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{{bluebox|'''IMPORANT:''' This page is part of the defunct [[Constitution Rewrite]] project from 2004. None of its provisions are in effect, but the contents are kept here for historical purposes and for reference as certain ideas are considered for implementation. The latest version of our constitution and its bylaws can be found here: [[UFOP Constitution]].}}
{| class="infobox" style="margin: 0 0 1em 1em;" align="right"
! style="background:#ccccff" align="center" | [[Constitution Rewrite]] series
! style="background:#ccccff" align="center" | [[Constitution Rewrite]] series
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* [[CON:UFOP_Constitution|Original UFOP Con]]
* [[UFOP Constitution|Current UFOP Con]]
* [[CON:Rewrite|The current rewrite version]]
* [[CON:UFOP Constitution|Original UFOP Con at time of project]]
* [[CON:Rewrite|The drawing board/rewrite version]]
** [[CON:Group Identification (New)|Group Identification]]
** [[CON:Mission Statement (Rewrite)|Mission Statement]]
** [[CON:Inconsistency (Rewrite)|Inconsistency]]
** [[CON:General Preliminary Statements (Rewrite)|Preliminary Statements]]
** [[CON:Amendments (Rewrite)|Amendments]]
** [[CON:Membership (Rewrite)|Membership]]
** [[CON:Ship Organization (New)|Ship Organization]]
** [[CON:Governing Bodies (New)|Governing Bodies]]
** [[CON:The Executive Council (Rewrite)|Executive Council]]
** [[CON:Captain's Council (Rewrite)|Captain's Council]]
** [[CON:Discipline Of All Officers (Rewrite)|Discipline]]
** [[CON:Administration Of The UFOP (Rewrite)|Administration]]
** [[CON:State Of The Federation Address (Rewrite)|SOTFA]]
** [[CON:Federation Command Authority (Rewrite)|FCA]]
** [[CON:Federation Records (Rewrite)|Federation Records]]
* [[CON:Bylaws|Original Bylaws]]
* [[CON:Bylaws|Original Bylaws]]
** [[CON:Command of Ships (Bylaw)|Command of Ships]]
** [[CON:Promotion of Commanding Officers (Bylaw)|Promotion of COs]]
** [[CON:Voting Procedure for the Executive and Captains Councils (Bylaw)|Voting Procedure]]
** [[CON:Concerning the Introduction of New Races into Group Canon (Bylaw)|New Races]]
** [[CON:Returning Officers - Manner of Departure as Affecting Return (Bylaw)|Returning Officers]]
** [[CON:Monthly Captain Reporting (Bylaw)|Monthly Reporting]]
<center>[[Template:Conrewrite|Edit this nav]]</center>