
{{Header|Blue|Current Service Record}}
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!  colspan="100%" style="background:#343434; width:800px; color:#fff;" |Service History
! style="background:#E6E6E6; width:120px" |Insignia
! style="background:#B8B8B8; width:200px;" |Rank
! style="background:#E6E6E6; width:200px;" |Dates
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |Posting
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |Assignment
! style="background:#000;" |{{Pips|Cadet First Class|Blue|Slanted}}
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |Cadet First Class
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |239609.18
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |Starfleet Academy
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |Cadet
! style="background:#000;" |{{Pips|Ensign|Blue|Slanted}}
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |Ensign
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |239609.20
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |[[Starbase 118 Ops]]
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |Science Officer
{{Header|Blue|Past Service Record}}
<div class="mw-customtoggle-Chronological History" style="cursor:pointer">[[File:Alastriona_DeTroyes_750x250_01.jpg|750px|center|link=|title=Alastriona_DeTroyes_750x250_01.jpg]]<div style="clear:both"></div></div>
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!  colspan="100%" style="background:#343434; width:800px; color:#fff;" |Service History
! style="background:#E6E6E6; width:120px" |Insignia
! style="background:#B8B8B8; width:200px;" |Rank
! style="background:#E6E6E6; width:200px;" |Dates
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |Posting
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |Assignment
! style="background:#000;" |{{Pips|Cadet Fourth Class|Blue|TOS}}
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |Cadet Fourth Class
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |226809.01
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |Starfleet Academy, Scylanthia
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |Cadet
! style="background:#000;" |{{Pips|Cadet Third Class|Blue|TOS}}
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |Cadet Third Class
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |226909.01
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |Starfleet Academy, Scylanthia
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |Cadet
! style="background:#000;" |{{Pips|Cadet Second Class|Blue|TOS}}
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |Cadet Second Class
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |227009.01
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |Starfleet Academy, Scylanthia
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |Cadet
! style="background:#000;" |{{Pips|Cadet First Class|Blue|TOS}}
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |Cadet First Class
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |227109.01
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |Starfleet Academy, Scylanthia
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |Cadet
! style="background:#000;" |{{Pips|Ensign|Blue|TOS}}
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |Ensign
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |227110.01 - 227112.31
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |Versooth Research Station
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |Science Officer
! style="background:#000;" |{{Pips|Ensign|Blue|TOS}}
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |Ensign
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |227201.01 - 227210.16
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |USS Wildcard
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |Navigator
! style="background:#000;" |{{Pips|Lieutenant Junior Grade|Blue|TOS}}
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |Lieutenant Junior Grade
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |227303.10 - 227403.06
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |DS Research Station
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |Science Officer
! style="background:#000;" |{{Pips|Lieutenant Junior Grade|Blue|TOS}}
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |Lieutenant Junior Grade
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |227403.06 - 227502.21
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |Perseus Colony, M31 Andromeda
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |Science Officer
! style="background:#000;" |{{Pips|Lieutenant|Blue|TOS}}
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |Lieutenant
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |227502.21 - 227610.30
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |USS Resolution
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |Chief Navigator
! style="background:#000;" |{{Pips|Lieutenant|Blue|TOS}}
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |Lieutenant
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |227610.31 - 239501.12
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |The Lethe
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |Pilot
! style="background:#000;" |{{Pips|Lieutenant|Blue|Slanted}}
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |Lieutenant
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |239501.12 - 239601.09
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |USS Calhoun
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |Science Officer
! style="background:#000;" |{{Pips|Lieutenant Junior Grade|Blue|Slanted}}
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |Lieutenant Junior Grade
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |239601.10 - 239603.05
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |Scylanthia Science Institute
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |Science Officer
! style="background:#000;" |{{Pips|Ensign|Blue|Slanted}}
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |Ensign
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |239603.06 - 239609.02
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |Star Fleet Academy, Earth
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |Cadet
* '''DEMOTION''': Alastriona DeTroyes was '''demoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade''' on Stardate 239511.10 for withholding vital information from her captain about a plot to introduce a genetically advanced retrovirus into the Klingon population, which would have resulted in the extinction of their species, if it had succeeded.
* '''DEMOTION''': Alastriona DeTroyes was '''demoted to Ensign''' on Stardate 239606.15 for her involvement in the death of the son of the Klingon ambassador to earth, nearly starting a war.
{{Header|Blue|Chronological History}}
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* '''March 12th, 2253 A.D. – Pleione Colony'''
:Alastriona DeTroyes was born March 12, 2253 on the colony world, Pleione, in the main dome. Pleione had been a vibrant world until a comet struck the planet, shifting it's orbit. Now it is a frozen glacier world, barely habitable except for the colonial domes erected by Starfleet engineers. All of its inhabitants live in domed cities as the landscape outside is covered by frozen wastelands.
:Alastriona's parents were from a different colony world, Scylanthia, and were living on Pleione to avoid a dangerous radiation storm there. Although the wet, forest covered world was shielded, the exotic biosphere could have produced dangerous pathogens during the radiation storm coming from the Super Giant star, Epsilon Argyros.
:<font color=0000ff>'''THE DAY OF THE COMET'''</font>
:Pleione suffered a natural disaster when a comet stuck the planet, shifting it's orbit. Some of the inhabitants, known as "Exiles" escaped the disaster after learning of the catastrophe in advance from a prophecy from the one known as the "Oracle."
:Every generation one person is chosen to take the place of advisor to the population of Pleione. Known as the "Oracle," this person's cerebral cortex is connected to a network of devices that are thought to influence his predictions, also known as prophecies. There are no known examples of inaccuracy, so the oracle's predictions are rated at 100%.
:Since there were not a sufficient supply of star ships to transport the 2 billion inhabitants off world, most elected to undergo a process known as '''Termination.''' 1.8 billion inhabitants stepped into chambers constructed for the purpose of their Termination because it was believed to be a viable means of escape. A process was developed that would allow the Exiles to return. 1.2 billion of Pleione's inhabitants returned after the comet strike. It is not known what happened to those who did not return. There are myths which come from the survivors of what the other realm was like, of monsters waiting to devour the souls of those seeking the gateway to their return. The other realm is speculated to be in the 8th dimension and it is known as '''The Requelum.''' The practice of Termination was completely halted on Stardate 2256.0312 (Alastriona's birthday) after there was a report of environmental hazards associated with the equipment. It is not known what environmental hazards could harm a dead world.
* '''2256 A.D. – Epsilon Argyros / Scylanthia'''
:Three years later, her parents returned to Scylanthia after the radiation storm had abated and this is where Alastriona grew up. Scylanthia is an exotic trade world where the gravity is .7G, and this resulted in her growing into a tall, thin woman.
:Scylanthia is a rich trade world, covered in forests, and containing many unique elements in it's atmosphere. The indigenous inhabitants, Scylanthians, are aerial balloon like creatures with their own culture and history. The locals appear as giant multicolored balloons. They are friendly and happily give rides to the colonists and they are one of the main methods of transportation on the world.
:'''The Scylanthian day is 18 Earth hours long and the Scylanthian year is 169 days'''. The gravity is a light .7G's and Alastriona prefers to keep her personal life support at this setting. Scylanthia circles the G3 Super Giant star Epsilon Argyros.
:'''Telfour De Troyes''', Alastriona's father, was a professor of Colonial History, and specialized in alien cultures such as the Scylanthians, which are radially shaped, symmetrical, aerial creatures that live in the atmosphere of their beautiful planet. Six billion Scylanthians share their world with 50 million humans in mutual friendship.
:'''Chantel De Troyes''', Alastriona's mother, was born in southern France on Earth. She had fallen in love with Telfour while he was visiting Earth on a lecture tour.
:'''Genevieve De Troyes''', Alastriona’s younger sister, was born on Scylanthia. She wanted to become a psychologist.
* '''2265 A.D. – Telfour De Troyes has an “incident” on a water world.'''
:Alastriona's mother, Chantel de Troyes, returned from a trip to France after nearly getting killed in an "incident" on a water world after her ship landed to make repairs. The transport ship had to make an emergency landing on the water world. There were only a few small islands to land on. Apparently a group of hostile aliens had made an outpost there. The encounter resulted in the deaths of several members of the ship. There was some kind of resolution with the aid of the members of a Vulcan ship that was on a scientific survey. Ever since this event, Alastriona's mother was marked as a potential danger when dealing with the aliens and was warned by the Vulcans to never return.
* '''2265 A.D. – Alastriona Develops Phobia of Computers & Turbolifts'''
:In 2265, there is an accident at a Scylanthian shopping mall triggered by a computer malfunction. This causes a failure in one of the antigravity lifts and Alastriona breaks her leg. She develops a phobia of computers after this, never completely trusting them.
* '''2266 A.D. – Telfour De Troyes joins Starfleet'''
:When Alastriona had her 16th birthday (it was actually her 48th birthday by Scylanthian years) her father joined Starfleet to serve as an adviser on alien cultures. This inspired her to join Starfleet herself, although her interest was in science instead of alien cultures and history.
* '''2268 A.D. – Starfleet Academy, Scylanthia Colony'''
:While a Vulcan friend of her mothers was visiting, Alastriona developed an interest in science. She enrolled in a prominent Scylanthian university to study astrophysics and stellar navigation.
:With her father's encouragement, she enrolled in Starfleet Academy to conduct research into advanced astrophysics and possibly to do some exploration.
:In 2268 Alastriona enters Starfleet. A special branch of Star Fleet Academy is opened up on Scylanthia to cater to aliens from lighter gravity worlds. Because of her high IQ and previous schooling on Scylanthia, she graduated from the academy in three years.
* '''2271 A.D. – Versooth Orbital Research Station, Astrophysics Dept.'''
:On her '''first Starfleet assignment''', Alastriona worked in the astrophysics department on a research station above the world of Versooth.
:Star Fleet was conducting research into a dark space anomaly, which was on the edge of the system. The local colonists called the dark patch of space, "The Vortex," and it was thought to be some sort of gateway, since a few ships had disappeared when they encountered it in the past.
:Versooth was attacked by Orion pirates who were interested in stealing a large shipment of the crystals used in hyper-pulse communication devices, which were harvested in the Crystal Mountains above the Great Forest (the trees on Versooth are extremely tall). All of the Star Fleet personnel survived with the assistance of the USS Defiance, a destroyer.
* '''2272 A.D. – USS Wildcard - Assistant Navigator'''
:On her '''second assignment''', she was assigned to a scientific research ship, the USS Wildcard, and this ship conducted stellar surveys along the stellar rim.
:On one survey, the captain of the ship, Vincent Knoxx, discovered an abandoned research outpost, and it was determined that the original inhabitants were investigating the subject of longevity.
:They were apparently in the process of designing a device to extend their lifespans. The entire population of the outpost was missing, along with any possible prototypes of the device the were developing.
* '''2273 A.D. – Deep Space Research Station, Astrophysics Dept.'''
:On her '''third assignment''', Alastriona was sent to a secret facility on a deep space research station near the edge of the galaxy, where she worked as an assistant to the scientists developing the transwarp conduit. She worked in stellar cartography, and conducted research into where the transwarp conduit would go, and how to change it's stellar destination.
* '''2273 A.D. – Awarded Tralutojot Grand Champion Medal'''
:After Alastriona nearly kills an alien ambassador from Puntu, (they look like giant beach balls), she is called in to speak with an admiral. Instead of getting thrown out of Star Fleet, she is given an award, the Tralutojot Grand Champion Medal, a 16-pointed gold and silver star suspended from a bright ribbon.
:'''R. Admiral:''' ''The Puntu game of ambush and retreat. The ambassador says that you are a brilliant player. He said that he had not been defeated in years.''
:Alastriona had encountered the giant beach ball alien in the maintenance section of the station after checking on a sensor fault.
:'''R. Admiral:''' ''Ambassador Jilkopadratormilpowqyt wanted to present the Grand Champion medal to you himself, but he had to return to his homeworld after his… injury.''
:'''Alastriona:''' ''I didn't realize he would deflate so quickly.''
* '''2274 A.D. – Deep Space Research Station is Destroyed by Klingons'''
:The Klingons and Romulans were observing the transwarp experiments, and just before the Star Fleet scientists completed their work, the Klingons attacked the station. The device was triggered incorrectly, opening a transwarp conduit, and transported everyone within the area to the M31 Andromeda Galaxy. The deep space research station was destroyed, but three Star Fleet starships and two Klingon battlecruisers survived, along with a single Romulan starship, which lost their cloaking field when the device failed. After the Klingon attack destroyed the station, Alastriona escaped in a life pod. Her fiance, Francois dies in the attack. She never forgives the Klingons. 
* '''2274 A.D. – Perseus Colony – M31 Andromeda galaxy – Food Sciences Dept.'''
:The survivors began exploring Andromeda, and founded the Perseus Colony. Alastriona lived at Perseus Colony on the planet Drux'll for a year. As her '''fourth assignment''', Alastriona served as a food scientist & cook at the Perseus colony, making sure that the local foods are safe for human consumption.
* '''2275 A.D. – USS Resolution – M31 Andromeda galaxy, Chief Navigator'''
:Alastriona was assigned to the USS Resolution as the Chief Navigator in the Andromeda Galaxy, conducting stellar research and exploration for two years.
* '''2275 A.D. – USS Resolution – Throat Cut By Hyperdimensional Aliens'''
:Aliens from the 8th dimension come aboard. Invisible to the crew, they are engaged in fighting a war amongst themselves. Alastriona was able to sense them because she had encountered their dimension as a child on Pleione. When Alastriona warns the crew of their presence, one of the aliens cuts her throat wide open. Luckily, it occurred in front of a senior officer and he beamed her to sickbay.
* '''2275 A.D. – USS Lethe - Pilot'''
:After the discovery of an abandoned alien starship from the Virgo Supercluster 80 million light years away, Alastriona accidentally triggered the engines, taking the starship back to the Milky Way galaxy. During the voyage, alien security drones appeared from hidden locations on the starship and attacked the crew. Alastriona was the only survivor.
:'''------------ The VOID Between Galaxies – 120 Years Pass  ------------'''
* '''2395 A.D. – USS Lethe - Alastriona Returns to the Milky Way Galaxy''' 
:After piloting the alien starship back to the Milky Way galaxy, she discovered that she had traveled forward in time 114 years. Alastriona’s biological age remains at 24 years old, but her chronological age is 142 years old.
:Alastriona has been subjected to '''Einsteinian Time Dilation.''' All of her family and friends are long dead.
* '''2395 A.D. – USS Calhoun – Assistant Chief Science Officer'''
:Alastriona returns to Star Fleet and after a debriefing on earth, she is assigned to the USS Calhoun, commanded by a female Human/Klingon captain. Alastriona is promoted to Lieutenant and serves as the Assistant Chief Science Officer.
* '''2395 A.D. – USS Calhoun – Implicated in a Terrorist Plot'''
:Implicated in collaborating with a secret organization that wants to "purify" humanity by exterminating all of the "Halfies" (mixed races) in the galaxy. Alastriona was later exonerated of all charges, but some of the crew remains suspicious of her.
* '''2395 A.D. – USS Calhoun – Mind Wiped by Aliens - Alastriona becomes Azzedinia Alaiya'''
:When her starship crashed on an alien world, the entire crew are captured and mind-wiped by aliens who wanted to avoid contamination of their culture. Alastriona became Azzedinia Alaiya, a fortune-teller. Azzedinia developed a psychic ability and could see events in the past and future. After escaping this world, Alastriona and the rest of the crew regained their memories. Alastriona does not know if the visions she had experienced as Azzedinia will ever return.
* '''2395 A.D. – USS Courageous – Acting Captain (Temporary Assignment)'''
:Alastriona was ordered to return a damaged ship, the USS Courageous, back to earth after their captain was arrested. On the way, they received a distress signal from a Vulcan research station which was in danger of destruction by a stellar flare. After they refused a rescue, Alastriona investigated and discovered a plot by Vulcan scientists to pacify all of the galaxy with a new drug they had developed. The Vulcans took over the USS Courageous, but she managed to retake the ship and thwart their plans.
* '''2395 A.D. – USS Calhoun – Parallel Universe – Genocide Plot'''
:While in a “mirror-mirror” parallel universe, Alastriona discovers an attempt by her evil counterpart to introduce a genetically advanced retrovirus into the Klingon population, which would have resulted in the extinction of their species, if it had succeeded. She does not report it.
:'''Alastriona:''' ''My sin was the crime of hesitation. The darkness in my soul had consumed me with hate. I didn’t report it. For a small time, I wanted it to succeed.''
:When her half-human, half-klingon captain discovered Alastriona’s deception, she nearly kills her. While bound and under guard, Alastriona manages to stop her “mirror-mirror” counterpart from killing the rest of the crew, who were stranded on a planet.
:After the mission, she was thrown in the brig. While she was eventually exonerated of the charges of genocide, she was found guilty of withholding vital information from her captain and was '''demoted to Lieutenant, J.G.'''
* '''2395 A.D. – USS Calhoun – Shot by Orion Pirates While Defending the Ship'''
:While in the brig, Orion pirates attacked the Calhoun. A trio beamed into the security block to release one of their compatriots. Alastriona followed them to engineering and stopped them from placing a bomb, which would have destroyed the ship. An Orion shoots her in the stomach with a disruptor pistol.
* '''2395 A.D. – Scylanthian Science Institute'''
:Needing to recover from her injuries, Alastriona transfers to a Star Fleet post on her homeworld, Scylanthia where she catches up with modern technologies. She prepares for a series of accelerated courses at Star Fleet Academy.
* '''2396 A.D. – Deltan IV, Seyann – Three Sisters Resort'''
:Alastriona discovers that her family has no living descendants. So she travels to the Deltan homeworld and learns that her sister Genevieve was apparently involved in the genocide of an entire planet.
* '''2396 A.D. – Earth'''
:After her final re-certification exams at the academy on earth, Alastriona was involved in the death of the Klingon ambassador’s son. Narrowly avoiding a war, her superiors '''demoted her to Ensign.'''
* '''2396 A.D. – Starbase 118'''
:Alastriona is ordered to report to Starbase 118 for a final cadet training cruise, to prove she is current with modern technologies.
* '''2396 A.D. – Starbase 118 Ops – Science Officer'''
:Now fully reinstated as an ensign, Alastriona has been assigned as a science officer on [[Starbase 118 Ops]].
{{Header|Blue|Awards & Service Ribbons}}
{{Ribbons Display}}
{{Awards Header}}
{{No Citations}}
{{Service Ribbons Header}}
{{Citation|Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon|Stardate 239609.20|Starfleet Academy|Awarded to graduates of Starfleet Academy.}}
{{Citation|Good Conduct Ribbon|239611.04|Starbase 118 Ops|Awarded for exhibiting gallantry and heroism while recapturing the USS Narendra from the Cult of Molor.}}
{{Ribbons Display End}}
{{Header|Blue|Personal Records}}
Image:AcademyLogo2390.png|300px|link=Alastriona DeTroyes/Academy Record|Starfleet Academy Record
Image:Starfleet Command.png|300px|link=Alastriona DeTroyes/Service Record|Starfleet Active Service Record
Image:Starfleet Medical.png|300px|link=Alastriona DeTroyes/Medical Record|Starfleet Medical Record
<div class="mw-customtoggle-Relationships - Family" style="cursor:pointer">[[File:Alastriona_DeTroyes_750x250_01.jpg|750px|center|link=|title=Alastriona_DeTroyes_750x250_01.jpg]]<div style="clear:both"></div></div>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-Relationships - Family">
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible-content">
{| style="margin: 1em auto 1em auto; width: 800px" border='2' cellspacing='0' align="center"
|NO LINK=Telfour DeTroyes
|BLURB= Telfour DeTroyes, professor of colonial history.
Telfour De Troyes, Alastriona's father, was a professor of Colonial History, and specialized in alien cultures such as the Scylanthians, which are radially shaped, symmetrical, aerial creatures that live in the atmosphere of their beautiful planet. Six billion Scylanthians share their world with 50 million humans in mutual friendship.
|NO LINK=Chantel DeTroyes
|BLURB= Chantel DeTroyes, Parisian artist.
Chantel De Troyes, Alastriona's mother, was born in southern France on Earth. She had fallen in love with Telfour while he was visiting Earth on a lecture tour.
|NO LINK=Genevieve DeTroyes
|BLURB= Genevieve DeTroyes, psychologist
Genevieve De Troyes, Alastriona’s younger sister, was born on Scylanthia. She wanted to become a psychologist.
|NO LINK=Francois Lefebvre
|BLURB=Francois Lefebvre, a scientist serving aboard the USS Wildcard
Francois Lefebvre, Alastriona's fiance was a scientist serving aboard the USS Wildcard, where they met and fell in love. He was transferred to a deep space research station, Alastriona requested a transfer too. Francois was killed when the Klingons attacked and destroyed the station.
[[Eileithyia Sophronia]] - Science Officer, Botanist<br>
[[Genevieve DeTroyes]] - A Psychologist and Genetic Engineer that lived in the 24th century<br>
Crazy Drelk - Orion Citizen<br>
Groond - Ferengi Merchant<br>
Fabian Perez - Operations Officer<br>
Maija Heikkinen - Contact Scientist<br>
[[Yidian Light Bringer]] - Dokkaran Mercenary<br>
[[Gøran Sørlith]] - Deltan Genetic Engineer<br>
Galrisen Ru - Orion Citizen<br>
Arridor - Ferengi Merchant<br>
[[Ivashko Mihaylov]] - Starfleet Intelligence Agent<br>
[[Kian Torin]] - A Klingon that befriended Alastriona on earth.<br>
* [ Title of First SIM] - (Stardate and brief description of what happens)
* [ Title of Second SIM] - (Stardate and brief description of what happens)
<h3>{{LCARS-bar-left|DeTroyes, Alastriona - Starfleet Service Record|100|COLOR= teal}}</h3>
* 226809.01 - Entered  Starfleet Academy, Scylanthia - Cadet
* 227108.15 - Graduated Starfleet Academy, Scylanthia - Science Officer - Ensign
* 227109.01 - 227112.31 Versooth Research Station - Science Officer - Ensign
* 227201.01 - 227210.16 USS Wildcard - Navigator - Ensign
* 227303.10 - 227403.06 DS Research Station - Science Officer - Lieutenant, J.G.
* 227403.06 - 227502.21 Perseus Colony, M31 Andromeda - Science Officer - Lieutenant, J.G.
* 227502.21 - 227610.30 USS Resolution - Chief Navigator - Lieutenant
* 227610.31 - 239501.12 The Lethe - Pilot Through the Void - Captain (Acting)
* 239501.12 - 239601.09 USS Calhoun - Science Officer - Lieutenant
* 239601.10 - 239603.05 Scylanthia Science Institute - Science Officer - Lieutenant, J.G. (Demoted)
* 239603.06 - 239609.02 Star Fleet Academy, Earth - Re-certification - Ensign (Demoted)
* 239609.20 - 236912.09  Starbase 118 - Science Officer - Ensign
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