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Vincent Pierce is currently serving as an Intelligence Officer aboard the [[USS Apollo]]
Vincent Pierce is an Intelligence officer who is currently in-between assignments.

<h2 style="margin:0; background:#000000; font-size:120%; font-weight:bold; border:1px solid #ffffff; text-align:center; color:#ffffff; padding:0.2em 0.4em;">Stats</h2>
<h2 style="margin:0; background:#000000; font-size:120%; font-weight:bold; border:1px solid #ffffff; text-align:center; color:#ffffff; padding:0.2em 0.4em;">Stats</h2>
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! style="background:#ffffff;" |[[File:Sherana_Caelin.jpg|150px|center]]  
! style="background:#ffffff;" |[[File:Sherana_Caelin.jpg|150px|center]]  
! style="background:#ffffff;" |[[Sherana_Caelin|Sherana Caelin]]
! style="background:#ffffff;" |[[Sherana|Sherana Caelin]]
! style="background:#ffffff;" align="left" |Pierce's first encounter with Sherana was not a pleasant one; they first met in Complex 39 on March 30th, the anniversary of Pierce's mother's death. Pierce, reminded of that tragic event, was not in the best of spirits and when he saw an Orion, he lost his cool. This encounter with Sherana was one of the key factors in encouraging Pierce to control his anger and try to overcome his racism towards Orions.
! style="background:#ffffff;" align="left" |Pierce's first encounter with Sherana was not a pleasant one; they first met in Complex 39 on March 30th, the anniversary of Pierce's mother's death. Pierce, reminded of that tragic event, was not in the best of spirits and when he saw an Orion, he lost his cool. This encounter with Sherana was one of the key factors in encouraging Pierce to control his anger and try to overcome his racism towards Orions.
! style="background:#ffffff;" |[[File:LtCmdrSundassa.jpg|150px|center]]
! style="background:#ffffff;" |[[Sundassa|Sundassa Faranster]]
! style="background:#ffffff;" align="left" |Faranster and Pierce initially hit it off rather well but when a group of terrorists from the Gallaran Resistance Front took the senior staff and other civilians hostage in a hotel, Pierce tried to assume command of the rescue operation and subverted her authority on more than one occasion. While he dismisses the actions he took as being professional and not personal, Faranster, like most people, could not help but have that damage her opinion of him. When Faranster was quickly promoted to Lieutenant Commander and First Officer of the Apollo, Pierce's desire to reestablish a good working relationship.
! style="background:#ffffff;" |[[File:DadeTriston.jpg|150px|center]]
! style="background:#ffffff;" |[[Triston,_Dade|Dade Triston]]
! style="background:#ffffff;" align="left" |Dade Triston is the Chief Engineering Officer on board the Apollo and is one of the few people in the galaxy that Pierce considers a friend and likely the only person on the Apollo who doesn't distrust him. Dade and Vincent are almost polar opposites; Dade has a lighthearted sense of humour and a fun loving character while Vincent is taciturn and deceitful. It is said that opposites attract and perhaps that is how the two became friends.

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Pierce is a very atypical Starfleet officer, the very embodiment of all that is distrusted in an Intelligence officer. He is dispassionate; cold and calculating. He is the type of man who believes that the ends justify the means and he is willing to do whatever it takes to get the job done.

Pierce is a fiercely principled man. He has even gone so far as to compose a set of rules for personal conduct which he dubs "Pierce's Rules of Life". The rules are not finite, as more are continually added to the list but Pierce makes it a habit to never break his rules. In his own words, "Much like the Laws of science cannot be broken in nature, I cannot break the rules which govern my being." While he is a very principled individual, he is also a man of contradictions. Pierce is governed by a distinct sense of personal honour and integrity which is something that often clashes with his job as an Intelligence Officer. His job often takes him in unknown terrain, and requires him to use dishonourable means to achieve his goals.
Pierce is a fiercely principled man. He has even gone so far as to compose a set of rules for personal conduct which he dubs "Pierce's Rules of Life". The rules are not finite, as more are continually added to the list but Pierce makes it a habit to never break his rules. In his own words, "Much like the Laws of science cannot be broken in nature, I cannot break the rules which govern my being." While he is a very principled individual, he is also a man of contradictions. Pierce is governed by a distinct sense of personal honour and integrity which is something that often clashes with his job as an Intelligence Officer. His job often takes him in unknown terrain, and requires him to use dishonourable means to achieve his goals.
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* '''Rule #7''': Always follow orders unless they conflict with Rule #1
* '''Rule #7''': Always follow orders unless they conflict with Rule #1
* '''Rule #8''': Thoroughness is the path to competency
* '''Rule #8''': Thoroughness is the path to competency
* '''Rule #9''': "Brevity is the soul of wit"
* '''Rule #10''': Don't ask question you don't want to know the answer to


Vincent also has a few peculiarities to his character. He is self-diagnosed as having mild OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder). His quarters and every one of his work environments are incredibly well organized. He has a specific place for everything and the placement of objects on his desk is aligned to an invisible "mental grid". His diet is also very strictly regimented. He has eaten Waffels with assorted fruits and maple syrup for breakfast every morning since his first year at the Academy, breaking his habit only when forced to do so. On each day of the week, Pierce had a different meal in order to maintain a balanced diet but the meals are ordered in a sequence which repeats every week. Pierce has even programmed the meals into the replicator as "Monday lunch" and "Wednesday dinner" for each day of the week.
Vincent also has a few peculiarities to his character. He is self-diagnosed as having mild OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder). His quarters and every one of his work environments is incredibly well organized. He has a specific place for everything and the placement of objects on his desk is aligned to an invisible "mental grid". His diet is also very strictly regimented. He has eaten Waffels with assorted fruits and maple syrup for breakfast every morning since his first year at the Academy, breaking his habit only when forced to do so. On each day of the week, Pierce had a different meal in order to maintain a balanced diet but the meals are ordered in a sequence which repeats every week. Pierce has even programmed the meals into the replicator as "Monday lunch" and "Wednesday dinner" for each day of the week.

Another peculiar habit that Pierce has is that when he is alone he commonly talks to himself. As he is a completely sane individual, he doesn't have conversations with himself but he will sometimes audibly remind himself of things or brainstorm aloud even if no one is present.
Another peculiar habit that Pierce has is that when he is alone he commonly talks to himself. As he is a completely sane individual, he doesn't have conversations with himself but he will sometimes audibly remind himself of things or brainstorm aloud even if no one is present.
During his time in prison, Pierce developed a somewhat unhealthy paranoia; believing, probably rightfully so, that there is now more than one person in the galaxy who wants him dead. As such, he carries a type-1 'cricket' phaser with him wherever he goes. It is the only things he does that is against regulations.

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Most officers, especially in the Security and Intelligence field, spend a lot of time on the holodeck and in the gym. Pierce, while he does enough to stay in shape, is usually busier with other things.
Most officers, especially in the Security and Intelligence field, spend a lot of time on the holodeck and in the gym. Pierce, while he does enough to stay in shape, is usually busier with other things.

When Pierce met then-Ensign [[Sundassa|Sundassa Faranster]], a woman who has become a good friend of his, she had with her a musical instrument. Pierce had been exposed to music before but it was always just supplementary background noise to him. When she played her instrument for him, he became incredibly interested, partly because of the instrument and partly because of an initial attraction he felt for her. Pierce performed later research on music and fell instantly in love with the classical music of Ancient Earth. He decided that he wanted to play music himself, so he replicated what had quickly become his favourite instrument: the flute.
When Pierce met then-Ensign [[Sundassa|Sundassa Faranster]], a woman who was at one point a friend of his, she had with her a musical instrument. Pierce had been exposed to music before but it was always just supplementary background noise to him. When she played her instrument for him, he became incredibly interested, partly because of the instrument and partly because of an initial attraction he felt for her. Pierce performed later research on music and fell instantly in love with the classical music of Ancient Earth. He decided that he wanted to play music himself, so he replicated what had quickly become his favourite instrument: the flute.

===Hatred of Orions===
===Hatred of Orions===

The death of Pierce's mother was something that hit Pierce very hard. Not only was she killed, but most of the people inhabiting Rygel VII were kidnapped as well. All of these atrocities were committed by Orion slavers. Due to that, Pierce has harboured a fierce hatred for them, the kind of hatred that can only be described is racism. His racist feelings towards Orions is something that Pierce is trying hard to correct, especially since his encounter with Sherana.
The death of Pierce's mother was something that hit Pierce very hard. Not only was she killed, but most of the people inhabiting Rygel VII were kidnapped as well. All of these atrocities were committed by Orion slavers. Due to that, Pierce has harboured a fierce hatred for them, the kind of hatred that can only be described is racism. His racist feelings towards Orions is something that Pierce is trying hard to correct, especially since his encounter with Sherana.
===Vulcan Philosophy===
Pierce's encounter with Sherana was a catalyst for his decision to learn about Vulcan philosophy, specifically as it relates to the suppression of emotions. Pierce approached the chief of security on board the Apollo at that time, Lieutenant [[T'Mar]]. Initially she helped him with basic meditation techniques and he continued with regular visits to her.

<h2 style="margin:0; background:#000000; font-size:120%; font-weight:bold; border:1px solid #ffffff; text-align:center; color:#ffffff; padding:0.2em 0.4em;">Starfleet Career</h2>
<h2 style="margin:0; background:#000000; font-size:120%; font-weight:bold; border:1px solid #ffffff; text-align:center; color:#ffffff; padding:0.2em 0.4em;">Starfleet Career</h2>
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* 239003.02 - Graduated from training on the [[USS Centris-A]]
* 239003.02 - Graduated from training on the [[USS Centris-A]]
* 239003.03 - Assigned to the [[USS Apollo]] as an Intelligence Officer
* 239003.03 - Assigned to the [[USS Apollo]] as an Intelligence Officer
* 239101.11 - Transferred to Starfleet Headquarters
===Intelligence Specialization===
Pierce originally only took a minor in Intelligence at the Academy as a way to compliment his security major. His primary training is as an Intelligence Analyst; he gets the raw information gathered by various means and compiles it in solid, usable intelligence for his superiors.

<h2 style="margin:0; background:#000000; font-size:120%; font-weight:bold; border:1px solid #ffffff; text-align:center; color:#ffffff; padding:0.2em 0.4em;">Career Chronology</h2>
<h2 style="margin:0; background:#000000; font-size:120%; font-weight:bold; border:1px solid #ffffff; text-align:center; color:#ffffff; padding:0.2em 0.4em;">Career Chronology</h2>
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{| border='2' cellspacing='0'
{| border='2' cellspacing='0'
! style="background:#000000; width:120px;" |<font color=#ffffbb>'''Insignia'''</font>
! style="background:#000000; width:110px;" |<font color=#ffffbb>'''Insignia'''</font>
! style="background:#000000; width:120px;" |<font color=#ffffbb>'''Rank'''</font>
! style="background:#000000; width:120px;" |<font color=#ffffbb>'''Rank'''</font>
! style="background:#000000; width:150px;" |<font color=#ffffbb>'''Dates'''</font>
! style="background:#000000; width:150px;" |<font color=#ffffbb>'''Dates'''</font>
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! style="background:#000000; width:190px;" |<font color=#ffffbb>'''Assignment'''</font>
! style="background:#000000; width:190px;" |<font color=#ffffbb>'''Assignment'''</font>
! style="background:#ffffff;" |[[Image:001-Cadet4th-Gold.png]]
! style="background:#ffffff;" |{{Pips|Cadet Fourth Class|Yellow}}
! style="background:#ffffff;" |Cadet, 4th Class
! style="background:#ffffff;" |Cadet, 4th Class
! style="background:#ffffff;" |238602.27 - 238606.12
! style="background:#ffffff;" |238602.27 - 238606.12
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! style="background:#ffffff;" rowspan="5" |Major: Security<br>Minor: Intelligence
! style="background:#ffffff;" rowspan="5" |Major: Security<br>Minor: Intelligence
! style="background:#ffffff;" |[[Image:002-Cadet3rd-Gold.png]]
! style="background:#ffffff;" |{{Pips|Cadet Third Class|Yellow}}
! style="background:#ffffff;" |Cadet, 3rd Class
! style="background:#ffffff;" |Cadet, 3rd Class
! style="background:#ffffff;" |238606.12 - 238712.29
! style="background:#ffffff;" |238606.12 - 238712.29
! style="background:#ffffff;" |[[Image:003-Cadet2nd-Gold.png]]
! style="background:#ffffff;" |{{Pips|Cadet Second Class|Yellow}}
! style="background:#ffffff;" |Cadet, 2nd Class
! style="background:#ffffff;" |Cadet, 2nd Class
! style="background:#ffffff;" |238708.01 - 238812.10
! style="background:#ffffff;" |238708.01 - 238812.10
! style="background:#ffffff;" |[[Image:004-Cadet1st-Gold.png]]
! style="background:#ffffff;" |{{Pips|Cadet First Class|Yellow}}
! style="background:#ffffff;" rowspan="2" |Cadet, 1st Class
! style="background:#ffffff;" rowspan="2" |Cadet, 1st Class
! style="background:#ffffff;" |238812.10 - 238912.30
! style="background:#ffffff;" |238812.10 - 238912.30
! style="background:#ffffff;" |[[Image:004-Cadet1st-Gold.png]]
! style="background:#ffffff;" |{{Pips|Cadet First Class|Yellow}}
! style="background:#ffffff;" |238912.30 - 239003.03
! style="background:#ffffff;" |238912.30 - 239003.03
! style="background:#ffffff;" |[[USS Centris-A]]
! style="background:#ffffff;" |[[USS Centris-A]]
! style="background:#ffffff;" |[[Image:01-Ens-Black.png]]
! style="background:#ffffff;" |{{Pips|Ensign|Black}}
! style="background:#ffffff;" |Ensign
! style="background:#ffffff;" |Ensign
! style="background:#ffffff;" |239003.03 - Present
! style="background:#ffffff;" |239003.03 - 239004.14
! style="background:#ffffff;" rowspan="8"|[[USS Apollo]]
! style="background:#ffffff;" rowspan="3"|[[USS Apollo]]
! style="background:#ffffff;" rowspan="4"|Intelligence Officer
! style="background:#ffffff;" rowspan="3"|Intelligence Officer
! style="background:#ffffff;" |{{Pips|Lieutenant JG|Black}}
! style="background:#ffffff;" |Lieutenant JG
! style="background:#ffffff;" |239004.14 - 239008.16
! style="background:#ffffff;" |{{Pips|Lieutenant|Black}}
! style="background:#ffffff;" |Lieutenant
! style="background:#ffffff;" |239008.16 - 239101.11
! style="background:#ffffff;" |{{Pips|Lieutenant|Black}}
! style="background:#ffffff;" |Lieutenant
! style="background:#ffffff;" |239101.11 - Present
! style="background:#ffffff;" |Starfleet Headquarters
! style="background:#ffffff;" |Unassigned
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===Academy Years===
===Academy Years===

Vincent Pierce was older than most people when he joined the Academy, as he was already 21 years of age. He had failed at his first two attempts to gain entrance into the Academy until he finally made it in on his second attempt.
Vincent Pierce was older than most people when he joined the Academy, as he was already 21 years of age. He had failed at his first two attempts to gain entrance into the Academy until he finally made it in on his third attempt.

Pierce put a good amount of effort into his years at Starfleet Academy, however he was, and never intended to be, the "A student". His first year at the Academy was tumultuous, at best. Having spent too much time socializing, he almost failed his first year, not to mention developing a rather horrible rapport with his chemistry and mathematics professors. In his second year, he really pulled up his game. Although he found the sciences very interesting, he found the actual classes overwhelming; filled with concepts wholeheartedly alien to the young man who had grown up on colonist's world on the edge of Federation Space.
Pierce put a good amount of effort into his years at Starfleet Academy, however he was, and never intended to be, the "A student". His first year at the Academy was tumultuous, at best. Having spent too much time socializing, he almost failed his first year, not to mention developing a rather horrible rapport with his chemistry and mathematics professors. In his second year, he really pulled up his game. Although he found the sciences very interesting, he found the actual classes overwhelming; filled with concepts wholeheartedly alien to the young man who had grown up on colonist's world on the edge of Federation Space.
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===USS Apollo===
===USS Apollo===

Vincent Pierce's first and current assignment is on board the USS Apollo as an intelligence officer. He joined the ship while they were in the middle of a very important mission and was at overwhelmed and unsure what to do. With the help of some of the junior officers, he was able to get his footing and remains a valuable member of the Apollo's crew.
When Vincent Pierce first arrived on the Apollo, the crew was wrapping up [[Apollo_Above_and_Beyond|a mission]] on the planet Quatal minor. His only assignment during that time was to assist in the recovery of a crashed shuttle and his actions in doing so, and in successfully integrating with the crew, resulted in a promotion to Lieutenant JG.
The Apollo's [[Apollo_Price_of_Freedom|next mission]] was on the planet Izar, where the crew was taking a break for shore leave. During that time, the senior staff were taken hostage along with a number of other civilians at one of the major hotels. His friend at the time, then-Lieutenant [[Sundassa|Sundassa Faranster]], was next in line in the chain of command. Vincent saw her as a doctor who had insufficient training and capabilities to deal with the situation so he, on numerous occasions disobeyed her orders and tried to undermine her authority.
His actions on Izar completely destroyed any possibility of the two officer's developing and friendship and it also severely damaged his reputation throughout the ship. Most of the crew didn't trust him after that because while his actions could have been excused individually, the sheer amount of things that he did could not be excused.
The only person who retained any faith in the man was his captain, [[Jaxx, Andrus|Andrus Jaxx]]. Jaxx saw a potential in Vincent that no one else saw and rather than punish him with a demotion or a reprimand, he Vincent was promoted to the rank of full Lieutenant. Jaxx's reasoning was simple, if Vincent were demoted than the expectations of him would drop as well, however, with a promotion, the expectations of Vincent would increase considerably and his desire to succeed would hopefully lead him to live up to the potential that Jaxx saw.

<h2 style="margin:0; background:#000000; font-size:120%; font-weight:bold; border:1px solid #ffffff; text-align:center; color:#ffffff; padding:0.2em 0.4em;">Mission History</h2>
<h2 style="margin:0; background:#000000; font-size:120%; font-weight:bold; border:1px solid #ffffff; text-align:center; color:#ffffff; padding:0.2em 0.4em;">Mission History</h2>
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===Missions on the USS Apollo===
===Missions on the USS Apollo===
* '''"[[Apollo Above and Beyond|Above and Beyond]]"'''
* '''"[[Apollo Above and Beyond|Above and Beyond]]"'''
* '''"[[Apollo Price of Freedom|The Price of Freedom]]"'''

<h2 style="margin:0; background:#000000; font-size:120%; font-weight:bold; border:1px solid #ffffff; text-align:center; color:#ffffff; padding:0.2em 0.4em;">Notable Sims</h2>
<h2 style="margin:0; background:#000000; font-size:120%; font-weight:bold; border:1px solid #ffffff; text-align:center; color:#ffffff; padding:0.2em 0.4em;">Notable Sims</h2>

* '''"[[Personal Demons]]"'''
* '''"[[Personal Demons]]"'''
* '''"[[Intelligently Analyzing]]"'''
* '''"[[Bad Feelings and Dead Ends]]"'''
* '''"[[Failure]]"'''

[[Category:Starfleet personnel]]
[[Category:Starfleet personnel]]
[[Category:Apollo PCs]]
[[Category:Apollo Alumni]]  
[[Category:Intelligence members]]
[[Category:Intelligence members]]
